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Music Freak


Submitted By cararorie
Words 294
Pages 2
Music Freak
By: Cara Rorie

“Music is what feelings sound like.” I heard that a million times but I never understood it until I started playing instruments and singing. Music is a very important part of my life. It’s one thing that I will always enjoy. How my love for music developed, how I perused it, and what it’s like now is completely different but oddly the same.

Thesis Statement:
How my love for music developed, how I pursuing it, and what it’s like now is completely different but oddly the same.

Body I. How my love for music developed A. Hummed to myself just month old B. My mamaw 1. I wanted to be like her 2. She taught me how to play the piano C. I started playing guitar about 3 years ago 3. Next “country star” 4. Taught myself
(Transition: pursuing what I love wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be.) II. pursuing what I love D. Started singing in church 5. Love using my voice for an amazing reason E. As I got older I play guitar in church F. Hee Haw
(Transition: Music for me now is just like playing piano when I was just 5 years old, exciting.) III. Music for me now G. Striving to learn more H. Enjoying it 6. Never wanting to put my guitar down I. It’s who I am
Signal of completion: To me music is what feelings sound like. I let my music speak through me.
Summary Statement: Music is who I am, I love be able to play and sing, it’s me.
Closing Remarks: My life will always be filled with music, Pursing it was not always easy but living it made everything all worth it.

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