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Music Therapy Research Paper

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Music has been very useful to humanity for many years. “Ancient Greek philosophers believed that music could heal both the body and the soul” (Music 2). Music therapy is not a much known profession but it has actually been around since World War II, when soldiers suffering from “shell shock” received music as a treatment. Many hospitals then began to hire musicians because music brought positive changes to the soldiers. Music therapy originated in 1940 when the very first music therapy degree program in the world was established by Michigan State University. In 1950 the United States formed the very first professional association of music therapists. By 1998 that association became known as the American Music Therapy Association.

Music therapy …show more content…
Some music therapists work as team members in a rehab hospital or a therapy department with other therapists that particularize in speech, physical, and occupational therapy (Careers 1). Most music therapists are employed in other settings such as psychiatric hospitals, rehabilitation centers, nursing homes, schools, and children hospitals. Music therapists have the ability to interact a lot with their patients. A therapy session usually takes place in a music or quiet room. Music therapists that service the public almost always work 8 hours a day. Most of a music therapist’s time is spent conducting and coordinating classes with the patients. During a session a therapist observes and records the progress of the patient. A music therapist will have to able to continue working even under stressful situations, but it really isn't something to be worried about because most of the time a music therapist’s day is calm and …show more content…
Some therapists work only a few days a week while others work every single day. As with any career, those who have experienced more earn more. The average salary for a beginning therapist starts at about $35,000 a year. A music therapist with a Master’s or Doctorate Degree may earn between $60,000 and $77,000 yearly while a music therapist with a Bachelor’s Degree may earn between $40,000 and $50,000 yearly. Some music therapists earn their money through private sessions usually charging about $35-$100 per

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