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Mussolini In Africa

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Mussolini in Africa

Going Solo, Roald Dahl's memoir of his work in East Africa and his service in the RAF, covers much of the buildup to World War II. In the book mention is made of Mussolini. Mussolini plays a large role in the memoir as he is allies with Hitler who started World War II. Dahl says about Mussolini that, "Hitler and Mussolini were entertaining to watch them do their antics." (Dahl 39). In fact, Mussolini is important because of the role he plays in World War II.

Mussolini was an Italian dictator. According to, "Originally a revolutionary Socialist, he forged the paramilitary Fascist movement in 1919 and became prime minister in 1922." After that he sought out military glory in Italy. After all his military conquests from 1935-1939 his military was exhausted. So, in 1939, he became allies with Hitler. He did this to try and get his leadership position to grow.

When Hitler first decided to declare war in September 1939, Mussolini was not ready for that. According to, "Mussolini planned for war in 1943-1945. But Hitler started World War II in September 1939, giving only one week’s warning to the Italians and forcing an enraged, humiliated Mussolini to declare non-belligerence." After this occurred he watched Hitler very closely and eventually decided to join the war. According to Britannica, "When Germany …show more content…
According to Britannica, "From the beginning the war went badly for Italy, and Mussolini’s opportunistic hopes for a quick victory soon dissolved." After this was made known to Mussolini he wanted to make peace with Joseph Stalin and focus on British-American forces. According to, "Hitler’s refusal and the Sicilian invasion convinced the king and high command to overthrow Mussolini in July 1943." Hitler rescued him, but in April 1945 the Germans surrendered and Mussolini had to flee. This caused him to be captured and shot on April 28,

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