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Benito Mussolini Research Paper

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Some people are born to be athletes, think of LeBron James. Others, like Albert Einstein are born to be physicists, and then there are people like Michael Jackson who are born to be performers. Benito Mussolini, the father of Fascism, was born for a life in politics . He was even named after Benito Juarez, who was a Mexican leftist leader. His two middle names, which are Amilcare and Andrea, come from two Italian Socialists named Amilcare Cipriani and Andrea Costa (Greenspan). During the early parts of his life, those names seemed fitting. Before he founded the Fascist party, Mussolini was a harcore Socialist. His political views were greatly influenced by his father, who was the town blacksmith. Aside from being a blacksmith, Alessandro Mussolini was also a writer for a …show more content…
Italian citizens were treated very poorly under Mussolini. Benito Mussolini worked his way all the up to the top of the Italian Government, ruled with an iron fist and led Italy during the deadliest war in history. Benito grew up in a poor family and was a troublesome child. Alessandro was not always present, which made things difficult for the family. While he was off gallivanting around town and spending money on other women, the family struggled to even have food (Foot and Hibbert). Although Benito was smart, he did not do well in school. He was too much to handle for teachers at the local school so he was sent to boarding school. While at boarding school, his behavior did not improve. Benito ended up getting expelled because he stabbed a fellow student (Greenspan). School was not for Benito, but he still decided to become a teacher. His teaching stint was short-lived. At the age of 19, he moved to Switzerland. Benito did not have a job, but he started to earn a reputation. People were taking notice of his public speaking abilities. His reputation followed him to Italy when he moved back. He decided that we wanted to start working in politics, so he became a

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