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Oedipus Rex Hero

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Oedipus the King written by Philosopher Sophocles was regarded as an excellent play by Aristotle, so much he used it to illustrate the many principles of tragedy. Through Sophocles play, we can see the definition of the tragic hero which according to Aristotle tragedy arouses pity and fear from the audience towards the character. The plot and Oedipus character development along the play, causes readers to pity the King as a tragic hero. Sophocles skills have Oedipus recognizing his guilt and at the same time the shocking reversal of destiny. The king is not aware that he killed his father and wedded his mother. He is the reason for the plague that Thebes is going thru according to the gods. Thebes have been stroke by the plague and upon …show more content…
The blindness of Tiresias could mean he can see Oedipus fate and Laius killer, the insight, knowledge, and wisdom regardless not been able to see physically. And here we have Oedipus who can see but is blinded to the truth. The king now is convinced that his brother in law Creon has conspired against him. Jocasta, his wife, comes out inquiring about the loud voices. The King told her about what the prophet had said. She also remembers a prophecy said to her and Laius but in her mind, that child was killed. What is he saying? That I, Oedipus kill my own father? Nonsense!! He did not know the man he killed some time ago was his father. The messenger enters and tells Oedipus and Jocasta that King Polybus has died. For Oedipus, it was a relief but along the conversation, they found out Polybus was not his father. He was raised as the son of King Polybus and his wife. The turning point here seems to be when the herdsman makes the account of Oedipus beginnings, how he was found and taken to safety first by the herdsman then by the messenger who in turn gave the baby to King Polybus as thanks for

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