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My 17 Minutes Analysis

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My 17 Minutes: Timing Is Everything
Subtitled: “Time Is Tight” (like the song made famous by Booker T. & The MGs)

To the novice reading this chapter, 17 minutes might seem an odd number. What could 17 minutes possibly do with a TV newscast? In the field of broadcasting, time is money. Commercials are sold in time increments of minutes and seconds. The typical broadcast television newscast is 30 minutes in length and contains 13 minutes of commercials, which leaves 17 minutes of news content including anchor introductions, promos, teases and ending credits.

Seventeen minutes is the amount of time that a TV news producer has available for content. Those 17 minutes are the easel upon which the producer has to paint the events and stories for the viewers.

Just staying focused on anything is a big concern in today’s society. Distractions abound all around us, and a multitude of messages are bombarding our brain every day. Aside from all forms of advertising, people are also competing for our attention. We have all grown accustomed to almost instantly seeing or hearing something and then prioritizing its importance. …show more content…
Professional reporters apply their experience and prioritize the facts of a story before every setting a story to print (or computer, as the case may be). With the importance and needs of the typical viewer at the forefront of their thoughts, a backpack journalist will be making mental notes even as the story develops. Long before the writing process even begins, questions like “what is most important or relevant about this story” are being answered.” The mental file drawer is opened and is consulted throughout the development of a story and, in some cases, a lead is being formulated. This lead is what is mentally written on the tab of the file folder and is what helps to organize the story and make it searchable for future

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