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My ADHD Short Story

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As I have experienced challenges, myself, it makes everything harder in life if you do not face your difficulties. I have always had trouble focusing growing up, playing basketball which saved me “from the black pit.” You might ask why? As I was diagnosed with ADHD, which stands for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, giving attention to a certain subject had given me trial. I was always the “on-the-go” kid in school with a passion to play basketball. May seem simple enough to fix, but many have misjudged me as kid. Some ADHD, patients have emotional outburst when asked to do things they find may find difficult or challenging. Which left me laying under the blanket of dark-empty numbness when I failed myself; especially when I loss companions …show more content…
When I heard about this club it was fascinating because for the moment, I had a chance to be part of something new. I was a little off from the others growing up and this is where a new chapter of my life came in; where I could fit in and will not be forgotten. My first day training was a blast. I felt; adrenaline rushing through my veins, a racing heartbeat, and the unforgettable smile on my face had shown me wonder. One week into training which by the way was phenomenal because of my two female coaches who have always told me: “you are wonderful enough to play for our team and will always be a part of the team.” For awhile it felt so good as it was real, but my misfortune continues, maintaining focus had pulled me out once again. I got expelled from my league and had to take a break. My heart was pounding fast, but not because I’m happy but because I was there again weeping, caught up in a “deadly rapid.” Depression kicked in as all my hard work had vanished. It took me a while to get over what happened until I realized my flaws. My ADHD should have not stopped me nor control me but yet should have been my

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