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Sea Sponges Research Paper

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With more than 8,000 known species spanning across the globe, sea sponges are among the most populous and mysterious creatures on the planet. Living in both seawater and fresh water, in the shallows and the deep sea, they have been found thriving in nearly every type of habitat. Sea sponges are multicellular heterotrophs that belong to the Porifera phylum. Porifera means “pore-bearing,” and refers to the thousands of tiny holes that speckle their surface. These holes are their means of existence – their entire circulatory, respiratory, digestive, and excretory systems are supported by the flow of water through their pores. Sponges are primitive in both structure and behavior. They are mostly detritivores that eat microscopic life forms and …show more content…
Since the 1950s, researchers have been finding ways to use the unique compounds found in sea sponges to revolutionize treatment. One of the most significant discoveries has been in the treatment of advanced or recurrent metastatic breast cancer. Advanced or recurrent metastatic breast cancer is defined as disease that has continued beyond two courses of chemotherapy. For these patients, few viable options existed prior to the discovery of eribulin. Once they stopped responding to traditional methods of anthracycline-based treatment or docetaxel monotherapy, the goal of cancer treatment would be changed to palliative care and efforts to comfortably prolong life. However, in 2010 the Federal Drug Administration approved a new drug for breast cancer treatment under the brand name Havalen, also known as eribulin mesylate. Eribulin mesylate is a synthetic analog of the molecule halichrondrin B, found in a Pacific sea sponge known as Halichondria okadai. Though halichondrin B’s tumor-fighting benefits were discovered in 1986, little came of its discovery due to its inherent complexity. In addition to having a compound structure that was difficult to replicate, halichondrin B is only found at very low concentrations in a rare sea sponge that was collected in Japan. It wasn’t until Dr. Yoshito Kishi, a Harvard University chemistry professor, with funding from the U.S. National Cancer Institute, discovered its synthesis that we were able to create eribulin mesylate (Fogarty,

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