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How Did Ww2 Affect The Us Economy

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After World War II The United States of America decided on a path different from the one they chose at the end of the last global conflict. This time the US picked the role of the new world defender as opposed to reverting back into itself. This decision to remain involved with the affairs of the larger world changed many things about America well into the 2000’s. One of the new roles America chose was greater involvement in the world’s economy. This decision had immense outcomes for the future of the American economy, however some aspects of the economy managed to remain the same. In the 40’s and 50’s America made its first voyage into the world of free trade. In the 60’s and 70’s America honored its commitments to free trade but also started down the path of dependency and outsourcing. In the 80’s to 2000 America remained on the path from the previous two decades, but finally experienced the effects of the internet on the global economy. Therefore, Globalization …show more content…
This pursuit was spawned from Hitler’s rise to power from promising economic protection to the German people. In an effort to prevent another Great Depression the nations of the allies, but predominantly the US met at the Brentwood Conferences in 1944. At these conferences the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund were founded with the intention of rebuilding Europe as well as balancing currency exchange rates. Not too long after that the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade was also ratified by 23 nations in the UN as a means to destroy trade barriers and allow commerce to flow through the global markets. These events opened up America to the global markets and free trade. This new exposure allowed American manufacturers a broader range of potential customers. Not soon after the 40’s and 50’s America’s Economy saw a new wave of

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