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My American Journey

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There are a myriad of life long lessons and experiences that I will always carry with humbleness and gratitude, but my most salient reminder throughout all of it has been that there are journeys in life that one has to embark on regardless of how unrealistic it may seem at first. In my freshman year at TPA, I decided to embark on a journey that I ended abruptly for the reason being that I had low expectations for myself and I most definitely was not ready to make that leap out of my comfort zone. The following year I decided that I would join the cross country team once again and this time it would not be put to rest. I did so because I am young, resilient, and filled with hope. It was a turbulent trek, but it was one that was not short of positive role …show more content…
I still seek to become the best runner I can be, which may mean becoming an Olympian or it might mean becoming a competitive runner in the United States. I truly don’t know. This dream still persists and because I continued to pursue it, I, along with nine other girls in California, was chosen by Olympian runner, Brenda Martinez to go to her annual running camp in Big Bear.
Nevertheless, this particular running journey and the successful result that followed has been the most memorable of my life and it is for this reason that I decided to share my experience. I was fortunate enough to be selected for this running camp with Olympian runner, Brenda Martinez because I made the bold choice of submitting an essay to her writing contest after my coach had continuously insisted that I write in. Of course, this task of writing in and sharing my personal struggles and achievements was like no other assignment I have ever had. It is no doubt that I have encountered various struggles since I began running, but when the time came to apply to this camp I realized that I lacked

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