...U.S. Copyright Law (title 17 of U.S. code) governs the reproduction and redistribution of copyrighted material. Downloading this document for the purpose of redistribution is prohibited. HOW MORAL REVOLUTIONS HAPPEN Kwame Anthony Appiah W. W. N O R T O N & C O M P A N Y New York London Copyright © 2010 by Kwame Anthony Appiah All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America First Edition For information about permission to reproduce selections from this book, write to Permissions, W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., 500 Fifth Avenue, New York, N Y i o n o For information about special discounts for bulk purchases, please contact W. W. Norton Special Sales at specialsales@wwnorton.com or 800-233-4830 Manufacturing by Courier Westford Book design by Helene Berinsky Production manager: Devon Zahn Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Appiah, Anthony. The honor code : how moral revolutions happen / Kwame Anthony Appiah. — ist ed. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-0-393-07162-7 (hardcover) i. Social change —History 2. Social change—Moral and ethical aspects. 3. Honor—Social aspects—History. 4. Social ethics. I. Title. HM836.A67 2010 303.48'409—dc22 2010019086 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 500 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10110 www.wwnorton.com W. W. Norton & Company Ltd. Castle House, 75/76 Wells Street, London W 1 T 3 Q T 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 pliijiilijff E MM ÉP l j ...
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... sales promotion, personal selling and public relations, although some marketers may add other elements such as publicity, direct marketing or sponsorship as major components. IMC is therefore not just a concept relating to consistency or synergy—it is also a strategic process (Van Zanten & Bruwer 2002a). This is in particular the case of when and how IMC manifests itself at the wine region level, in which case the integration of all the marketing communication efforts of the wine region in order to achieve a strong brand identity is of the utmost importance. The Coonawarra wine region (Geographical Indication) is located in the South East corner of South Australia and is famed for its unique terra rossa soil and bold-flavoured red wines, in particular Cabernet Sauvignon. About 5,000 hectares of vineyards comprise the Coonawarra grapegrowing area. The region currently boasts 16 operating (production- type) wineries and 22 cellar door sales facilities. Around 700 people (full-time equivalent) are employed in the vineyards, wineries and cellar door facilities. The region produces on average about three and a half million cases of wine per annum. A significant portion of Coonawarra wine is exported while at the same time Coonawarra maintains its reputation as a leading wine region through its strong presence in the Australian domestic market. Two recent previous articles in the Wine Industry Journal (Van Zanten & Bruwer 2002a, 2002b) examined the concept ...
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...being self aware will prepare me for a case management role. There are many points to look at when considering a case management role. First, as I was going through the online training, it has shown me different things about HIPAA than just knowing it. One of the responsibilities that I already knew about is confidentiality. I think it is important for case manager to uphold the confidentiality ethics. I am a strong believer that confidentiality is important. I also believe that there are exceptions to the rules. An example would have to be is if there is harm that would come to a client or to his or her community. In a case like that, I would take it to a supervisor or someone higher up. The way that case manager’s hand cases like that has me thinking differently. A case manager should always use ethics. With these ethics come trust, respect and values on making bias decisions. I do have to hand it to case managers because they need to be bias and sometimes that is a hard thing to do. What I have viewed on that is remarkable. For me, it would be hard to be bias on some cases. Where I have changed my views is that I never realized how much ethical principles and how much professional responsibilities there are in upholding HIPAA’s rules. When it comes to HIPAA, I did not have much of a view on it. I took it for granted that it was there and never really thought about it. Now that I have taken the online training, yes, my views on it has changed a...
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...ACTPACO INDIVIDUAL BUSINESS CASE 1T AY 2013-14 Reference: Accounting 2nd edition. Waren,C., Reeve, J.,and Duchac, J. ( with slight modifications) Case 1. Partnership agreement Jose Reyes, M.D. and Joseph Luke, M.D. are sole owners of two medical practices that operate in the same medical building. The two doctors agree to combine assets and liabilities of the two businesses to form a partnership. The partnership agreement calls for dividing income equally between the two doctors. After several months, the following conversation takes place between the two doctors: Reyes: I have noticed that your patient load has dropped over the last couple of months. When we formed our partnership, we were seeing about the same number of patients per week. However, now our patient records show that you have been seeing about half as many patients as I have. Are there any issued I should be aware of? Luke: I see. Well, I find that I am working as hard as I did when I was on my own, yet making less that I did previously. Essentially, you are sharing in half of my billings and I am sharing in half of yours. Since you are working much less than I am, I end up on the short end of the bargain. Reyes: Well, I don’t know what to say. An agreement is an agreement. The partnership is based on a 50/50 split. That’s what a partnership is all about. Luke: I that is so, then it applies equally well on the effort end of the equation as on the income end. Answer...
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...Cases These are the most important materials on which to focus your attention. They are not written to “speed-read”; in fact, you need to read them very carefully. A case is not a story, but rather a description of a situation in which an actual decision-maker faced some difficult choices. Your task is to put yourself into that situation and decide what you would do. Most of the cases will be outside your realm of industry experience, so you will need the background information to get familiar enough with the situation to feel ready to make decisions. As you have likely observed after reading the book on Learning with Cases, cases are written so that you get a pretty good idea of what your task is in the first paragraph or two of the case and then again in the last paragraph or two. I always read those first and I suggest you do too – just to see what the case is about. Then I suggest you look through the case quickly to see what kind of information is available to you – by quickly I mean a 5 minute scan of the whole thing. By this point you should know what faces you; for example, a decision about whether to enter a new market or whether to give a bank loan, etc. The next step I suggest is to read the case thoroughly. If you’re reading your case on your laptop or tablet, you’ll want to highlight certain sections. If you choose to print your case, feel free to mark it up. Underline or highlight key information that may help you make a decision. Write notes in the margins...
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...COURSE OBJECTIVES Financial and management accounting are more closely linked in practice than one might expect from reading traditional textbooks and the problems to be resolved often have income tax and auditing consequences as well. This seminar is designed to provide you with opportunities to apply general concepts and principles learned in intermediate and advanced financial accounting courses to new economic transactions and business decisions. Cases will be used to permit you to practice the skills you will need as a professional accountant whether in public accounting or private industry. In particular, this course is intended to refine your skills in researching the professional accounting literature to solve particular accounting problems, to arrive at defensible solutions where GAAP is vague or nonexistent, and to present your research conclusions in a professional manner. You will have opportunities to present your work orally and in writing. REQUIRED MATERIALS: A recent Intermediate Accounting text (Kieso used in Acct 315 & 414 would be fine) A recent Advanced Accounting text (whatever was used in for Acct 415-515 would be fine) On-line access to FASB’s ASC (accounting standards codification). The Department has purchase academic license so you can use the $850 “professional” version rather than the free version which has fewer bells and whistles. You can log on from fasb.org but it will take you to http://aaahq.org/ascLogin.cfm where you enter...
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...(For Course participants only) Reading Material & Work Book On Effective Noting & Drafting (Edited by Smt. Jayanthi Sriram, Asst.Director) GOVERNMENT OF INDIA INSTITUTE SECRETARIAT TRAINING & MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL & TRAINING ADMINISTRATIVE BLOCK, JNU CAMPUS (OLD) OLOF PALMS MARG, NEW DELHI-110067 TEL. 26105592 TELEFAX: 26104183 Revised - 2005 FORWARD In responsive administration it is obvious that the response has to be meaningful. Yet, it may not be effective unless the response time is optimised. This twin objective can be achieved through streamlining of the decision making process itself. In the Central Secretariat, as in other spheres of Government, contribution by all rungs of employees particularly by those at the cutting edge level, namely the Section Officers and Assistants, generally helps arriving at the right decision. Besides collection of information, such contributions are rendered through Noting & Drafting. Effective noting & drafting at every level, therefore, is a matter of prime concern. 2. To address this concern, we in ISTM have been according utmost importance to the inclusion of 'noting and drafting' as a subject in all our foundational and refresher Courses. Besides, focussed workshops on effective noting & drafting are also organised in large numbers. To help participants team effectively, the need for practical exercises cannot be overemphasised. Similarly,...
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...instructed otherwise.) Not only is a topic sentence the first sentence of a paragraph, but, more importantly, it is the most general sentence in a paragraph. What does "most general" mean? It means that there are not many details in the sentence, but that the sentence introduces an overall idea that you want to discuss later in the paragraph. For example, suppose that you want to write a paragraph about the natural landmarks of your hometown. The first part of your paragraph might look like this: My hometown is famous for several amazing natural features. First, it is noted for the Wheaton River, which is very wide and beautiful. Also, on the other side of the town is Wheaton Hill, which is unusual because it is very steep. (Notice how the first sentence begins with "My hometown..." a few spaces to the right of the paragraph edge. This is an indentation. All paragraphs in English MUST begin with an indentation.) Note how the first sentence, My hometown, Wheaton, is famous for several amazing geographical features,is the most general statement. This sentence is...
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...Freddy Rodriguez Prof. Chamberlain English 063 16 Oct, 2012 My Hate for Work We all deal with some sort of issue that makes our work experience negative. In my case its cooking at a restaurant where all you hear is kids screaming uncontrollably from the control point window in the grill, the fog coming from both the fryer and grill, and last, but not least the “pushing and shoving” from the grill team when we’re pulling off a thousand dollar hour. If you haven’t guessed yet, its Friendly’s “Where ice cream makes the meal”... and my hate for people. I’m just kidding, but I don’t like rude people; like if I’m nice to you why can’t you return the nice gesture? Anyways (back on track) its crazy how many sounds you hear, things you see and objects you feel within a five hour shift that actually feels like two because of working through a rush period. Children children children, I hate them. Hate is a strong word? Trust me I KNOW! I cannot fathom the loud screaming that sounds like metal to metal screeching; all because mommy won’t them get ice cream. The sad part is that I work in the grill and its sort of tucked away in the back. Imagining the intensity of the screaming? Quite horrible isn’t it? As if the loud grinding gears of their voices isn’t enough, I have the pleasure of watching them run around like its free game day at chuck e cheese or something. The only part I enjoy of them running around like maniacs is seeing the huge bright shiny smile on their faces, it makes...
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...the outside. I had to make my mind up whether to knock or press the bell. I turned to face the garden. I thought about going back to my car and drove home. Home. That was where I wanted to be; or was it where I would be after I knocked the door? I sighed and walked to the side where there was a wooden bench by the beautiful garden. I could see that the woman in the family loved the garden. The smell of white lilies reminded me of the florist down the road on Sixteenth Street. I sat on the sturdy looking wooden bench, trying to figure out what I would say if someone was to open the door. I wished I did not find out where she was so that I would not have three sleepless nights thinking of why she left me, whether she was looking for me or whether I should be angry. I was abandoned at Bliss Home when I was barely four. They said they found me playing joyfully in the playground, innocently thinking that I was sent to school. After three years, I found out that my mother left me at the orphanage because she had to go and find my father who left us when I was two. I was devastated, knowing that my mother left me to strangers. Funny, I thought, how manipulative and contradictory adults could be when it comes to giving advice. Those at Bliss Home took good care of me and made me realise that I was still lucky to be able to enjoy life. Sister Lisa was one of those who managed to make me see that I should make the most of myself than being miserable, grieving my unfortunate life; thinking...
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...The soft beeps of my alarm clock bring me out of my slumber almost immediately, causing a slight jolt to erupt from my body as I sit up in bed. With my eyes half closed, my arm juts out and fumbles with the various objects on my end table until it finally hits that sweet spot on the small, yet loud, box keeping me from sleeping any longer. A light groan escapes my lips, followed by a quick yawn. Sundays are always considered to be the worst, in my own subjective opinion. I stretch my arms out of either side of my body as my legs swing to the right and off of my bed. I give my legs a moment to relax, my hands finding themselves by my hips before finally pushing me off of the bed and onto my feet. As per usual, I trudge out of my room and into...
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...(http://www.chevening.org/) Samuel Duah Ghana Chevening Scholarships Personal details Title Ms Please write your name as it appears or will appear on your passport Lastname Duah Firstname Samuel Other names Boadu Date of birth 6 July 1989 Country of citizenship Ghana In the majority of cases, to receive a Chevening Award, you must attend a face to face interview at the British Embassy or High Commission in this country. Is your country of residence different from your country of citizenship? No Do you hold Dual Citizenship? No Contact details Primary email address psamdb@ymail.com Additional email address psamdb@gmail.com Phone number 1 233246184325 Phone number 2 233242143956 Skype ID Please write your current postal address below. You do not need to write your country. First line of address Advent Reformed Institute Second line of address Post Office Box 198 Third line of address Kade- E/R Fourth line of address Your education Undergraduate education The Chevening programme requires applicants to have achieved an undergraduate qualification that is equivalent to at least an upper second-class (2:1) honours degree in the UK at the time they submit their application. Please provide details of your undergraduate degree below. You will have the opportunity to inform us of additional qualifications at a later point. Country of study Ghana University/college Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology Date from August 2008 Date to May 2012 Degree type BSc Degree subject...
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...Kimberly Tucker, Chris Salt, Ashley Solomon Case 7: Mattel: Overcoming Marketing and Manufacturing Challenges 11/01/2010 Marketing Management 6800 Section 004 The Problem: The problem surrounding Mattel Inc., one of the world’s largest toy companies, is their mismanagement of international subcontractors and vendors and the production of certain toys (the manufacturing process), as well as their inability to adapt their marketing strategy or product to the constantly changing “demographic and socioeconomic trends” (Ferrell, et. all 466). This is supported by Mattel’s legal battle with Carter Bryant and MGA, their forced recall of certain toys that were manufactured overseas, and the increasing rate at which traditional toys are becoming less appealing to today’s young audience. Essentially, Mattel’s mismanagement and oversight lead to violations in terms of ethical and social responsibilities and safety standards. Issues Relevant to the Problem: Mattel’s problem of mismanagement can be divided into several issues that need to be considered: legal issues, international supply chain issues, and an increase in technology-based toys. In regards to legal issues, Mattel has been involved in prolonged litigation with Carter Bryant and MGA over a breach of an employment contract and copyright infringement. Due to Mattel’s poor management of its overseas manufacturers, in which unauthorized subcontractors and third-party suppliers were hired and unsafe materials used, several...
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...With these developments, it is obvious that conflicts between parties of different nationalities occur and liability to tax on income of foreigners especially among those engaging in trading venture. Whilst the laws affecting domicile and residence may be sufficiently settled, it is paramount for courts to pursue a detailed analysis to ascertain specific preliminary issues so as to avoid controversial rulings. Courts often handle numerous financial cases that involve what can be best described as foreign or international elements. In such cases, court must decide whether it has the jurisdiction under the Family Law Act 1975 to make a decision on such cases. In the event that it is determined that the court is invested with the jurisdiction to determine the case, the court has to consider whether there is a system of law in foreign country that also has the jurisdiction to handle the case. As it was addressed in the case Attorney General of New Zealand v Ortiz [1984] AC 1, these benefits and costs to either party if the case resolution is made in foreign country as compared with the apparent country should also be a subject of concern. [1] Legal systems in most countries around the world adopt community property regime, which takes effect at the inception of marriage or at the time of divorce. For instance, California and Massachusetts in the United States have adopted community property regimes that support equal division of assets upon divorce. However, this provision...
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...Adapted from Bernhardt & Kinnear (1988). Cases in marketing management, pp. 6-16. Plano, TX: Business Publications, Inc. Pay careful attention to the following points. They are often used by instructors to evaluate either a written or oral analysis. 1. Be complete. Each area of the situation analysis must be discussed, problems and opportunities identified, alternative presented and evaluated using the situation analysis and relevant financial analysis, and a decision must be made. An analysis that omits part of the situation analysis or only recognizes one alternative is not a good analysis. Second, each area must be covered in-depth and within insight. 2. Avoid rehashing case facts. Every case has a lot of factual information. A good analysis uses facts that are relevant to the situation at hand to make summary points of analysis. A poor analysis just restates or rehashes theses facts without making relevant summary comments. 3. Make reasonable assumptions. Every case is incomplete in terms of some piece of information that you would like to have. A good case analysis must make realistic assumptions to fill in the gaps of information in the case. For example, the case may not describe the purchase decision process for the product of interest. A poor analysis would either omit mentioning this or just state that no information is available. A good analysis would attempt to present this purchase decision process by classifying the product and drawing upon real life...
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