...Like my worldview, my philosophy of education, shows my passion for sharing my knowledge and experiences with others. As I share this with my students, I will inspire them to feel the same way. Everything that happens exist for a reason and by passing it on others the opportunity to learn or experience something that they have been unfortunate not to learn or experience themselves. I want to positively influence my students and everyone else’s lives. My Philosophy of Education Compared to Christian Worldviews in Readings My Philosophy of education resembles many aspects of the worldviews of philosophers that I have learned about in my Christian Worldview class. I’ve read writings by and learned about Alber Wolters, David Naugle, and...
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...Christian Worldview Worldview Essay Many people go about their lives believing and practicing different religions. These beliefs usually develop through how an individual interprets or perceives reality, also known as a worldview. Everyone may not follow a certain religion or believe in the same God or a God at all, but everyone has a set of views and beliefs about the universe and life in general that they live their life by. Whether it is conscious or subconscious, everyone possesses a worldview. A Christian worldview is a more specific belief system that consists of many aspects. It is a view that mediates from our understanding and experiences of the world and I believe that my worldview generally matches up to that of a Christian worldview, but has its differences. Christians generally believe that God is the center and origin of all things, he is self-defining and he created everyone for a specific purpose. For one, I do believe in God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I am also a follower of the Christian faith. However, I am still young and trying to discover different aspects of myself and how I see and interpret the world. Since I am still experiencing the world and seeing different aspects of it daily, my worldview is constantly changing. What I perceive as my worldview has its similarities and differences from a Christian worldview. For example, there are two views to the development of the universe. One is that the universe was an accident and just happened...
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...My Worldview Name J.S. & G.B. My Worldview "Grappling with uncertainty- not over the existence of God or the divinity of Jesus but over the fundamental issue of whether he could totally trust what his bible was telling him" (Strobel, Pg 9). I start with this quote because I feel it describes how I feel about my worldview. I feel that I’m Christian, but I am always questioning my religion. Whether or not to believe everything that is told to me. I do believe that God is real and that there is a heaven, but I have this feeling that there is more to it. I believe that I am Christian, because I was raised Christian by my parents. It was the right thing to do, follow my parents’ beliefs. I feel that my worldview is what defines a person and where they stand in life and religion. I believe God is our creator and is our spiritual being. He is the man we pray to; he is the one that created us in his image. I also believe that as a human we will all die at some point, and once we die we would go to heaven. The path to heaven is not easy but with the help of your church and your faith with God we can all get there. I believe that everything that was created in our universe is real and materialist, it was done by God. He made everything real so we could live off the land. I also believe that the nature of it all is real and not an illusion or a dream. I believe all of this is true, because everything I have been taught; has also been backed up with legitimate facts to prove it to be...
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...Please note that this essay is missing citations. i. The term “worldview” is used to describe what one might refer to as an individual’s personal point-of-view in life. The word worldview is derived from the German word “Weltanschauung” which means “world” and “view”. A Worldview is involved in a human’s emotions, outlook, ethics, themes and values. This view is created and used on a daily basis by all human beings, whether perceived, or not. Worldview is used to interpret, to discern, and to plan. One’s worldview does not only affect the large decisions in life, such as college, or marriage, but also even the smallest choices of daily life, and word-use. ii. 1. As might be expected, a Christian Worldview differs largely from the worldview, or point-of-view, of the secular trends. A Christian Worldview believes that all questions to do with man, the universe, and creation are found and answered through the inspired Word of God. The Question of Origin is answered in Naturalism through Genesis, which states “In the beginning God created the Heavens and the earth”. Naturalists even go further to state that all living creatures, animals and organisms, are created by an ultimate Creator (Genesis 1). This view is in complete contrary to an Evolutionistic belief of humans deriving from animals. 2. The next question to which most people relate is The Question of Identity. The question of what man is, yet again, is answered through the Word of God, as stated in Genesis...
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...Apologetics APOL 104 D27 Liberty University April 5, 2014 Worldview Assignment I. Part One: What is a worldview? A worldview is an individual person’s view of the world from their very own perspective. An individual’s worldview is based on many factors and some of them can include, how the person was raised, their religion, where they live, and the beliefs of their parents. Worldviews throughout the world are as varied as there are different personalities. II. Part Two: 1. When it comes to the Christian worldview, what is believed about the answer to the question of origin, is in the Bible in the book of Genesis. The Christian worldview about the origin of man is that God created man from the dust on the ground and he breathed life into him, this is according to Genesis 2:7. There is one answer to the question of the origin of man in the worldview of the Christian. There is another part of this question that also addresses the question of the origin of the universe in the Christian worldview. In Genesis 1:1 it is stated simply that God created the heavens and the earth in the beginning. In the Christian worldview that in fact means that God simply created the universe out of his thought and with his infinite knowledge and power. The fact that God created the universe out of nothing, lends credence to the “Big Bang” theory in the world of science. Every year scientists, astrophysicists and astronomers...
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...of the Christian worldview and reflect on implications for your own worldview. Write a 1,250-1,500-word essay using at least two course resources (textbook, lectures, the Bible) and at least two other sources from the GCU Library to support your points. Remember, the Bible counts as one reference regardless of how many times you use it or how many verses you cite. Begin your paper with an appropriate introduction, including a thesis statement to introduce the purpose of the paper. Organize your paper with the following sections using the seven underlined titles for subheadings. The Christian Worldview: Describe the beliefs of the Christian worldview with regard to the following components corresponding to Topics 2-5. Write at least one paragraph for each component using the underlined title for a subheading. God: What is God like? What are God's characteristics? What is his creation? To explain god and what his characteristics mean to a Christian would be to explain what it means to Christian. God is good, an entity that does not present with evil. God is loving, does not represent hate. God is just, has understanding with reason. These are also three of the attributes that humans should have and possess. This make the Christian god relatable and with achievable expectation. The attributes of god allows for a base of morality for people. With this ability to meet the expectations of god people can achieve a moral world view. This in turn gives Christians the ability...
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...Christian Worldview Felice A. Renfro Oklahoma Wesleyan University Abstract A worldview is the way you look at the world, your perception of how the world works, why things happen the way they do and what is your purpose in the world. A worldview is also referred to as a comprehensive conception of the world from a specific standpoint. A “Christian worldview,” is a comprehensive conception of the world from a Christian standpoint. A worldview is there even if people feel they have one or not. A worldview is the crucial starting point for understanding the world of ideas and cultural expressions, as well as responding to these in a particularly Christian way. Individuals acquire a worldview because of their beliefs of how they see the world and why it works the way it does. Every person has a worldview whether they realize it or not. Christian Worldview A worldview is the way you look at the world, your perception of how the world works, why things happen the way they do and what is your purpose in the world. A person’s worldview is their basis for making daily decisions and is extremely important. A worldview can range from seeing the glass half empty to seeing the glass half full. Every person has a worldview even though they may not realize it. Humans live their lives by worldviews. Deciding on what to wear to work or how to wear your hair is a basis of a worldview. Society puts standards out there that...
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...October 16, 2013 CWV-101 Rob Krise My Worldview Essay Introduction Understanding what a person’s beliefs are can help them when making life’s hard decisions. The beliefs a person has are his worldviews. Church, family, society, and knowledge of religion influence worldviews. Worldviews change and develop over a lifetime depending on life experiences and other influences. I will explain my views on God and how they affect not only my thinking, but also every aspect of my life in a positive way. Worldview Assumptions When I began this course, I did not know what to expect. However, I came to this class with my own world assumptions. I believe that in order to reach heaven, I must be baptized, and I must dedicate my life to God. I believe that it takes more than saying a person is Christian to be a Christian. I believe that attending church does not make one a Christian. Finally, I believe that I will go to heaven because my heart belongs to God. Questions and Answers from my Own Worldview Perspective Who is God and what are His Characteristics? God is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, also known as the Trinity. He is the maker and ruler of the earth and all of its inhabitants (Genesis 1:1). God is the only deity that can forgive the sins of man and allow them to enter heaven. The only way to God is through His Son, Jesus. We must accept that he is God’s son and ask him to enter our hearts in order to be saved by his grace. God is humble, compassionate...
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...Christian World View: Gospel Essentials Our worldview allows us to see into the world at such an angle that it coincides with our beliefs, therefore affecting how we think and live. Whether one falls under an atheistic, pantheistic, or theistic worldview, they are guided in their life choices depending on the beliefs of their worldview. Throughout this paper, I will summarize the elements of a Christian Worldview such as God, Humanity, Jesus, and Restoration; I will then analyze questions one might have about the Christian Worldview, and finally I will reflect on my worldview. God God is our creator; He came before us and created the universe as we know it. “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1 NIV). “The origin of the universe began with God, and began with great wisdom.” (“Lecture 2”, 2015) This makes true the statement from Lecture 2 God is a sovereign creator. Along with being sovereign, God possesses many other impressive characteristics. Through the Bible, He is described as a loving God (John 3), a faithful God (Psalms 36), a righteous God (Psalms 145), and a merciful God (Ephesians 2). God can also be described as omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient. He is everything and everywhere. This is in part because God is a triune being, three persons in one Godhead; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Christians believe that God is profoundly Love. The Father’s love for the Son; then Father and Son both have a mutual...
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...Defining Worldview The meaning of the term “worldview” is a structure of beliefs of which a person uses and looks through when examining the world around them (Hindson & Caner, 2008). The Biblical Worldview Origin The biblical/Christian Worldview of origin is God created humans and the world. Psalm 100:3 says that the Lord is who created humans and humans are His people. Romans 1:20 talks about God creating the world, allowing for His power and His divine nature being able to be seen clearly throughout the whole world. Identity The biblical/Christian Worldview of identity is that humans are a special creation of the eternal God (Weider & Gutierrez, 2013). God created mankind in His own image, making humans different than animals (Genesis 1:27). God...
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...01-22-2015 Worldview Writing Assignment Part 1 A worldview can be simply be defined as the way we see the world around us. A worldview is acquired through our experiences and the environment we are a part of. A worldview is like a filter that makes us see the world around us in a specific and distinct light. Whether we are aware of it or not, we all have our own way of thinking and evaluate things; and that’s what a worldview is about. (94 words ) I don’t really know if I have a specific worldview. But if I had to pick a worldview, from my childhood and the environment I grew up in, I would say my worldview is pretty “Christian” oriented. I think I have a Christian worldview because the majority of values that I hold close to my heart are Christian ones. As a result, my comportment reflects my worldview because of the way I perceive the world in my own lenses. I think it would be safe for me to say that most of the time, my internal beliefs or worldview materialized itself by my actions in everyday life. Therefore, my Christian oriented worldview serves as a filter that dictates how I approach different events in my life. (126 words ) Understanding a worldview is important because it enable us to evaluate ourselves to make sure that our beliefs or worldview is consistent with our actions. Life is full of trials so having a good worldview is a good tool to help us strive and remain constant to stay strong in whatever we believe in. Holding a worldview allow us to...
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...Elizabeth Richard CWV-101 August 5th 2013 Todd Forrest Worldview Essay We all want something to believe in. Every view influences us to believe certain concepts and hold them to be true. I have a Christian Worldview and believe that God is my savior. I could have easily chosen to follow worldly concepts but instead I chose to believe in something the world could not offer me, God. To have a Christian Worldview one must believe and assume there is a God, a supernatural being that exists with power beyond what humans can comprehend. I believe there is a God, a heaven, and a hell. Some believe there is no God and that the supernatural world does not exist while others believe in the self. Whatever Worldview an individual may believe for their reasons, I have reasons of my own as to why I believe there is a God. God is three is one, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. He is the truth, he lives in everything. He is the reason for all existence. The Bible was written so that we would not only have a guideline of how to live Godly lives but for us have documented evidence that Jesus walked this earth and is real, He is something to believe in. God is a loving God. God is all characteristics in one. He loves, forgives, is compassionate, merciful, graceful, pure and eternal. God is also jealous, angry, and relentless. His character is like no other, He is flawless and without sin. No human being can touch Him and no human being can match His greatness. We are His creation...
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...evaluating my worldview, I realized that I am pantheist which beliefs the universe and God conceiving of both as indistinguishable and entirely consistent with one another. I believe that God created everything except the universe. According to the practical test, I can live my worldview out in the world as we know it because every person has a different point of view. The practical test demonstrates that a person can be a good citizen, but if he gets upset then he will change his worldview. For instance, I became dissatisfied with being Catholic because I stop believing in churches and in the priest. Many times I when to church and would listen how the priest would criticize the people while everyone believe it was funny, I found offensive.Also, how people who attend to church can feel empowered to kick me out as if they had the right to do it....
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...Refitting the Pieces The three components that make up my worldview are God, Knowledge and Ethics, because they shaped my thoughts, experiences, and education and life decisions. Believing in God can gives me the knowledge and the ethics that are needed to succeed in life. Believing in God gives me the inner strength to overcome the adversities that this modern world throws at me on a daily basis. Knowledge is never ending, and can help me obtain the information that is necessary to get through difficult times throughout my life. Knowledge is the key to understanding Gods word. Having ethics will help me when I am communicating with others whether it is in school, business or my personal life. In a world full of different cultures and races, ethics are an important part of communicating and understanding others. My comparison between Naturalism and Christianity is that Naturalist believes that there is no supernatural, only material and matter. They also believe they control their own destiny and that God has nothing to do with it. The Christian view is that everything we do is influenced by God and that everything we do is influenced by God. Christians also believe there is more to life than matter and materialism. My comparison between Secular Humanist and Christianity is that Secular Humanist believes that God doesn’t exist. My Christian worldview believes that God is the highest entity. Secular Humanist believes that people are basically good, and that they should...
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...Laura Thrasher CWV-101 April 12, 2013 Bob Greene Worldview Essay Throughout this class my eyes have been opened over and over again to the way I think about different worldviews. A person’s worldview is determined though their beliefs and their morals. Though my worldview is Christian someone else’s can be completely different. Just because someone’s worldview is different than mine does not mean that their worldview is wrong. Worldview is different for each individual but they can still have the same set of ethics and morals. From a young age my grandmother brought me up with a Christian worldview and its beliefs. I know that God is the creator of all things in the universe. I know this because it is in the Bible. The nature of the universe came into existence all because of God. God created the nature of the universe to show his love for all things that he created. After God created the universe he made man out of his own image and he was pleased. When Adam and Eve disobeyed God knew that he had to punish them. I do not think that God wanted to punish them, but he had to teach them wrong and right. Now days we have the Bible and God’s words to tell us how we should act and what things are right and wrong. In everyday life we are faced with situations that we must choose what to do. God knows that as humans we are not perfect and will from time to time sin. God loves us so much though that he sent his son to Earth to die on the cross for our sins. By Jesus dying...
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