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Personal Worldview Analysis

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After evaluating my worldview, I realized that I am pantheist which beliefs the universe and God conceiving of both as indistinguishable and entirely consistent with one another. I believe that God created everything except the universe. According to the practical test, I can live my worldview out in the world as we know it because every person has a different point of view. The practical test demonstrates that a person can be a good citizen, but if he gets upset then he will change his worldview. For instance, I became dissatisfied with being Catholic because I stop believing in churches and in the priest. Many times I when to church and would listen how the priest would criticize the people while everyone believe it was funny, I found offensive.Also, how people who attend to church can feel empowered to kick me out as if they had the right to do it. …show more content…
Instead of leaving church feeling peaceful I would leave feeling angry. Later on, I started to experience cognitive dissonance where I felt angry going to church yet I kept going. I felt like I had to go not because I wanted to but because of my family that raised me Catholic. I felt discomfort and disagreement being there because I felt like pretender that wasn’t happy and was not satisfying my needs tours, God. Why? As a kid, parents do not give you the option to choose a religion or teach you about other religions, but as an adult people’s belief started changing and converting to religions that best fit them. My worldview for Catholic change through time because I did not continue to live with a worldview that was not satisfying my beliefs. I trust, I can live my worldview because regardless the religion I believe in one

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