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My Classroom Philosophy

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As a teacher, my philosophy is rooted in the belief that I want to promote meaningful learning and lifelong learners. Also, I believe children need to respect in order to expect children to be respectful. A major point that drives my philosophy is the incorporation and inclusion of diversity. Diversity in the class includes cultures, family’s dynamics, children’s interest, and learning needs and styles. I believe each student is different and teachers can meet everyone's’ individual needs in order to learn.
Since not one philosophy fits my beliefs and practices, I’ve incorporated an eccentric approach to implementing a behavior plan into the classroom. The first philosophy incorporated is constructivism. “In constructivist classrooms, young children's participation in rulemaking promotes their moral development” (DeVries & Zan, 2003, p.64). Students collaborate with teachers to create behavior and classroom …show more content…
Out of the four premises of his theory, I agree that each behavior a child demonstrates has a function. Whether that function is to receive the attention of others, revenge, power, or withdrawal, there is a reason why students misbehave. Although educators may not be able to understand students’ behavior in certain ways, they can incorporate boundaries in the form of structure and consequences for students. The underlying message is for students to understand the connection the behavior has with the consequence (“Module Five: Responding to Disruptive or Aggressive Behavior,” n.d.).
This philosophy fits the needs of the students and school community by applying to students of all needs. There are basic for students to remember and understand for ages 3-5. This philosophy applies to the community as a whole by teaching students in the school to make choices that are appropriate and that the classroom community constructed the rules as a while because of everyone’s thoughts

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