...police because he looks “suspicious”, or walk in a store to get a few snacks without people being scared of him. I believe that heaven represents America and the “American dream” which, to me, is to have freedom, happiness, and wealth. The narrator along with the other Native Americans on the reservation, symbolizes Tonto, he trusts his girlfriend (The Lone Ranger), to help him better himself and reach the American dream but instead she, along with help from others, knock him down and stop him from reaching his dream. The woman that he loved was supposed to be there to help him and encourage him but instead they always clashed and argued. The narrator said that they never physically fought, but she always knew what to say to hurt him. Based on my experiences, most of the people we attach ourselves to, know how to hurt us the most. I think that society as a whole was a symbol of the Lone Ranger. The narrator just wanted to live his life like a regular American but society wouldn’t let him. Everyone put themselves ahead of the Native Americans; they were the scum of the Earth, the Native Americans could never amount to anything in their eyes. 2. It seems to me like Seattle is a pretty big city. We also see that it’s kind of a “stuck-up” place. The police told the narrator that he should be more careful where he drives. Everybody in that part of...
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...November 2015. My dad mentioned that the last Friday the thirteenth of the year was approaching. I never thought much of the day, but he suggested that I rent a scary movie, invite some friends over, and throw a little party. I decided, “why not”, rented The Conjuring, and prepared for guests. As the guests arrived and the movie began, the room filled with an aura of anxiety, anticipation, and trepidation. We ended up surviving the endless jump scares and enjoying the movie. It is the suspenseful, sudden, and unusual elements of a blood-curdling film or work of literature that captivate and cause us to be enveloped in an alternate reality built solely upon our imaginations. The thrill and adrenaline is what brings us to crave for more and more horror. In the launch text, “My Introduction to Gothic Literature”, the author indicates several reasons as to why she fancies gothic literature, one being that “[The stories] made all I felt and feared seem less of a burden” (My Introduction to Gothic Literature 4). The author is explaining how the vividly detailed gothic stories assisted with her escape from reality. The element of reason is eliminated when the...
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...The Wonderful World of Literature NAME HERE CLASS INSTRUCTOR NAME HERE DATE The Wonderful World of Literature Reading literature can be fun, educational, and exciting if you have the ability to lose yourself inside of the story. Literature is what you interpret it to be through short stories, poems, and written plays. There are many approaches you can use to help you understand literature. The reader’s response is one of the best ways to help you understand literature because it forms question based around your interest in the story. Based on author (Shapiro, 2010), his comment on literature was “just as people generate causal explanations for social events around them, story readers usually generate inferences about causality of events when reading a story.” I always try to create my own imaginary world to help me lose myself inside the story. “When you allow reading to unlock your imagination, your connection sets the stage for intellectual engagement.” (Clugston, 2012). I have read several forms of literature during a homework reading assignment and there was one story that stood out in my opinion. The story called “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” written by James Thurber. This story was great because it made me create images in my mind as I was reading the story. This story contained two key ingredients that I love to relate to when I am reading. A character with a imagination and can find humor in their daily activities with the real world...
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...Over the course of my final two years in high school, my opinion of English literature’s importance and relevance has changed due to the authenticity and complexities in literature. In my junior year, I was intrigued by Jon Krakauer’s Into the Wild a biographical novel which embodied themes of transcendentalism unusual to our world today. The divergent thinking expressed by the main character rejected social norms and chose self-enlightenment in the wilderness. Furthermore, I believe I grew most as a reader during my senior year, due to Trevor Noah’s satirical yet original read, Born a Crime. Those two works of literature really caused me to enjoy reading and writing about inquiries into global perspectives regarding life. In Jon Krakauer’s...
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...the outcome and this is what literature accompanies you with. Increasing your knowledge in literature has a tremendous amount of positive affects on your well-being, your surroundings, and your perspective perhaps about anything. Not only does it affect your perspective, well-being and surroundings, but it also allows you to grow. We read to gain more knowledge, we read to expand our thinking, and most importantly, we read to create connections between the books, people and within our souls. For me, literature has expanded my mindset, my worldview, and my well-being; I have never payed so much more attention to books or anything worth thinking deeply about until I walked into this class. Within this...
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...A literary masterpiece is a piece of literature that has an theme and not only speak of specific events that occurred to a single character, but instead create characters who overcome difficult life situations and characters who are dimensional that uphold characteristic traits that reflects people of modern society and today's society. Characters in a literary masterpiece is important because they are the most memorable and their personalities make the literature stand out more clearly due to the fact that their qualities can be compared and contrasted to anyone of any time period in history. However, the theme is the most important in literary masterpieces because everything within an literature work depends on the theme. The theme outline the whole story and what is going to take place. The prior expectations regarding the literary masterpieces and my expectations of this course are based off not only my own knowledge but the way I critically analyze literature and my experiences with literary masterpieces. In all honesty, when it comes to a literary masterpiece, I expect them to fall into literature categories such as, novels, short stories, poems, comedies, dramas, mysteries, nonfiction and fiction. The reason being is based off my experiences from my very first English literature class. Where we had to read literary masterpieces such as, Alice Walker short story,"Everyday Use" and "Color Purple". Also, Langton Hughes poems," Let America be America" and "Still Here." ...
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...When I was in high school, I took creative writing course. Because at that time, I just arrived USA, so I wanted to improve my English writing ability. However, when I began to know this course more, I was deeply attracted by this course. I remember there was a time, the teacher asked us to get outside and sit in front of the lawn, and wrote down what we felt. It is really a memorable experience to me. In China, I usually sat in the classroom and racked my brain to write, and I always failed to convey my thoughts and feeling accurately. I sat in such a peaceful place, listened to the birds, to the insects, to the wind. My pen seemed beginning to control me. I just wrote down what I thought, what I felt. I felt free and relax, like flying in...
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...Reema Almutairi Eng. 414 Dr M Journal 7 November 17 2014 Motivation of Writing I've been working on my Literature review for almost 2 weeks. There's a lot of works need to be done all in the same day. Because of all this work that has needed to be done I've been completely unmotivated to do anything. When I received my literature review comments from my professor and heard the problems my classmates faced while they were working on their literature review, i felt extremely disappointed and I didn't want to work anymore. I started to rewrite my literature review and take care of all the details that my professor comment on. I asked my friends who did a research project before. I looked at their research even though it was written in Arabic the researcher format is all the same. I rewrote my literature review and went to the writing center to help me with my language issues. I also searched for more references that relate to my topic. Motivation is very important for me to have, when I need to complete my assignments. .the motivation for me and to make sure I did my literature review it in really good way to get good grades and well done paper. I think everyone needs to know his mistakes and learn from them. Especially in writing it will make your writing level get better. The problems are when student don't learn from their mistakes or maybe they don't care about it and they make the same mistakes over and over...
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...When thinking about what literature means to me, all that come to mind are the English portions of the SATs and the STAR tests where I remember falling asleep in the middle of reading a passage and then waking up, hoping I’ll know the answer to the question, "What was the author's mood in the story?" It never really made sense to me as to why such questions were important or relevant in a writing class. In fact, before I looked it up, I never knew that there was a difference between literature and writing. Isn't it all just... English? However, I was able to come to the conclusion that literature is any piece of work created by those who are able to express their opinions and feelings in words instead of actions. Literature is a type of aesthetic expression, an art form really, generally used for entertainment and to be enjoyed by readers. Quite commonly, the characters that are developed in literary works show the different perspectives of a topic presented by the author. It can be about love or politics or the ever-famous question of life and why humans exist. To many people, literature is thought-provoking and life changing. But to me, literature is just another form of entertainment and should not be required in English 214. There are only a few skills that can be used after studying literature. Literature classes have always been, in my experience, analyzing what the author wrote and trying to find his or her messages between the lines. Teachers stress their students...
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...to sit down. Silence immediately filled the room as the teacher turned towards the blackboard. Words “Sonnet 18 - one of the most inspiring poems of William Shakespeare" appeared in front of my eyes. "Please, spare me." - I groaned before switching to my "snooze off" mode. It was one of those boring-to-death Literature lessons, and I was trying with all my might not to fall asleep. The teacher in the front of me started interpreting the poem. Five minutes did not pass when the tears were threatening to spill from my tired-looking eyes; I was doing my best to suppress yet another yawn. Taking notes and trying to stay awake, I pondered over a question. How can a subject possibly be so uninteresting? On every lesson, the teacher would go on forever about how ingenious the poet's use of verbs was, and how wonderfully he or she described the situation while using only a few words. She also never seemed to miss an opportunity to praise the author's brilliance while creating the characters. "How could it be possible for a literary work to be flawless?" – I asked myself waiting for my classmates' reaction; however, nobody seemed to dare to oppose the teacher's viewpoint. I decided to become the "pioneer". My chance came when we were learning about "The Miserable Ones" by Victor Hugo. My teacher immediately divided the characters into two separate compartments labelled "good" and "bad". I could not comprehend the teacher's notion that Javert, one of the characters, was a complete...
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...give for literature is "written books that have value and are timeless". The thing about good literature is that it does not have to be recent. Many works of literature from hundreds of years ago are still interesting and valueable to the modern day reader. Although times have changed, human nature really has not. People still can relate and have the same feelings as the characters in a book from centurys ago. Humans still have man vs self conflict, experience madness, jealousy, joy and sadness and can really appreciate literature that portray emotions that they have experienced. Literature can not be any old book, it has to be good. A book that does not interest the reader or provide any significant value will not stand the test of time. Good literature is drama-filled and will keep the reader on edge guessing what will come next. Also, it is helpful if the literature has a lesson or value. Humans from the 21st century are able to learn from the themes of older literature and relate them to what they have going on in their modern day lives. A meaningless book can be entertaining but will not have the same effect as a book that is able to hook the readers interest but also apply to everyday life. 3. Iv never been a person who has loved to read literature. A lot of times i have found myself bored and uninteristed in what i am reading. With that said i have learned to appreciate good literature. In my opinion the best type of literature to read is dramatic literature. Personally...
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...What does the term literature mean to me? To me, literature is used as a type of healing. Literature is a collection of writings. Literature may be factual, gathered to educate and support further learning. It may be fictional, providing expression to the creativity of the author and allowing the reader personal interpretation to the recorded words. It also may be presented in forms of, novel to poems to short story to plays. It is an opportunity for me to enrich my life by sharing in thoughts and wisdom of others. What makes something literary in my own mind? What makes something literary in my mind, is any material providing fact and as far as any book it needs to hold my interest and be able to make me involved in the characters in the story. Our text asserts that there are six areas that literature contributes to our lives: Restoration, of the past, simulation of imagination, glorification of a common place, perturbation of emotion, upholding of a vision, and observation of human nature (Clugston, 2014). If literature means different things to different people, who defines what is and what is not literature? I believe the individual defines what is and what is not literature. Everybody has their own opinion on what is good and what is not good. What kind of reading engages/interests me? What about that writing draws me in? Do I find meaning in reading certain writing? If so, describe the satisfaction drawn from the process. How do I read? I have always liked...
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...Guillaume Apollinaire' poem "La Loreley" for my Poemes et Proses du XXe Siecle class when I suddenly put it together: this was my approach to literature. Close reading, formalism. Staying close, very close, to the text. I was certain. Certainty, however, proved rather unstable. I knew it was important not to close myself off from other approaches to literature, so when I returned to Swarthmore from Grenoble, I took two courses which I knew would be highly theoretical-Women Writers 1790-1830 and Feminist Literary Criticism. These courses brought me around to a kind of hybrid approach to literature which I...
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...stories; these are some of the things that first came to my mind upon pondering on the question 'What is Literature?'. And just lately I have known that literature also includes songs, speeches, plays, and many others in written and spoken forms. I have also known that things that are produced out of creative imagination can be referred as literary works which are the ones that comprise literature. Considering this description of what literature is, the coverage of literature seems very puzzling. If literary works are those produced out of creative imagining, then it would directly point to fictional works. But then, there are also non-fictional works that are considered literary. There are literary essays and novels that are non-fictional. Examples of these are those based on true stories. Thus, literature goes beyond just creative imagination. And also, one person may consider a work produced out of creativity while another person may not, so then can that work be considered literary? Another important factor to be taken with high regard in discussing literature is periods of time since people coming from different historical periods may have different perceptions on what they consider 'literature'. It is vital to tackle these questions since literature is present in our everyday life, though it is not consciously felt by many. Terry Eagleton, a literary critic and writer, had written in his essay 'What is Literature?', “What matters may not be where you came from but how people...
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...5 Times, Rating: A LIT 210 CheckPoint 1: Literary Canon Response LIT 210 CheckPoint 2: Writing About Literature Response LIT 210 Assignment: Literary Definitions Activity LIT 210 CheckPoint: Final Paper Rough Draft 1 of 2 LIT 210 CheckPoint: Final Paper Rough Draft 2 of 2 LIT 210 Week 2 CheckPoint: Young Goodman Brown Matrix LIT 210 Week 2 DQs LIT 210 Week 3 CheckPoint: Analytical Essay LIT 210 Week 4 DQs LIT 210 Week 3 Assignment: Comparative Character Matrix and Newspaper Ads- Appendix D LIT 210 CheckPoint: Newspaper Ads for Dramatic Characters LIT 210 Week 5 Assignment: Oedipus Rex and A Raisin in the Sun Essay LIT 210 Week 5 CheckPoint: Comparative Drama Matrix LIT 210 Week 7 Assignment: Comparative Poetry Matrix- Appendix h LIT 210 Week 6-Checkpoint - Word Order Activity LIT 210 Week 6 DQs LIT 210 Final Paper Outline LIT 210 Week 8 Checkpoint Analyzing the Essay LIT 210 Week 8 DQs LIT 210 Capstone Checkpoint LIT 210 Final Project Comparative Literature Paper ............................................................................................................................................................... LIT 210 Assignment Literary Definitions Activity (UOP) For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com Tutorial Purchased: 4 Times, Rating: A+ Resources: Appendix B and the glossary on pages 1204-1215 in Literature: The Human Experience • Date Due: Day 7 [post to the Individual forum] • Complete the Literary Definitions...
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