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My Major Job Application Essay

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"Set!" As I heard my conducting drum major call out, I quickly stood to attention and took a knee. With my back ever so straight, I held my clarinet a couple of inches from my face, as it was standard procedure. Everyone was quiet and focused. As we waited for our cue on when to begin, we were already mentally counting and calculating where we needed to go and when. We all had our focus points to help us out. Mine was a saxophone player who was directly across from I waited for our conducting drum major to start us off, I made notice of my surroundings. I didn't actually move my body to look around let alone my eyes but with peripherals as we were trained to do. With my peripherals, I noticed the three flute players and the four fellow …show more content…
I had always had an interest in music but never to a point where it would be my priority. Before I joined, playing an instrument had always been more of a hobby. I had spent most of my time with my face buried in books, so as to why I had decided to join, I wasn't sure. It had just been a gut feeling/calling. Before school started I had to attend band camp over the summer. On my first day, I was so intimidated. Everyone was so advanced and could play so well and I was just there, barely able to play my clarinet. I was the only person there who did not have prior experience. I felt so out of place. I had trouble making friends at first because everyone already knew each other and had their own group. I was new and, not to mention, very shy. Even though I didn't know anybody or hardly knew the music, the minute we got on the field to practice, none of it mattered. All of my problems and stress were gone. I felt as if it were just me and my clarinet on the field. That feeling of pure serenity was the only reason why I didn't quit during camp. When school started, I decided I had wanted to make a difference. Every day I would sit by myself and practice my music before we would start drill. Out of pure determination, I got over my shyness and asked for help when I needed it. I had made so many new friends because of

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