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Inclusion In The Early Childhood Classroom: What Makes A Difference?

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In our text, Inclusion in the Early Childhood Classroom: What Makes a Difference?, the authors describe six competencies for teachers to practice when aiming to create an inclusive classroom (Recchia & Lee, 2013). The first competency that resonated with my teaching was the first that related to teachers and children working collaboratively so each student feels like they have a voice or choice in their learning (Recchia & Lee, 2013, p. 67). Teachers should work actively to ensure their students feel included and valued in their classroom, as well as welcoming children to express their opinions. This will give a feeling of purpose for the students, and allow them to become invested in their learning goals, group activities, and content. I feel I do …show more content…
I want the seniors to feel a personal connection with the song, and that they can sense ownership in this selection. Another example occurs when we are discussing the interpretation of lyrics to a song. I allow the students to read the text to form an opinion and reflection of what they feel the text means to them. Some students share their musings aloud, and understand that there is no wrong explanation. I conclude with reminding the students that texts can mean many different things to each different reader, but there needs to be a message conveyed in the emotion and expression of their singing during the piece to fit their personal interpretation. The “circle of children who influence my decision” in regards to a teaching strategy or lesson can vary on the specific class and overall learning goal (Recchia & Lee, 2013, p. 69). There are different points throughout the year when I allow my students to express more voice and opinions than others. In preparation for a state contest or festival, more of the decisions are made by me to ensure we are following protocol, but on a daily class period, I may ask students which order they would like to rehearse their songs or even questions related to

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