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U-High Creek Quality

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What is the water quality of the U-high creek based on invertebrates found in the water?
The quality of a water source is determined by the measure of different chemicals that keep a balance for other life to survive in. Dissolved oxygen is oxygen molecules that have combined with water molecules. Many aquatic organisms need dissolved oxygen to respire, so this chemical is necessary for a healthy creek. A good range for dissolved oxygen would be anywhere from 4-11 ppm. PH is the acidity levels in a source of water. If there is too little, it can be harmful and is considered acidic because if there is too much or too little then aquatic organisms will die. A safe level of pH would be from 6.5-8.5. Another chemical tested in creeks is nitrogen. Nitrogen is a nutrient that fertilizes and increases …show more content…
A safe range for phosphorus is anywhere between 2.5-4.5 units. The reason there can’t be too much of either nutrient is because they can cause a rapid growth in algae and other plants consuming the oxygen in the water causing the aquatic organisms to die. More dead plants means more bacteria is needed to decompose these plants. The bacteria causes dissolved oxygen to go down, which ultimately leads to killing off the organisms of the creek. In order to figure out the water quality of the Uhigh creek, the type and amount of invertebrates must also be observed. Aquatic invertebrates are an important form of life in creeks and are an effective way to determine the water quality of a creek. These organisms are species without backbones, and they vary in their tolerance of pollution. The pollution tolerant type can survive in heavily polluted water, but can also be found in cleaner conditions. Moderately pollution tolerant invertebrates cannot live in severe pollution, but can handle some or light pollution levels. Lastly, the pollution intolerant invertebrates can only live in clean

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