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My Weekly Journal Report


Submitted By maycastro
Words 503
Pages 3
Weekly Journal

Week: First week

On my first day in my OJT I feel excited and also nervous. In that day, we oriented about how we do are t asks everyday. Then, in my second day is the ordinary day for me as a server, helping my co-server to serve our customer. My third day, I prepare tables for meals, including set up items such as linen, silverware and glassware while greeting guests (with eye contact and smile), also escort guests to their tables then present menus to the guests and answer questions about menu items, or making recommendations. At my fourth day, I taking foods and drink orders present and serve wine (into the proper glass) and serving food and drinks. My fifth day is check with guests to ensure that they are enjoying their meals and take action to correct any problems. My sixth day, I remove dishes (gentlemen first!) and glasses from the tables for cleaning and Dealing with bill payments. And in every seventh day of my OJT is my rest day.

Guide Questions (after the training/internship)

1. What specific additional skills have you learned this month?

2. Describe your experiences with regards to guests relation.

II: Learning Experiences

(Realization about the Training)

■ Is your establishment is highly recommended as an avenue of training for the incoming practicumers?


III: Evaluation:

1. How your internship/training contributed to your personal goals?Did your career goals change as a result of the training?

2. Discuss any special and or additional skills you acquired during your training that you didnt already have.

IV: Appendices:

■ Pictures while on duty with caption & explanation

■ Photocopy of certificates

■ Performance Evaluation Form to fill out by the immediate supervisor/manager (should be properly sealed & hand carry by the practicumer after the training)

■ Timecard (photocopy)

■ Certificate of training (photocopy)

Format of Monthly Journal

(Min of 10 pages, font century gothic #12 double space, Use font 14 for the sub title soft bind)

Grading System of Monthly Journal

Organization of thoughts (format, style, technique) 10%

Content (completeness of information) 20%

Visual Presentation (pictures, forms) 10%

Analysis (critical evaluation) 20%

Recommendation (Feasible courses of action) 20%

Attitude/Punctuality 10%

Neatness (presentation, cleanliness) 10%


(Cover Page of Practicum Report)

Our Lady of Fatima University

College of Hospitality & Institutional Management

Quezon City


A Restaurant/Hotel Practicum Report


(Name and Logo of Establishment)


TRAINING PERIOD: From Month, Date, Year to Month, Date, Year

In Partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Course

Supervised Work Experience Program

For a degree in

Bachelor of Science in Hotel & Restaurant Management

Submitted By:

Complete Name of Student Address, Contact Number

Submitted to:

Your Practicum Adviser

Submitted on:

Date of Submission (Century Gothis, Double spece 12)

Grading System of Monthly Journal

Organization (format, style, technique) 10%

Content (completeness of information) 20%

Visual Aids (pictures, forms) 10%

Analysis (critical evaluation) 20%

Recommendation (Feasible courses of action) 20%

Punctuality (submission is 1 month after) 10%

Neatness (presentation, cleanliness) 10%


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