...Speaking from a students’ perspective, I believe one of the hardest things to do for a potential employer or professor it to speak about one’s own strengths. Although we all exemplify different strengths, as well as weaknesses, it is not always the easiest to convey those to someone who could be meeting you for the first time. I would never want someone to question qualities about myself, so I hope that this paper will only be the start of my impression to this program about who I am, what I stand for, and what I have come here to accomplish. Thinking about the strengths I embody that would make myself a respectable social worker and looking inwardly at the qualities I hold, I am able to speak about a few that I believe would help me achieve...
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...EXAMINING SOCIAL WORK VALUES AND MY PERSONAL VALUES AND DEVELOPMENT In my essay I will be looking at what social work and values are. Due to the essay 1500 words constraint I look at the arguments for and against 1 of (Biestek 1961) 7 traditional values and then look at 1 of the new values before looking at a radical social work value. Secondly, I will re-evaluate my personal values and experiences to see how they relate to past and current social work values. Thirdly, I will identify the origin and development of my personal values, and look at the main influences and contributing factors. I will then look at the key areas of my personal values and attitudes that need further development as I progress and acquire new skills and knowledge in my course. I will conclude by highlighting and stressing the importance of values and self-awareness in working towards 'knowing and owning my fears, aspirations and values' (Antony, 1996). Social work is a human profession that promotes social changes, problem solving in human relationships and the empowerment and liberation of people to enhance well-being. Utilising theories of human behaviour and social systems, social work intervenes at the points where people interact with their environments. Principles of human rights and social justice are fundamental to social work (BASW 2001) and values in social work are the principles, beliefs, missions or philosophies of an individual, society or an institution that have been elaborated to...
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...My Story Hi! My name is LOIS S. BALIONG. Today, I’m going to tell you my vacation in the month March to April. I think everything changes. I thought that, when school is over (or its vacation) things will be fun. All we’re going to do is to follow schedules and chores, what our mother tell us to do. Here what happened the past few days? CHORES: What a boring thing to do. This is the part were I don’t like especially mother’s around. I know we must clean, because living in a messy place in uncomfortable! But in our house, chores never stop!!! I mean, my mother always work! You know no break! Sometimes I don’t like when my mother’s around, while we are working. If we make mistakes, she will shout at us. Sometimes she shouts at me in front of the carpenters who work in our little house. “Lois! Use your common sense! You must know how to work, for there will be the day that your father and I, will be gone in this world, and you don’t know how to work, what will become of you!” Uh!!! How many times did I hear that word, ‘work’, that is so embarrassing! I always murmur in working. I know its bad, but I can’t take it anymore. Can she please take a break? I hope that my mother will stop murmuring in one day! Just one day? You know what; I really feel it, truly, inside my heart that they don’t love me. Just like on April 13, 2009, my bigger sister told my mother to buy a NARNIA book, my mom nod. Then when I say to buy a Nancy Drew Book, she just ignores it. Well I...
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... (This application is for positions recruited by the U.S. Mission under the Office of Overseas Employment’s Interagency Local Employment Recruitment Policy) |POSITION | |1. Position Title |2. Grade | | | | |3. Vacancy Announcement Number (If known) |4. Date Available for Work (mm-dd-yyyy) | | |07/28/2014 | |PERSONAL INFORMATION | |5. Last Name (s) / Surnames | First Name |Middle Name | |YURT |BUSRA |ECE | |6. Other Names Used...
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...MARGARET NJERI A RESEARCH PROJECT SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF LOGISTICS AND SUPLLIES MANAGEMENT DEDAN KIMATHI UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE AWARD OF DEGREE IN BACHELOR OF PURCHASING AND SUPPLIES MANAGEMENT. MARCH 2015 DECLARATION I Ndung’u Margaret Njeri, declare that the material in this research project has not been submitted to any university or institution of higher learning for any academic qualifications. This research project is a result of my own independent research effort and investigation Signature …………………………… Date………………………… Ndung’u Margaret Njeri ADM No.: B011-0678/2011 This research Project has been submitted for examination with my approval as The University Supervisor: Signature…………………………... Date……………………… Mr. ZakaryNjoroge DEDICATION This project is dedicated to my mum Ms. NjokiNdung’u for her financial and moral support geared toward my academic success; also to my friends Benson Kiarie, Ivy Patrick and Lucy Githinji for their support and motivation. Table of Contents DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii List of figures vi List of tables vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENT vii ABSTRACT viii LIST OF ACRONYMS/ABBREVIATIONS ix OPERATIONAL DEFINITION OF TERMS x CHAPTER ONE 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background of the Study 1 1.2 Problem Statement 3 1.3 General Objective 4 1.4.2 Specific Objectives 4 1.5 Research Questions 4 1.6 Significance of the Study...
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...I: Introduction I. A: Rationale/Motivation Over the past two decades, cross-border or international mergers and acquisitions (IM&As) have become the favored method of foreign direct investment (FDI). The form shows that IM&As go both ways: toward developing countries and from them, reshaping the world’s economic boundaries. Trends notwithstanding, researchers suggest that, overall, the expected financial benefits of M&As are often not recognized. The highest rate of failures has been linked mainly to the fact that “M&As are still designed with business organization and financial fit as primary conditions, leaving psychological and cultural issues as secondary concerns”. While as new countries start out into the free-market economic system, paying attention to cultural factors in IM&As is becoming essential. The wider cultural gap and the current trend of IM&Asbetween developed and developing countries increases the urgency of understanding the effects of civilization on the dynamics of IM&As and on issues such as corporate organization and local adaptation strategy. The present research is designed in response to this shortcoming. It examines the effects of culture on the outcome of IM&As and the variability of these effects during the different phases of an IM&A. The research focuses on the international aspect of cultural conflicts—the differentiating factor between domestic mergers and acquisitions (M&As) and IM&As. It measures success from an organization’s internal...
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...Business Environment Y/601/0546 Mohamed Al Qasemi Level 4: Extended Diploma in Management Table of Contents Particulars | Page No | 1.1 Identify the purposes of different types of organisation | | 1.2 Describe the extent to which an organisation meets the objectives of different stakeholders | | 1.3 Explain the responsibilities of an organisation and strategies employed to meet them | | 2.1 Explain how economic systems attempt to allocate resources effectively | | 2.2 Assess the impact of fiscal and monetary policy on business organisations and their activities | | 2.3 Evaluate the impact of competition policy and other regulatory mechanisms on the activities of a selected organisation | | 3.1 Explain how market structures determine the pricing and output decisions of businesses | | 3.2 Illustrate the way in which market forces shape organisational responses using a range of examples | | 3.3 Judge how the business and cultural environments shape the behaviour of a selected organisation | | 4.1 Discuss the significance of international trade to UK business organisations | | 4.2 Analyse the impact of global factors on UK business organisations | | 4.3 Evaluate the impact of policies of the European Union on UK business organisations | | Introduction Understanding the Business Environments hep us understand how an organisation or business runs and what manager roles are and what a stockholder is and how...
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...The Ballad of Greene Henry Graham Greene was born on October 2, 1904 in Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire. The fourth of six children, Greene was a shy and sensitive youth. He disliked sports and was often truant from school in order to read adventure stories by authors such as Rider Haggard and R. M. Ballantyne. These novels had a deep influence on him and helped shape his writing style. The recurring themes of treachery and betrayal in Greene's writing stem from his troubled school years where he was often tormented for being the headmaster's son. After several suicide attempts, Greene left school one day and wrote to his parents that he did not wish to return. This culminated in his being sent to a therapist in London at age fifteen (Greene). His analyst, Kenneth Richmond, encouraged him to write and introduced him to his circle of literary friends which included the poet Walter de la Mare. In 1978 Greene gave Professor Norman Sherry a map that marked the spots he traveled to (Greene). Sherry spent 20 years retracing Greene's journeys, not without suffering. He contracted diseases from diabetes in Liberia, gangrene of the intestine, to temporary blindness. He won the Edgar Allan Poe award for Best Critical/Biographical Study in for Volume I of The World of Graham Greene.(Graham Greene) After graduating with a B.A. in 1925, Greene was employed as a subeditor at the Nottingham Journal after two abortive positions at other companies. His dislike of Nottingham's...
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...Development and organisation of sport Introduction In this assignment I have to produce a timeline for many periods of times and write what has changed in each period for a certain sport. The sport I will be writing about is boxing and how it has developed like it has through the ages. Pre 1200 medieval times Boxing in the medieval times was called fist fighting or another name for it was called pugilism. Fist fighting was basically just two people using their fists to hit the other person. In this time there were no rules for this sport and the matches were very violent and cruel to watch. Many people had many injuries during this time. The matches for fist fighting were based in and around the countryside’s. Tudor and Stuarts 1485-1714 Hanoverian 1714-1790 Changing times 1790-1830 Victorian period 1830-1901 In 1838 London prize ring rules were confined. They were later revised in 1853, the twelve rules were; To be a fair stand up boxing match fight in a twenty four foot ring, or as near that size as possible. No wrestling or hugging was allowed or it was also called clinching. The rounds for the match must be three minutes long and one minute rest between each round. If either of the boxers falls through weakness then they must get up unassisted and have only ten seconds to be allowed for him to do so. The other fighter must then return to his corner and wait to see if the fallen fighter gets back up to his feet and is able to resume and...
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...West Iowa Vulcan Riders Association By-Laws WEST IOWA VULCAN RIDERS ASSOCIATION CHAPTER 1-37 BY LAWS As a member of the West Iowa Vulcan Riders Association Chapter 1-37 you accept the following rules and agree to obey them…. I. Name A. The West Iowa Vulcan Rider Association will further more be referred to as the VRA or WIVRA. II. By Laws A. First and Foremost the WIVRA is a non-discriminatory club meaning we do not discriminate against: race, gender, age, make of machine, and otherwise. B. As a member of the WIVRA you promise to present yourself in a manner that is not considered destructive to the club’s reputation. C. All members will obey the by-laws set forth by the National Vulcan Riders Association Chapter as well as all laws both state and federal. III. Membership Requirements A. You must have a passion for motorcycles and motorcycle riding. B. You will not be required to attend any specific rides or meetings unless notified by one or more of the officers (although it is encouraged) C. You do not have to ride a motorcycle yourself (i.e. a wife or girlfriend who may not choose to ride can be a member as well) D. Each member will be required to look after the welfare of there fellow riders. IV. Officer/Elections A. Elections will be held at the clubs discretion (i.e. annually or bi-annually) B. The Officers will consist of President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. A road captain may be instated...
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...Introduction In this task I have been asked to write a report on my understanding of one level of government. I will be discussing central government including the democratic election process and other important facts. The central government is the government at the level of the nation state and also they maintain national security and international diplomacy, they can also make laws over the whole country. The roles that the central government focus on are making laws, defending the nation and signing treaties or agreements with other nations.The democratic election processes is where all peoples of this country over the age of 18 are allowed to vote. It is written within our constitution that all people have an entitlement to vote. You would also have to be 21 and over to enter the election. An election is a formal decision-making process by which a public chooses an individual out of the constituency To be a candidate there is no selection process if you are an individual representative and are eligible you may stand for office. To be eligible you need to be at least 18 years old, you must be a British citizen or a citizen of the Irish Republic or even another member state of the European Union. A selection procedure only becomes needed when you have to insure that the best candidate or the candidate most likely to win the seat is selected. If you are standing as a independent representative there are no candidate selection procedures as long as you are eligible you...
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...AST 201 – Term Project Plan Due: On Portal on February 8, 2016 Final Due Date: March 25, 2016 Late submissions will be penalized 20% per calendar day. Learning Goals 1. To explore an issue in astronomy which is of interest to you personally. 2. To explore a significant discovery or controversy in the history of astronomy. 3. To develop your confidence in your ability to communicate scientific concepts clearly, in non-technical language. Project Description There are two possible project topics and three possible formats. The possible topics are: 1. Important Observation: Identify and explain a candidate for the most important astronomical observation made prior to the year 2000. 2. Controversy: Identify a significant scientific controversy from either the past or the present of astronomy, explain why it was a controversy, and how it was resolved (if it has been). The possible formats for the project are: 1. Podcast-style audio clip 2. Poster 3. Video You will need to choose one topic to research and one format in which to present your results. Project Topics Your project topic must be directly related to AST 201. There are many topics in astronomy that are not directly related to this course. AST 201 focuses on stars, galaxies, black holes, and the universe as a whole. Thus, topics related mainly to planets, exoplanets, and solar system objects (such as moons, asteroids, and comets) would...
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...only when it is needed, and only in the amount that it is needed.”) concept created and developed by Kiichiro Toyoda, the founder and second president of Toyota Motor Corporation. Waste was seen as excess inventory in some cases, irrelevant processing steps in other cases, as well as defective products too. All these “waste” elements interlinked with each other to create more waste, which eventually impacted on the corporation itself. The automatic loom invented by Sakichi Toyoda didn’t just only automated work which used to be performed manually but also built the capability to make judgements into the machine itself. In turn this eliminated both defective products and the associated wasteful practices. Sakichi successfully succeeded in tremendously improving both productivity and work efficiency. Kiichiro Toyoda inherited this philosophy and set out to realise his belief that “the ideal conditions for making things are created when machines, facilities, and people work together to add value without generating any waste.” He developed methodologies and techniques for eliminating waste between operations between both lines and processes. The result was the Just-in-Time method which was helped by Taiichi Ohno, who created the basic framework for the Just-in-Time method. By ensuring thorough implementation of jidoka...
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...Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ullamcorper, libero vitae viverra luctus, felis neque tincidunt nisl, nec rutrum orci nunc eget nulla. Sed scelerisque ultricies fermentum. Cras tempor leo sit amet sem placerat eu dictum nibh porttitor. Aenean quis tellus neque. Pellentesque gravida mattis arcu ut ornare. Morbi sit amet nunc nec sapien sodales bibendum. Donec vestibulum ipsum nec turpis aliquet et ornare nunc mattis. Mauris ullamcorper mauris sit amet nulla gravida eu venenatis dui consectetur. Sed at nunc massa. Nunc ligula lacus, ornare et blandit non, tincidunt ac leo. Nulla porta tellus a magna porttitor eget gravida enim auctor. Sed molestie bibendum semper. Mauris suscipit arcu sit amet justo lobortis ut adipiscing sem bibendum. Integer imperdiet, diam ut faucibus ultrices, massa mi pulvinar ipsum, a hendrerit lorem erat vitae ligula. Vestibulum laoreet leo vel magna congue sit amet sollicitudin nulla lobortis. Duis rhoncus dapibus nulla, non varius risus rutrum a. Nullam et mi mi. Sed cursus nisl non tellus sodales fringilla. Aliquam a justo non arcu ornare gravida eu eu risus. Suspendisse potenti. Proin et magna ipsum, ut porttitor diam. Nunc id venenatis ligula. Phasellus consequat nulla ut mi sagittis pharetra. Mauris gravida eleifend consequat. Proin laoreet lacus eu sem gravida euismod. Suspendisse potenti. Fusce sagittis porttitor sapien, vitae porta quam adipiscing nec. Etiam eget sagittis orci. Maecenas mollis, est vel rhoncus sagittis...
Words: 398 - Pages: 2
...4750 Pleasant Hills Rd Rocky Mount, NC 27801 Judges, Capstone Boards Northern Nash High School 4230 Green Hills Rd Rocky Mount, NC 27804 Dear Judges: My name is Windell Lee Withers. I am 17 years old and born in Maryland on December 22, 1995. I have attended Northern Nash High School for the past four years. My goal in life is to go into the Air Force or the Army. I would like to go in as a Military Police (MP). At a young age, I was inspired to working with law enforcement. What inspired me was my mother working with the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), aunt working in the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), uncle working with the Department of Defense, and my grandfather being a Military Police. The topic I decided to do was “The History of the Air Force.” This was an important topic to me because I have always wanted to go into the Air Force. The Air Force has always been very interesting to me. I am just so excited in the way the Air Force protects our country. When I started doing my investing on the Air Force, is when I began learning how the Air Force really operated. When doing my research paper on the air force, I used the websites of www.airforcee.com ,www.airforcehistory.com and www.military.com. My paper will be a connection to enrich young minds on the things they would like to know about the Air Force. Someone who wants to enlist in the Air Force could learn the ins and outs of the Air Force. The Capstone Project experience...
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