...affect my work going forward. Examine what changes I want to make in own leadership style, and give reasons why. Give examples of how this will affect my work going forward. Plagiarism Declaration I know that plagiarism is wrong. Plagiarism is to use another’s work and pretend that it is one’s own. Allowing another to copy my work and use it as their own is also plagiarism. This assignment is my own work. I have not allowed and will not allow anyone to copy my work with the intention of passing it off as his or her own work. I acknowledge that working with someone on my assignment is allowed, but only if a mutual effort is made and different examples and, where necessary, wording is used. Signature: ....868.... Plagiarism Declaration I know that plagiarism is wrong. Plagiarism is to use another’s work and pretend that it is one’s own. Allowing another to copy my work and use it as their own is also plagiarism. This assignment is my own work. I have not allowed and will not allow anyone to copy my work with the intention of passing it off as his or her own work. I acknowledge that working with someone on my assignment is allowed, but only if a mutual effort is made and different examples and, where necessary, wording is used. Signature: ....868.... Introduction If someone asked me before I started my MBA what changes I would like to make to my current leadership style I would have said, I want to be a leader like my manager...
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...certain stigma that communicates to the person they are different, perhaps less of a person and that “normal” may never be a reality with their “illness.” Recovery would be based on becoming symptom-free, or at the very least, a significant reduction in symptoms (Gehart, 2012). The mental health field has experienced tremendous growth in terms of understanding the plethora of conditions people experience, as well as in treatment of those conditions. However, one thing remained unchanged until recently. The idea behind recovery shifted from coercive treatment to person-centered change (Onken, et al, 2007). Gehart states is this way, “instead of using the medical paradigm of disease, the recovery paradigm approached mental “illness” using a social model of disability that emphasizes psychosocial functioning over medical symptomatology” (2012). The focus of recovery shifted from the illness to the person. The recovery model gave way to the idea that change can happen and that the person should be at the center of the decision-making process to “reach their highest possible level of functioning, while developing new meanings for their lives”...
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...America, I had been watching as our justice system failed time and again to protect my community. The death of Trayvon Martin and the birth of Black Lives Matter ushered in a time of anger, frustration, and fear in my life. The experience of watching my disabled brother be arrested while sitting in a parking lot because the officer thought he “looked suspicious” affirmed a narrative that I had no agency over what happened in my life or community. The fight for justice, equal treatment, courage, and influence are all fights that the union takes on every day. As a union member, I saw black and brown people taking charge and demanding change. People of color, especially women, made...
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...Areas of Focus in Relation to Interpersonal and Prosocial Behavior Carmen Amaya Park University 1. Abstract The concepts of Positive Psychology are explored through an intrapersonal, interpersonal, and pro-social lens using empirical research as the basis. The paper examines the history, intentions and scope of positive psychology in relationship to personal experiences and character traits that lead to personal effectiveness. The specific Areas of Focus examine the major principles of Positive Psychology and their importance with regards to; changes in emotional states, cognitive processes and experiences in juxtaposition with current research. The concepts and principles are then applied to current goals, plans and future application in respect to the workplace, environment and culture. Finally, the challenges, obstacles and unanswered questions are discussed in current applications of Positive Psychology. Keywords: Positive Psychology, resiliency, hope, theories, emotion, cognition 2. Positive Psychology Areas of Focus in Relation to Interpersonal and Pro-social Behavior Major Principles and Concepts The primary underlying assumption of positive psychology is that psychology should focus on encouraging people’s strengths rather than fixing their weaknesses (Seligman & Csikszentmihalyi, 2000). Seligman and Csikszentmihalyi (2000) assert that as a new psychological paradigm, positive psychology rejects the disease model that had been...
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...1108/10748120610708104 Downloaded on: 16-09-2012 References: This document contains references to 3 other documents To copy this document: permissions@emeraldinsight.com This document has been downloaded 687 times since 2006. * Users who downloaded this Article also downloaded: * Hui Chen, Miguel Baptista Nunes, Lihong Zhou, Guo Chao Peng, (2011),"Expanding the concept of requirements traceability: The role of electronic records management in gathering evidence of crucial communications and negotiations", Aslib Proceedings, Vol. 63 Iss: 2 pp. 168 - 187 http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/00012531111135646 Brian Matthews, Catherine Jones, Bartlomiej Puzon, Jim Moon, Douglas Tudhope, Koraljka Golub, Marianne Lykke Nielsen, (2010),"An evaluation of enhancing social tagging with a knowledge organization system", Aslib Proceedings, Vol. 62 Iss: 4 pp. 447 - 465 http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/00012531011074690 Paul Clough, Jiayu Tang, Mark M. Hall, Amy Warner, (2011),"Linking archival data to location: a case study at the UK National Archives", Aslib Proceedings, Vol. 63 Iss: 2 pp. 127 - 147 http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/00012531111135628 Access to this document was granted through an Emerald subscription provided by UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY For Authors: If you would like to write for this, or any other Emerald publication, then please use our Emerald for Authors service. Information about how to...
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...outline my Practice Learning Opportunity (PLO) setting including my role. It will then explore the social work process in reference to one service user which includes; preparation for contact, assessment, intervention, review, endings and an evaluation of my work. Within this, multi- disciplinary work will also be explored identifying its strengths and limitations. The assignment will outline legislation and policy that determine social work roles and responsibilities to service users such as The Human Rights Act (1998) and Transforming Your Care (2011). Furthermore the assignment will consider how knowledge, skills, values, anti-oppressive practice and professional codes of conduct such as the Northern Ireland Social Care Council (NISCC) influenced my practice. My (PLO) is a community eldercare team, which provides a service for elderly people over the age of 65. The eldercare team works with service users, their families and professionals within a framework of anti-discriminatory practice to promote each person’s individual value. The aim of the team is to develop personal, social, health and greater independence for service users to enhance their strengths. Referrals are made by a range of professionals, including Gp’s, Hospital Social Workers and Self/Family referral. The eldercare team is situated in large town with a population of 59,607 according to NINIS (2011). Almost 17% (10,133) of this population is aged over 65, which is termed older people. My role within...
Words: 4500 - Pages: 18
...This article was downloaded by: [Lahore University of Management Sciences] On: 02 May 2015, At: 09:58 Publisher: Routledge Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK Anatolia: An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/rana20 Understanding the influence of interpersonal relationships on identity and tourism travel Julia F. Hibbert a b a , Janet E. Dickinson & Susanna Curtin a a School of Tourism, Bournemouth University , Fern Barrow, Poole , BH12 5BB , United Kingdom b School of Business and Economics, Linnaeus University , Kalmar , Sweden Published online: 25 Jan 2013. To cite this article: Julia F. Hibbert , Janet E. Dickinson & Susanna Curtin (2013) Understanding the influence of interpersonal relationships on identity and tourism travel, Anatolia: An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, 24:1, 30-39, DOI: 10.1080/13032917.2012.762313 To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13032917.2012.762313 PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the “Content”) contained in the publications on our platform. However, Taylor & Francis, our agents, and our licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness...
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...dedicated and motivated person with a strong passion in my field of interest for the Bachelor of social science (psychology) with criminology elements. I have a strong interest in social and criminal justice as well as in all different types of therapies i.e.: cognitive behavior therapy and narrative therapy. The biggest motivator that led me to choose this field of study was to make a positive difference in people’s lives and to work with individuals on an emotional level. I believe I have the ability to be able to put myself into someone else’s shoes and gage insight and understanding on an individual’s life situation whilst being compassionate and still holding a strong sense of social and criminal justice and believing they can still learn from their actions. I want to further understand people’s behaviors and choices in life this comes from my immense fascination with the science of the human mind; I want to further understand what triggers an individual to make the decisions they do? Is it a trigger? Or is it something they have been preprogrammed to do? Are the triggers a life event, or an emotional, physical or mental tragedy; are they environmental, a home situation or family history? I have confidence in my ability to provide excellent social skills; I’m an effective communicator at all different levels and walks of life and trust that I could communicate to all different ages, genders and personalities. On my life journey I have had some experiences working with...
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...shape our path I would probably say that one of my formative experience is how a colleague and I constructed a narrative of our experiences at SSA that began with we’re the oldest students here, unsure of what classes to take, we could never be full time students, take more than 2 classes and/or work and attend classes—only to have some transformative moment or moments that then made us the social workers we are today. On the flip side, I feel like we all have this platonic ideal in our minds about passing all of our classes with grades higher than a “C,” and we expect, contrary to our own experiences and contrary to the experiences of some of the students in our cohort, is that not to stress ourselves, and do the very best we can. Unlike my colleague, my concern was graduating undergrad 30 years ago, coming to a prestigious discipline, and feeling inferior in my first year of not knowing how to write papers or conduct research. I came from a very small college, and had no preparation whatsoever in 30 years what school was about currently. Moreover, graduate school has given me the opportunity to apply a theoretical foundation to describe my own undergraduate experience—after spending four years going through college and witnessing my own development, I am now learning why I went through such development and how I can best help those develop and grow just as I did. SSA has removed all self-doubt, and helped me leap past my own assumptions of what I knew to be true and what...
Words: 464 - Pages: 2
...Quick List of Common Literary Terms Abstract Language—Language describing ideas and qualities rather than observable or specific things, people, or places. The observable or "physical" is usually described in concrete language. Allegory—A narrative or description having a second meaning beneath the surface one. A story, fictional or nonfictional, in which characters, things, and events represent qualities or concepts. The interaction of these characters, things, events is meant to reveal an abstraction or a truth. These characters, etc. may be symbolic of the ideas referred to. Alliteration—The repetition at close intervals of initial identical consonant sounds. Allusion—An indirect reference to something (usually a literary text) with which the reader is expected to be familiar. Allusions are usually literary, historical, Biblical, or mythological. Ambiguity—An event or situation that may be interpreted in more than one way. Also, the manner of expression of such an event or situation may be ambiguous. Artful language may be ambiguous. Unintentional ambiguity is usually vagueness. Anachronism—Assignment of something to a time when it was not in existence, e.g., the watch Merlyn wore in The Once and Future King. Analogy—An analogy is a comparison to a directly parallel case. When a writer uses an analogy, he or she argues that a claim reasonable for one case is reasonable for the analogous case. Anecdote—A brief recounting of a relevant episode. Anecdotes are...
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...of Education and Practice ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online) Vol 2, No 4, 2011 www.iiste.org A Study on Gender Consciousness in Nigerian Autobiographical Narratives and Power of the Interview Ogunyemi, Christopher Babatunde Department of English, College of Humanities, Joseph Ayo Babalola University PMB 5006 Ilesa 233001 Osun State, Nigeria. bbcoguns2@yahoo.se Akindutire, Isaac Olusola Department of Physical and Health Education, Faculty of Education University of Ado Ekiti Ado Ekiti. Ekiti State, Nigeria ioakindutire@yahoo.com Adelakun, Ojo Johnson Department of Economics, Joseph Ayo Babalola University, PMB 5006 Ilesa 233001, Osun State, Nigeria joadelakun@yahoo.co.uk Abstract The study explores some self-created metaphors in male autobiographical writings in Nigeria. It visualizes the negation of female gender in art. The paper investigates the dichotomy of language, the use of irony and situational metaphors to displace conventional ones; it blends theories with critical evaluation of discourse. The research uses empirical methods in solving hypothetical questions with the use of extensive and relatively unstructured interviews. It examines the interviews of twenty five people independently, these people include: University lecturers, students, administrative and technical staff. The work analyzes concurrently their interview testimonies to search for congruence. Data analysis begins with a detailed microanalysis in which emergent concepts were defined and...
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... “Concern over a rule is sometimes at its most acute when that rule is being broken, for it is harder to limit a disturbance already begun.” - Georges Bataille Blurring the boundaries of race, gender, nationality, and sexuality has become a common denominator in defining personal identity in the twenty-first century. Exploding previous notions of these categories as fixed and static, artists today are taking an active role in exposing them as mere constructions. Nevertheless, transgressing these boundaries is still a delicate dance, and individuals who succeed in walking the line between identity categories occupy a precarious position. The purpose of this study is to explore the resistance strategies that trans-genders utilize when met with adversity and the ways that trans-genders see their trans identity as providing them with a form of strength and resiliency. Trans-genders are often analyzed from a pathologizing lens within the sociological and psychological literature. I wish to investigate the ways that trans-genders are currently pushing back against the oppressive forces that they encounter every day in hopes of increasing awareness of trans-genders resiliency and strength within the sociological and psychological fields. Terminology Transgender is often used to refer to people who “do not conform to prevailing expectations about gender” by presenting and living genders that were not assigned to them at birth or by presenting and living genders in ways...
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...Graded Assignments 4 Unit 1 Journal 1: Personal Narrative 4 Unit 1 Journal 1: Personal Narrative Handout 6 Unit 1 Journal 2: Civic Narrative 9 Unit 1 Journal 2: Civic Narrative Handout 11 Unit 1 Assignment 1: What Would You Do? 12 Unit 2 Journal 1: Personal Narrative 13 Unit 2 Journal 1: Personal Narrative Handout 15 Unit 2 Journal 2: Civic Narrative 19 Unit 2 Journal 2: Civic Narrative Handout 20 Unit 2 Journal 3: Article Response 22 Unit 2 Assignment 1: What Would You Do? 23 Unit 2 Assignment 2: Declaration of Independence and Public Safety 25 Unit 3 Journal 1: Car Commercials 26 Unit 3 Journal 2: Personal Narrative 27 Unit 3 Journal 2: Personal Narrative Handout 28 Unit 3 Journal 3: Civic Narrative 31 Unit 3 Journal 3: Civic Narrative Handout 32 Unit 3 Journal 4: Taste vs. Judgment 34 Unit 3 Presentation 1: What Would You Do? 35 Unit 3 Assignment 1: Habits That Hinder Thinking 36 Unit 4 Journal 1: Invention Exercise 37 Unit 4 Journal 1: SWOT Analysis Template 38 Unit 4 Journal 2: Personal Narrative 39 Unit 4 Journal 2: Personal Narrative Handout 41 Unit 4 Journal 3: Civic Narrative 43 Unit 4 Journal 3: Civic Narrative Handout 44 Unit 4 Assignment 1: What Would You Do? 46 Unit 4 Assignment 2: Invention White Paper 47 Unit 5 Journal 1: Personal Narrative 48 Unit 5 Journal 1: Personal Narrative Handout 49 Unit 5 Journal 2: Civic Narrative 51 Unit 5 Journal 2: Civic Narrative Handout 53 Unit 5 Assignment 1: What Would...
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...Elliott Brown Jr. Professor Deborah Willis Culture, History, Imaging, and Photography Studies December 6, 2011 Model as a Muse In my short career as a conscious photographer, which stems back to my junior year of high school, I have noticed a decisive pattern in my selection of models for my photographs, which lend their selves to fashion specifically, or at least attempt to. While I have not yet developed a particular favor for the aesthetic of one model over the next, it is my experience that the best models, the most responsive, self-aware, intelligent models, are the ones in which I was able to fall in love with. My models usually being women, I could not photograph her if I could not establish some relationship with her that transcended the superficial. I had to spend time with my models, grow with them in some way and understand them, and them myself, to the point where I only needed to provide them with the most minimal of direction during the shoot, and the rest they were able to guide independently. More generally speaking, the relationship between a photographer and those models who remain a distinctive presence in front of the camera amid the “make-up, hairstyling, and clothing being documented” (Koda and Kohle), is particularly fascinating in it’s ability to create additional layers of depth both within the assembled image and the ever-evolving idea of feminine beauty. Accordingly, photographers and designers have been able to portray their artistic visions...
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...Midlife Crisis A midlife crisis is defined as personal turmoil and coping challenges in people age 39 through 50 brought on by fear and anxieties about growing older, (Lang, 2001). It is associated with the feelings of impending mortality and death. We hear the term used constantly in reference to men, my focus is how does this affect women. In women we hear menopause as our “midlife crisis”. Menopause has been studied but it’s research is based on the physical changes women’s bodies go through. There is limited research on what our emotional state is during our midlife. That being said, I was wondering besides the hormonal changes and the symptoms of those changes what do women endure emotionally when they are faced with the same aspects of knowing their passed the midpoint. We also must evaluate if we have made our mark on the world and if we have accomplished what we feel we wanted to. So I decided I would like to find out if there are any steps that can be taken to ensure our emotional wellbeing. I know the “empty nest syndrome” is a major factor for many women. I am just starting the realization that my kids are grown and have their own lives to live. They have been my center, what I define my life by. Now I have to move on and accept they still need me but at a much different level. I must find another concentration in life, and I need to make it about me and what I want for me. So my quest is to find out if the rest of my life can be as fulfilling as the beginning has...
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