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Myers Briggs Type Indicator Essay

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I have several key takeaways about myself, others, and the Army from our lessons on ethics, self-awareness, and resilience. From a self-awareness and resilience standpoint, my Meyers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) score is the same now as when I first took the test in 2000, despite a multitude of experiences in different settings. So my outlook and temperate are very stable. Based on my experience with MBTI and other diagnostic tools, I have long embraced them as reasonably accurate depictions of how human beings process and communicate information. I have also embraced them as reasonably accurate predictors of likely how humans will react given the circumstances. The Army attracts people with diverse ways of thinking into it ranks and attempts to inculcate them with a set of shared values meant to guide ethical decision making. This paper will further explore the nuances of self-awareness, resilience, and ethical decision making.
Myers Briggs has 16 type indicators. I am an INTJ (Introverted-Intuitive-Thinking-Judging). Given multiple deployments, multiple assignments, a plethora of interactions with various personalities in a multitude of settings, it has not changed in 17 years. Therefore, I am convinced my type indicator is hardwired. …show more content…
Army. The Army has to bring them all together, form cohesive units, and install a shared set of values to guide ethical decision making. However, type indicators, in and of themselves, have no bearing on whether a person is moral or immoral, ethical or unethical. Anyone can be either. For example, I watched a documentary during the early stages of the Iraq war. It described the personalities of Sadaam Hussein's sons Uday and Qusay. Their personalities were polar opposites. Qusay was described as more reserved, subtle, disciplined, and studious; Uday more flamboyant, grandiose, violent, and unruly. However, both were described as inheriting their father's "killer

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