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NAEYC Code Of Advocacy Summary

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Everyone should be a “child advocate.” Parents, relatives, educators, older siblings, churches, businesses, all should be advocates for those that are not of legal age. The law sees this need, and as adults, everyone should take on this responsibility to help. I feel strongly about this and have felt very frustrated when I have heard others say, “It’s their parent’s problem.” Maybe if we were all advocates for children there wouldn’t be so much evil against children. The text book gives excellent information on advocacy in Chapter 13. Our book reminds us that “Advocacy is speaking out for and taking action in support causes that protect and support vulnerable populations.” (Freeman, N.K, Decker, C. E, Decker, J.R., pg. 373) NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct “states that early childhood educators agree to ‘serve as advocate(s) for children, their families, and their teachers in community and society’ (NAEYC, 2011b)” (Freeman, N.K, Decker, C. E, Decker, J.R., pg. 373) After reading the NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct, you don’t need to be in the daycare business if you can’t be an advocate for the youngest in the community! The text goes on and gives great information on different types of advocacies that you can become involved with. I want to tell you about a way to be …show more content…
“The U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights lists allergy as an example of a hidden disability for the purpose of Section 504, and also further explains how a food allergy, for many children, would be considered a disability under 504.” (Section 504 and Written Management Plans. n.d.) This would include allergies to peanuts, gluten or Celiac disease. It also includes colitis, diabetic, seizure disorder, and any chronic medical problems. All hidden disabilities should be documented with a doctor’s note before having a 504

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