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Opportunity Cost Benefit Analysis

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Throughout modern adolescence, regardless of state, region, religious belief, skin color, or gender, teens are required to fulfill certain obligations if they desire to operate a motor vehicle. While some states are more stringent in these requirements, there is a universal emphasis on the dangers of speeding – there are mandated limits on driving speed that are put in place to keep motorists safe. The purpose of a speed limit isn’t to make driving any less fun or to keep people from their destinations, but to advise the maximum safe speed to travel on that given road. However, it is rare to find an individual who consistently abides by the implemented limits; just about everyone chooses to speed some time or another. Why is it that people …show more content…
If there were no possibility of monetary consequence for speeding, it is fair to assume that more people would speed. Thus, speeding fines have a deterring effect on driving faster than mandated. However, for some people, the fine – coupled with the chance of being ticketed, as speeders are not always caught – still does not outweigh the benefit they receive from traveling faster. Essentially, people are computing an opportunity cost benefit analysis of whether it is worth it to speed given the possibility of a speeding fine. For instance, speeding fines rise as the offense becomes more extreme; barely going over the limit warrants a small fine, going a lot over will get the driver a big fine, and excessive speeding can even result in a felony. Almost nobody decides to speed at 30 miles above the limit, and one of the factors in this absence of violators may be the drastic consequence for the crime. It is almost never worth it for someone to speed that much because they are at risk of a felony and license suspension. If this were the fine for all speeding, it is plausible that the incidence of speeding would decrease

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