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NBC Nightly News Analysis

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After watching a half-hour of evening newscast on “NBC Nightly News” at Channel 4 WNBC, I noticed that there was a lot of important information covered, that it was clearly developed to the audience. “NBC Nightly News” air on New York TV stations every day at 6:30 pm covering news across the nation, using highly budget to give the best quality of news for the audience. “NBC Nightly News” started with one of the most important news now, in which everyone is talking about, the death of Antonin Scalia (1936-2016), a justice man with the longest service in the Supreme Court that died of 79 years in Texas. All the visual information used and videos about his life and legacy helped to understand the loss was not only about his position in life, but was more than that, talking of all his family life and kids, and all what he had done for the Supreme Court and the history behind.
One of another substantial part of the news that caught my attention was the deadly weather in Pennsylvania, an ill wind causing 50 cars …show more content…
When I was watching this news, all that I can say is that found it very interesting because I think that is certainty true, that some leaders needs to do more, but also because the Pope Francis with his message can really motivate some people that didn’t believe before to now have more faith in life.
Another type of news that caught my attention was about the increasing of price of some gas stations and how there is now a company called (Booster) which it also uses the app of any smart phones, can use full service of gas without going to a regular gas station, which I found it was interesting and good for all of us with the smart idea of not having to go back to a regular gas station to fill your gas. In general, I think it is good news to captivate all of us our

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