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NYU Tisch Analysis

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To some, a school like NYU, with its large class size and city sprawl, might be daunting. But to me, the drama program at NYU Tisch is quite the opposite. At Tisch, I would be surrounded by millions of New Yorkers and 50,000 students, all with different stories and different backgrounds, a global and real campus - and yet, at the same time, I could grow and learn artistically with a small group of my peers. The program mixes the artistic intensity of a conservatory with the academic respect of a traditional collegiate institution, as well as intimacy within the theatre studio and anonymity throughout the university. At NYU, I can truly have the best of both worlds. I believe that this structure is perfect for me: my passion lies in theatre, …show more content…
Students can develop intense physical techniques, study the portrayal of queer women in theatre, and learn about the business of acting all at once, while also taking part in theatrical productions both NYU-produced and student-run; and because students are accepted into a specific studio, I would train among like-minded actors who have similar modi operandi when it comes to performance, ensuring that I would get the training that best fits me. With so many opportunities and such specific, rigorous education, there is no time to be stagnant at NYU.

Not only is NYU in the middle of New York City, but it takes full advantage of its location in this incredible center of culture to raise its students’ awareness of the world around them. Courses at NYU analyze the historical heritage of the Bronx through its art, the influence of social media on politics, and urban environmentalism - among countless other diverse topics - all by utilizing the city as its campus. This global style makes college-level education inclusive, important, and relevant to the world that students like me will enter after college graduation.

NYU might be nine hundred miles away from the house in which I’ve grown up, but inexplicably, it feels like

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