...About Namaste Solar Based in Colorado, Namasté Solar is an employee-owned cooperative that designs, installs, and maintains solar electric systems for homes, businesses, non-profits, and government entities. Since its inception in 2005, Namasté Solar has installed more solar electric systems in Colorado than any other company. Namasté Solar’s unique business model has garnered widespread recognition including a “Best for the World” designation from B Corporation (2012), a “Top Small Company Workplace” award from Winning Workplaces (2011), a “Best Place to Work” award from the Boulder Chamber of Commerce (2010) and Denver Business Journal (2009), a #56 ranking on the “Inc. 500” (2009), and a “Most Democratic Workplace” listing from Worldblu (2010-2012). At Namasté Solar, we measure profit and success holistically – not just in terms of dollars and sense, but also in terms of employee fulfillment, customer satisfaction, involvement in our community, impact on the environment, and practicing what we preach. This paradigm felt like a perfect fit with B-Corporation’s multi-stakeholder principles. We are so excited to join the B-Corp community and to contribute to the overall B-Corp movement. The Change We Seek™ Namasté Solar mission is to propagate the responsible use of solar energy, pioneer conscientious business practices, and create holistic wealth for ourselves and our community. We infuse this mission in everything we do. Examples of our conscientious business...
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...Namaste Solar Case Study 1. What is the mission of Namaste Solar? How does the mission reflect the company’s values? Explain. The mission statement of Namaste Solar is “to propagate the responsible use of solar energy, pioneer, conscientious business practices and create holistic wealth for our community which benefits all stakeholders equally- customers, employees, investors, and the environment.” The mission statement reflects the company’s values because they direct explain how the values or linked the mission statement. The company has five core values. The first value is “care for the earth.” Namaste Solar Company’s core activity was designing and installing solar energy systems.” Namaste Solar even went so far and got there building to be LEED-gold certified. The second company value is “to care for the customer.” Namaste Solar cares for the customers by offering them a 10-year warranty on all of their residential installations. Namaste Solar also reimbursed customers for their lost energy production when equipment was out of service for repairs. The third company value is “to care for the community.” Namaste Solar has chosen to donate 1% of its revenues in the form of solar system installations to nonprofits communities. The forth value is “to care for the company.” Namaste Solar care for the company by choosing to create a collaborative and equitable culture. They support and stand for a company that is open-management, democratic decision-making, and a meritocratic...
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...Faragher v. City of Boca Raton Dushun Beck, Blanca Chavez, Justin Gonzalez, Melinda Mayberry, Mike Rainey Cardinal Stritch University ASB120 Business Law March 4, 2015 Mr. David Bastianelli Faragher v. City of Boca Raton Unwelcome sexual advances, demands for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature are consider sexual harassment and this can happen anywhere including in a work place. The inappropriate behavior can be caused by peers, supervisors, or managers that will take advantage of their job title and act inappropriate, promising rewards in exchange for sexual favors that interfere with employees work performance creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment. A victim may consent or agree to certain conduct and actively participate in it even though it is offensive and objectionable. Therefore, sexual conduct is unwelcome whenever the person subjected to it considers it unwelcome. In most modern legal situations, sexual harassment is illegal. This paper will take into consideration different elements of the law including Employment Law, facts, ethical, and legal issues tried before to the U.S. Supreme Court. It will also offer suggestions for prevention and corrective action pertaining to the issue of sexual harassment in the workplace. Facts During 1985-1990, petitioner Beth Ann Faragher worked as a lifeguard for the Marine Safety Section in the city of Boca Raton, Florida. After five years, Faragher decided...
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...analysis on was Case Study 2: Namaste` Solar. This particular case study examined a solar energy firm that was headquartered in Boulder, Colorado. The CEO, Blake Jones, had been toying with the idea of either selling part of the business or selling the firm altogether. Jones and his partners decided that they would need to recruit long-term employees that were dedicated to the solar energy business in order for the company to flourish. Jones and his partners felt that if they hired employees that would have an opportunity to hold equity in the company it could turn into something big, beyond the mere idea of an investment in the solar energy industry. After recruiting more than fifty-five employees, Jones and his partners started to hold (BPM’s) Big Picture Meetings. According to Lawrence et. al (2010), held weekly, BPMs brought together all employees for a full discussion of the issues facing the company, both large and small. All employees were expected to attend the meetings and actively participate in the discussion. The meetings were more geared towards the internal audience, which are the employees at Namaste’ Solar. Some of the trends in current organizations that may impact existing or cause new organizational communication issues include: technological innovations such as the need for solar energy opposed to electricity. These are certain issues that the company must address before marketing their product. Organizations like Namaste’ Solar must persuade external audiences...
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...NAMASTHE SOLAR Introduction Namasté Solar is a leading Colorado solar installer in the residential market. Colorado’s favorable market conditions attract new competitors, putting pressures on price and market share. Unusual management structure and values systems, and public incentive structures complicate a pending decision to grow the residential market or develop a commercial installation business. (http://leeds.colorado.edu/casestudy/169#overview) The Pros and Cons of Namaste’s Three Options Path A: to “sell the whole kit and caboodle” Advantages: * By more invested capital the company can grow much faster than the market. The invested capital can be used to acquire more resources and for more research and development projects which ultimately might increase the company’s profit. * Very high expansion is possible because the company can hire more people which enable them to reach more customers and more installations. By this process the company’s reputation can be kept high and increase the profitability. * The disadvantages in decision making strategy which was originally followed by the company can be eliminated. * The stack holders and stock holders can receive a huge return for their invested capital. * The investment risk of the employers can also be reduced. * Last but not the least, employers feeling of tired and overworked can be reduced to a great extent. Disadvantages * The company’s core values like Care for the Earth, Care...
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...Summary This is to about one of the leading real estate companies named PIXEL properties ltd. Now a days, this company is having a big problem about their sale of apartments. They are decreasing the amount of the sale of the apartments because of the announcement of the government to stop providing electricity for domestic use. If the company can’t find an alternative to increase their sale of apartments, it will make a big lose for the company. We discussed here three solutions which will help the company to increase the sale of apartments. Which are 1.discounts, 2.putting solar systems on the apartments, 3. Solving their problems about the apartment. Company Profile Company Name: Pixel properties LTD. Description of the Company: One of the REHAB certified real estate companies in Bangladesh. They provide luxurious apartments, office spaces, Shop spaces & building constructions facilities. Mission: without concentrate and elegant shelter life is truly worthless with Innovation Unlimited and to reduce the environmental impact of construction. History: They started their journey in 2004 in Bangladesh. Starting Capital: 5 Crore tk/- Present Capital: 8.6 Crore tk/-(Approximately) Management (Key Members): They have a board of 5 directors and a chairman. The names are given below: 1. Mr. Nasimul islam chowdhury (Chairman) 2. Mr. Ziaul kabir (Managing Director) 3. Ms. Shushmita Khan (Director) 4. Mr.Nafiz imtiaz Partho (Director) 5. Mr. Samiur...
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...award winning solar power user which runs their resort fully by solar power. They have a solar power plant of their own and this plant provides them with their essential electricity. This electricity and power is cheaper to them than the fossil energies. The price of fossil energy is increasing day by day. But expense for solar energy is not increasing. So, this helps their economically also. This solar power plant is very much eco-friendly and helps them to reduce the emission of carbon at a high rate. Hidden Valley Cabins and Tours are creating the example for the people that solar energy are very eco-friendly and they can be used for large facilities also. Contents Executive summary 1 Introduction 3 Purpose of the report 4 Findings 5 Conclusion 10 Recommendations 11 References 12 Introduction Solar power energy is one of the most discussed issues now a day. The whole world is experincing a crisis for the fossil energy. The day is not so far when all the available energy will be ended. So, the quest for an alternative source of energy was going by many people. As a result of this quest the solar power energy technology has been invented and this energy source is becoming more and more popular day by day. But there are only a few examples around the world and even in Australia that any resort or any structure is completely run by the solar energy. Hidden Valley Cabins and Tours are totally depended on solar energy. By...
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...Sherrah Adderley Ms. Marjorie Downie Eng 300 October 16, 2012 Should the government invest in solar energy? The impact of high crude prices on the economy has always been negative, resulting in high energy cost. Many Bahamians continue to struggle to keep their lights on due to the constant increases in surcharge on electric bills by The Bahamas electricity Corporation (BEC) .To reduce this energy load, the government should invest in renewable energy such as solar energy. Solar power is one way we can explore renewable energy. Maybe Bahamians are reluctant to explore renewable energy because of perceived difficulty or cost. The government should invest in solar power because; it reduces cost, environmental safe and may create jobs.(smith) Solar energy reduces cost. Since solar energy is hundred percent free it means that it can reduce the energy loads such as lowering electricity bills by the use of solar panels, solar lights and other solar products. Solar panel is cost effective as it requires no maintenance. (Van) Once installed, there are no recurring costs involved and money can be saved in the long run. Solar lights are easy to install. This is because there are a few wiring issues and little need to ever dig supporting trenches. Many Bahamians argue that it is misleading to say that solar energy is free However, the price of solar energy is found in the expense of the technology and other factors involved in extracting it and transforming it into...
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...Solar energy is simply the light and heat given off by the sun. most people actually want to know how we get power from solar energy. In other words, they really just want to know how we turn the sun’s heat and light energy into a usable power source. Both methods use solar panels to collect the solar energy but one process focuses on the sun’s heat and one process focuses on the sun’s light. The first process is called solar thermal which the energy works by harnessing the sun’s heat. The second process is the photovoltaic process Photovoltaic (PV) panels capture the light emitted by the sun and convert this energy into usable electricity. They do this by exciting the electrons in the solar energy which produces direct current (DC) electricity. DC electricity isn’t usable for most home needs. The DC electricity must go through a conversion process in a mechanical device known as an inverter. There many advantages of solar energy. The first one is Saving you money . After the initial investment has been recovered, the energy from the sun is practically FREE. It will save you money on your electricity bill if you have one at all. Solar energy does not require any fuel. The second one is Environmentally friendly. Solar Energy is clean, renewable (unlike gas, oil and coal) and sustainable, helping to protect our environment. It does not pollute our air by releasing carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide, sulphur dioxide or mercury into the atmosphere like many traditional forms of electrical...
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...ESL students. The science class was very enlightening and attention-grabbing to say the least because Mrs. Molosky had to differentiate instruction to meet the needs of the different levels. Every 2-3 weeks the teacher replaces one subject with the other depending on the depth of the information within the chapter and the rate at which the students grasp the material. At this time Mrs. Molosky was teaching a unit in Science called “The Solar System and Beyond”. During my observing of this unit of instruction, I was able to compile the information needed to respond to the questions within the module. The following is the information: Were other content areas such as reading, writing, math and technology integrated into the science lesson by the teacher? Yes, the teacher did integrate the content area of Reading by using compare and contrast, sequence, categorizing and classifying information, and drawing conclusions. The subject area of Math was applied through teaching how to calculate the distance in astronomical units in the Solar System. Astronomical units are the standard unit for distance...
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...Rosario Carrillo HUM / 114 October 17, 2012 In Need of Alternative Sources of Energy There are many people that are debating how to best meet energy needs in the United States. The argument is that the country must decrease its dependence on oil and invest in alternative sources of energy. The United States uses oil daily witch tends to be very expensive. People believe that to best meet energy needs would be to find alternative sources, such as wind, and solar power. The truth is that alternative energy needs to become a major investment for everyone. The conservation of energy can result in the increased of financial capital, environmental quality, and comfort. The oil supply is decreasing daily and evenly that source will be extinct so why not start with alternative sources. Some argue that alternative sources are too expensive, but fail to realize that if he or she was to invest in an alternative source such as solar panels that they will acquire adequate lighting and a more healthful life. ”Solar incentives for homeowners reduce the energy cost by 30 to 50 percent” (Chiras, 2012, 5p. ). This is one of the reasons why it is important to invest in alternative sources of energy because the amounts of saving are so high. The price of electricity will increase witch will cause people to spend thousands of dollars on electricity because of the rising cost of oil. By encouraging more people to use alternative sources would help the United States to gradually clean...
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...ADVANTEGES OF SOLAR ENERGY Solar energy is a renewable resource that is environmentally friendly. Unlike fossil fuels, solar energy is available just about everywhere on earth. And this source of energy is free, immune to rising energy prices. Solar energy can be used in many ways - to provide heat, lighting, mechanical power and electricity. Think about the money you’ll save once you are off the energy grid. SOLAR COLECTERS Active solar systems use solar collectors and additional electricity to power pumps or fans to distribute the sun's energy. The heart of a solar collector is a black absorber which converts the sun's energy into heat. The heat is then transferred to another location for immediate heating or for storage for use later. The heat is transferred by circulating water, antifreeze or sometimes air. Applications for active solar energy include heating swimming pools, domestic hot water use, ventilation and industrial process air and water for commercial facilities such as laundries, car washes and fitness centers. SOLAR ENERGY [pic] BY: CARSON COLE DOMESTIC HOT WATER Another common way to use the sun's heat is with the use of a solar domestic hot water system. Depending on how the system is used, a typical system will provide 50 to 75 per cent of a family's hot water needs. With water heating accounting for about 20 per cent of home energy use, a solar DHW system is an attractive method of reducing a home's fossil...
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...Stardust is the NASA spacecraft that took samples of the Wild 2 comet. This craft returned samples that showed sampled of glycine, an amino acid used to make proteins. The mission took place in January of 2004 and the data was sent back to Earth in January 2006. These results were the first to prove that there are life ingredients in space. This proof restarts the issue of whether our species was created by a meteor or comet that came to Earth and left these similar samples. It’s perfectly logical to think believe if this one comet had these particles that many more could too. That they could be remnants of other planets or celestial bodies even. Dr. Carl Pilcher, Director of the NASA Astrobiology Institute which co-funded the research said, “The discovery of glycine in a comet supports the idea that the fundamental building blocks of life are prevalent in space, and strengthens the argument that life in the universe may be common rather than rare.” This is simply a hint of possibilities for what could be out there. Through this two-year journey much was accomplished. These accomplishments give scientists and astronomers even more of a reason to look into space in search for many things from life to more life ingredients. If our science today can accomplish something like this then the limitations are endless for future scientists and what they can find. Professor Donald E. Brownlee said it best when he said, “The discovery of amino acids in the returned comet sample...
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...depletion of natural resources, so is interest growing in environmentally friendly products and services. For example, the popularity of green cleaning products has increased in recent years. Nontoxic, biodegradable cleaning products are safer for use in the home meaning they are less likely to cause health problems. They also keep harmful chemicals out of the environment. Compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) are another popular eco-friendly product; compared to traditional, incandescent light bulbs, CFLs use way less electricity. Here are a four of the many types of green technology used today; green energy, vehicles, building and appliances. Green energy as of today is produced by these forms of energy; solar, wind, and hydroelectric power. Solar power or solar energy is a technology that converts the power of the sun into usable energy. It is a resource that cannot be used up by us using it. Much of the world's...
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...SOLAR CHARGER A great kit for self-sufficiency It' SOLAR CHARGERS: 1. SOLAR CHARGER - this page - using a ZTX 851 transistor 2. Solar Light 3. Power Supply 5v Solar - Circuit 1 4. Power Supply 5v Solar - Circuit 2 5. Solar Charger - Push Pull circuit Some products are not yet available for 12v operation but inverters are available from 100watts to 4kw. The aim of this project is to cater for the other end of the range. We are looking at charging a 12v battery, using the cheapest set of solar cells and the cheapest inverter. This also means the cheapest 12v battery - a 1amphr (1AHr) gell cell or 6v cells salvaged from old analogue mobiles! THE PROBLEM The problem with charging a battery from a solar panel is the SUN! It doesn't shine all the time and clouds get in the way! Our eyes adjust to the variations in the strength of the sun but a solar panel behaves differently. As soon as the sun loses its intensity, the output from a solar panel drops enormously. No only does the output current fall, but the output voltage also decreases. Many of the solar panels drop to below the 13.6v needed to charge a 12v battery and as soon as this occurs, the charging current drops to ZERO. This means they become useless as soon as the brightness of the sun goes away. Our project cannot work miracles but it will convert voltages as low as 3.5v into 13.6v and keep delivering a current to the battery. Obviously the current will be much lower than the maximum, when the sun...
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