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Nancy Mairs On Being A Cripple Essay

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In a world full of inequality, few things level the playing field for all people, regardless of background, ethnicity, or other defining characteristics and unfortunately tragedy is one of the great equalizers of humankind. Tragedy has devastating effects that can lead us into mental, emotional and sometimes physical spaces that are hard but what can be even more devastating is never moving on. Nancy Mairs, in her essay “On Being a Cripple”, writes to encourage those that read her essay to not allow tragedy to overtake them but rather to continue living life with all hope, autonomy, bravery and optimism for the future. To convey this message Mairs balances and a somber, serious tone, a humorous tone and a strong, bold tone.
Nancy Mairs is an …show more content…
She is also a woman who knows her fair share of tragedy. Mairs suffers from multiple sclerosis and is crippled because of her disease. Mairs clearly states throughout her essay that although she has learned to accept herself and her condition she hates her disease. She conveys this through a somber and serious tone balanced with a humorous tone. By being vulnerable about her experiences and emotions on struggling with multiple sclerosis, more specifically being crippled, Mairs lets the reader know that it is normal to feel sorrow or contempt over hard situation but one has to resolve their negative emotions and move on. In one section of her essay Mairs recalls her struggles with her physical appearance as an adolescent until the present time; as an adolescent she thought herself to be “particularly ugly” and had low self esteem which she carried over with her into her adult years, “crippling” her when she become diagnosed with MS at age twenty. At the time Mairs wrote “On Being a Cripple” she decided to not focus on her physical appearance. She writes, “[t]he self-loathing I feel is neither physically nor intellectually substantial. What I hate is not me but a disease” (Mairs 65). This sentence establishes her overall feelings of being crippled; Mairs hates her disease but not herself. Preceding the quote above Mairs writes, “I’m also too old to believe in the accuracy of self image. I know that i’m not a hideous crone...” (Mairs 65). By placing

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