...Nanotechnology and Medicine There was a comic book character by the name of Swamp Thing that came out in the early 1970’s. The comic book became so popular a movie was made in 1982. The character (Alex Holsen) was originally a scientist that specialized in botany. Holsen was researching on how to rejuvenating limbs in humans using plant forms. The scientists arch enemy (Dr. Arcane) set off a bomb in Alex Holsen’s lab after stealing the formula to rejuvenate limbs. Unfortunately, the scientist was still in the laboratory when the explosion occurred, and was blown free of the lab into the swamp. A metamorphism took place while Holsen was down in the swamp, and when he emerged, he became a super plant monster known as the Swamp Thing. The parts on him that were destroyed in the explosion were now regenerated, reformed, and much stronger than his original self A large green muscle bound monster with algae grown into his skin. Nanotechnology fits somewhat into a category like this, but it's not all hype and science fiction the way television and the Hollywood scene have tried to portray it. If that were the case, we'd all be bionic men and women. Nanotechnology works at a small scale, meaning that it only uses a very small miscue that are no more than a human hair's width. It's already been found to be used in some items such as health and beauty products. Medicine is found to be the area that holds the most promising future for the field of nano technology...
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...Kassondra Deneen Hughes Nanotechnology Argosy University Professor Merwin SCI215 Nanotechnology Television is a form of entertainment, which has changed the way people think about science. Science was once viewed by many as boring or too complicated but thanks to shows like The Big Bang Theory that has changed. The show and its quirky actors teach us something different each show. One thing that I learned is that physics is the study of nature and properties of matter and energy. When the show first came on there was a chalk board in their living room that had a lot of numbers on it and Sheldon was attempting to figure out some mind boggling equation that involved a lot of small numbers that looked like big numbers. I have even heard one or all of those scientist talks about the nanotechnology. Most people did not know exactly what they were talking about and that’s why a lot of people did not like the show. It was hard to follow if the person did not know anything about nanotechnology. But because of the comedy the shows conversation about certain aspects of the scientific process is a little easier to understand. Unfortunately, nanotechnology is such a broad field it has to be broken down into smaller increments, how nanotechnology affects medicine is a great place to start. Nanotechnology has become a very popular science because it helps a person to understand it takes a lot of atoms to make up anything on the earth. It makes it much easier to understand...
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...What is nanotechnology? Nanotechnology is a new and exciting area of science. When atom arranged into very small particles they behave differently to ordinary materials made of the same atoms. A nanometre is one billionth of a metre (or 10-9) and nanoparticles are a few nanometre in size. They contain a few hundred atoms arranged in a particular way. Their very small size give them very large surface areas and new properties that can make them useful materials. How long has it been around? Nanotechnology has been around since December 29th , 1959! And nanotechnology is improving and helping use to make our life’s better! What products already exploit nanotechnology? • Medicine • Tooth paste • Sunscreen • And more Nanotechnology in the future? What areas are people working on to use nanotechnology? • Medicine • Health • Hygiene How can it be used in medicine nanotechnology? Nanotechnology can carry drugs inside them and they can control the Drugs as well meaning that we can see a new side of nanotechnology this means. Or in defence? Nanotechnology could be used in war or self defence. How could it make our lives better? It can kill and destroy diseases and viruses meaning that we wont get ill and that will increase out life spam slightly. What is wrong with using nanotechnology? There is a risk of using nanotechnology, we could get nanotechnology in the air and that could cause damage to our body and effect us. It may cause...
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...Nanotechnology Applications Daniel Shelton Contemporary Applications of the Sciences | SCI215 A03 Argosy University “Nanotechnology is an idea that most people simply didn’t believe” (Merkle). They’re many applications in the field of nanotechnology. Taking a further look into this particular branch of material science we can see that on the atomic scale this matter can be manipulated. This branch deals with engineering in general but the three I chose to discuss are the fields of: medicine, agriculture, and space exploration. In these three fields we will expand them and discuss on how these current and future applications are applied and examples of them in detail. These fields are used every day through the process of nanotechnology at its very basis. Nanotechnology however; has the very power to impact every aspect of society whether we realize it or not. Currently in the realm of medicine through applying this concept with nanotechnology its being used already for the very foundation of delivery systems for drugs that are new and vastly effective. In the development at its early stages, research of regeneration of nerves as scaffolding is being used. The National Cancer Institute has begun a very alliance with the Nanotechnology in Cancer has invested a lot of hope in this nanomedicine branch. The breakthroughs through this process could help in terms of treating, diagnosing, and helping to predict multiple types or forms of cancer. In the upcoming years through...
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...Nanotechnology Nanotechnology has been an anticipated technology due to it giving complete and inexpensive control of the structure of matter. The thought of this technology came from the mind of Richard Feynman, a physicist, in 1959. The way Feynman first described nanotechnology was, “a process by which the ability to manipulate individual atoms and molecules might be developed, using one set of precise tools to build and operate another proportionally smaller set (History and Future of Nanotechnology, 2009).” Manufacturing at the molecular scale will enable the construction of cell repair machines, computers smaller than a cubic micron, and even personal manufacturing. Molecular manufacturing or nanomanufacturing is where it all starts. Nanomanufacturing is the manufacturing of nano-scale materials, structures, devices, and systems. There are two approaches to nanomanufacturing, the top-down approach or the bottom-up approach. The top-down approach reduces large pieces of material down to the nanoscale. This approach uses more material and can lead to waste if excess material isn’t used. The second approach, the bottom-up approach, creates products by starting at the atomic or molecular level and building the products from the ground up. This process is very time consuming. With these two approaches there are new processes that enable nanomanufacturing which are (Manufacturing at the Nanoscale): 1. Chemical vapor deposition – a process where chemicals react to produce...
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...------------------------------------------------- Nanotechnology THE FUTURE AND PRESENT Ap So what exactly is nanotechnology? With that question there is a lot of answers. The definition of nanotechnology is, “the branch of engineering that deals with things smaller than 100 nanometers (especially with the manipulation of individual molecules)”Nanotechnology will allow the construction of smaller circuits and computers. Smaller circuits will run faster enabling much faster computer speeds, and will give them much greater lives as well. That means a laptops efficiency could be increased by millions, living longer and working faster which would be more value for the money that you pay. I found an article on the internet from Royal society of chemistry that talks how nanotechnology will actually have a good impact on the environment in the future. It says “For the environment and energy, nanotechnology will have a significant impact. For instance, nanometer sized solar cells could be developed to provide much of the energy needed around the world and nanomaterial’s will increase the efficiency of fuel cells and batteries. I the future nanotechnology will be used to tackle environmental problems, new “green” processing technologies will minimize the generation of undesirable by-product effluent by curbing emissions.” Nanotechnology is a relatively new and emerging field of science, it was first alluded in 1959, but it remained largely theoretical until the 1980s...
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...Nanotechnology is a fast growing field that holds many present and future applications. “Nanotechnology is a branch of materials science that deals with manipulating matter on an atomic scale.” It is “engineering on a scale of a billionth of a meter.” To manipulate on such small scale often changes the properties of elements involved. There are “two main approaches to nanotechnology.” There is the “bottom up” and “top-down.” In “bottom up” the building is from molecular components which assemble themselves chemically. The “top-down” method makes “nans-objects” without “atomic level control. Examples of nanotechnology are so numerous that it is difficult to narrow the discussion to a few. One use is “to power mobile electronic devices.” Using an ultra-thin film as a solar panel that would fit in a computer case. There is also the possibility of weaving fibers in a person’s clothing to generate energy from light or body heat. This is good for joggers or people on the go who do not want heavy devices are unreliable batteries. Another use of this technology is the use of “protype solar panels.” These panels are made by nanotechnology and are very thin. They are cheaper to build and can be produced in thin sheets. They are more efficient and easier to install than standard panels currently in use. They are distributed in “flexible rolls.” Still another use of nanotechnology is in the field of medicine. “Quantum dots are semi-conducting nano-crystals can be an asset in imaging studies...
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...NANOTECHNOLOGY Nanotechnology, or Nanotech for short, is the study of the control of matter on a molecular or atomic scale. There is a range in size of nanoparticles, from 100nm to 1nm. Scientists have been trying to investigate whether we can control matter on the atomic scale. It has been debated that nanotechnology could widen the horizons on the medicine, applications and electronics front. A nanometre is one billionth of a metre. This just shows the size of the technology scientists are working with. Nanoparticles are versatile and have different properties to the substance of a larger size. Nanoparticles are already being used in the consumer market, but there has been debate over safety risks. Nanoparticles are too small to be seen through a microscope, which is astonishing to imagine a particle that cannot be observed through a microscope. Special Properties Of Nanoparticles * Nanoparticles have different properties to normal sized pieces of the substance. For instance, pieces of gold are gold-coloured, whereas gold nanoparticles are a dark-red or even black colour. These different properties can be very useful to scientists and producers. Nanoparticles in pharmaceuticals: Some cosmetics contain liposomes, which are fatty nanoparticles. These have great potential in the pharmaceutical industry, because they directly apply medicines to the skin Sun-blocks contain Titanium dioxide nanoparticles. These are good because they block harmful UV rays from the...
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...Nanotechnology Applications Kareema L. Smith Argosy University Nanotechnology can be described as manufacturing and or engineering on a small scale, this can be related to numerous areas of study and development – nanotechnology is utilized by several fields such as medicine, engineering, information technology, wild life, agriculture and the list goes on. When thinking of nanotechnology there is no way to tell what the future holds for scientist who research and study this field and how it will affect humans daily, but I will go on and describe some of the applications we and our society has benefited from the study of nanotechnology. In the medical field nanotechnology has be utilized as a tool to offer early detection of an oncoming disease or virus. Nanoparticles are deposited into the body, these particles has small fluorescent blotches that were engineered to mark antibodies. By doing so these fluorescent marks can find or identify disease even at the very onset of contracting the virus. Nanotechnology is also offering faster diagnoses of diseases, in some cases results of diagnoses can take weeks to come back in causing the patient to stress and worry. Utilizing this technology doctors are now able to use a nano-device known as ‘lab-on-chip’, by only using a small sample and this small chip. The samples can be analyzed quickly, so quick that some diagnoses can be read almost instantly. The study and application of nanotechnology is also benefitting the food...
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...The Future of Nanomedicine in Sport Injuries When you hear of nanomedicine, what comes to mind? For me, I thought of an Ipod nano, but this nano, I thought to myself will deal with medical treatment. It never occurred to me that this nanomedicine is our future. “Nanomedicine may be defined as the monitoring, repair, construction and control of human biological systems at the molecular level, using engineered nanodevices and nanostructures” (Freitas Jr., 1998-2006). Some examples of how nanomedicine could change regular medical procedures: Nanomachines can be used to monitor the internal chemistry of the body. Nanorobots is another type of nanotechnology, which has wireless transmitter capabilities. This new technology can be imported into our circulatory and lymph systems to cairculate throughout our body so as to transmit any abnormalities or imbalance chemicals that may have or will be occurring; This technology could also be place in the human nervous system so that it could monitor the activities that is going on in the brain. It will monitor their pulses and other functions in the brain; another use of nanomedicine is through implantation. This technology is implanted into the body so that it could dispense medication to the appropriate site; when it come to defibrillators and pacemakers, nanomachines could influence the actions of each cells; The most sophisticated nanomedicine to me involves the substitution of nanorobots for surgical doctors. A nanorobot...
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...-bio sensors, medical therapies and potential applications in security and environment safety. (Merkle, R.C.1993) INTRODUCTION The intentional or unintentional contamination of the environment, food items and the agricultural products has been increased due to certain local and global threats of poisonous gases and terrorism. This situation makes the decentralized sensing a core issue for several international bodies. A nanotechnology based sensor platform makes the direct electrical detection of biological and chemical agents possible in a highly multiplexed format over a vast dynamic range during clinical testing. Nucleic acid layers can be combined with nanomaterials-based electrochemical which produce affinity biosensors such as the “DNA Biosensor” or “Genosensor”. Such devices are used for converting the hybridization event into an analytical signal for obtaining sequence specific information, which are beneficial for clinical, environmental, or forensic investigations. CURRENT STATUS OF THE FIELD Medical nanotechnology is a branch of nanotechnology which practically applies its principles and findings in the field of health...
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...3 HEALTH CARE/MEDICINE 4 NANOTECH HEALTH CARE 4 NANOMEDICINES 4 NANOROBOTS 5 NANOSURGERY 5 MANUFACTURING THE FUTURE 6 NANOMANUFACTURING 6 GREY GOO 7 PUBLIC PERCEPTION AND ACCEPTANCE 7 CONCLUSIONS 7 SOURCES 9 ABSTRACT Molecular manufacturing “Nanotechnology” has already touched many parts of our lives, food, clothing, computers, cosmetics and health care. The future promises more of the same but in a much bigger or smaller ways. From self cleaning windows, smart foods, cheap and efficient energy, smart surfaces, faster computers, to changing our basic human appearance and the chance to clean up our world from toxic waste. Nanotechnology is not the yellow brick road leading us to a perfect utopian society. With the power to create at an atomic level in our hands, we will also have that same power to destroy. Future safe guards must be put in place to help us avoid manufacturing ourselves right out of existence. FOOD/FARMING/FOOD PRODUCTION The next areas will address what the possible near future will hold in the arena of farming, the types of foods that will be available and the methods that farmers will use to get the most out of their efforts. NANO-FARMING It has been a long term goal of farmers all over the world to get the most out of their farms while putting the least into them. Over the last decade, nanotechnology has played a major role in helping farmers achieve those goals. That methodology of incorporating nanotechnology in agriculture...
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...Nanotechnology ("nanotech") is manipulation of matter on an atomic, molecular, and supramolecular scale. The earliest, widespread description of nanotechnology[1][2] referred to the particular technological goal of precisely manipulating atoms and molecules for fabrication of macroscale products, also now referred to as molecular nanotechnology. A more generalized description of nanotechnology was subsequently established by the National Nanotechnology Initiative, which defines nanotechnology as the manipulation of matter with at least one dimension sized from 1 to 100 nanometers. This definition reflects the fact that quantum mechanical effects are important at this quantum-realm scale, and so the definition shifted from a particular technological goal to a research category inclusive of all types of research and technologies that deal with the special properties of matter that occur below the given size threshold. It is therefore common to see the plural form "nanotechnologies" as well as "nanoscale technologies" to refer to the broad range of research and applications whose common trait is size. Because of the variety of potential applications (including industrial and military), governments have invested billions of dollars in nanotechnology research. Until 2012, through its National Nanotechnology Initiative, the USA has invested 3.7 billion dollars, the European Union has invested 1.2 billion and Japan 750 million dollars.[3] Nanotechnology as defined by size is naturally...
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...Nanotechnology (sometimes shortened to "nanotech") is the manipulation of matter on an atomic, molecular, and supramolecular scale. The earliest, widespread description of nanotechnology[1][2] referred to the particular technological goal of precisely manipulating atoms and molecules for fabrication of macroscale products, also now referred to as molecular nanotechnology. A more generalized description of nanotechnology was subsequently established by the National Nanotechnology Initiative, which defines nanotechnology as the manipulation of matter with at least one dimension sized from 1 to 100 nanometers. This definition reflects the fact that quantum mechanical effects are important at this quantum-realm scale, and so the definition shifted from a particular technological goal to a research category inclusive of all types of research and technologies that deal with the special properties of matter that occur below the given size threshold. It is therefore common to see the plural form "nanotechnologies" as well as "nanoscale technologies" to refer to the broad range of research and applications whose common trait is size. Because of the variety of potential applications (including industrial and military), governments have invested billions of dollars in nanotechnology research. Through its National Nanotechnology Initiative, the USA has invested 3.7 billion dollars. The European Union has invested 1.2 billion and Japan 750 million dollars.[3] Nanotechnology as defined by...
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...advancement in Nanotechnology? Although nanotechnology isn’t something you hear about every day, it is often useful to know a bit about it considering one day it could completely take over our lives and change the world as we know it. Nanotechnology refers to a field of research and innovation linked with ‘building things’ on a molecular and atomic scale. A nanometre is equivalent to one billionth of a meter and when we are dealing with such scales, the rules of physics and chemistry no longer apply. In turn, this will allow us to undergo “atomically precise engineering” which could have a positive impact on every one of us. Picture what we could do when we have carbon nanotubes (rolled up sheets or graphite that are 1000 times thinner than air) that are 100 times stronger than steel yet six times lighter. Nanotechnology may seem very futuristic, however it is not something that is new to us. We have already built many machines/materials that use nanoparticles (particles with a range of 1nm to 100nm), some of which include self-cleaning glass, swimming pool disinfectants, scratch resistant coatings and safer yet more effective lithium ion batteries. Now we are looking into using these nanoparticles for more serious issues, for example in curing cancer and developing more effective nuclear weapons. But is this something that we should worry about? Much of nanoscience and many nanotechnologies are concerned with producing new or enhanced materials. The reason most nanotechnology researchers...
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