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Being Me


Submitted By monkey1
Words 3207
Pages 13
University of Phoenix Material

Literary Conventions and Devices Worksheet

Names of Team Members:___Deborah Brown :Yolanda Powell; Joan Skeeter; Florence Ames; Amy Kennedy; Date: 12 Sept 2011

Each Learning Team should select two works of drama from the assigned readings for this assignment. All team members should contribute to filling out the tables and answering the questions for each play. Teams should be prepared to discuss their responses in class.

|Literary Conventions and Devices Table |
|Play #1 |
|Title of the work |Significance of Title |
|The Tragedy of Hamlet, |These plays were more over a small “history” of the main character and for this reason Shakespeare named all of |
|Prince of Denmark |his great tragedies after his protagonist. |
| |
| |Identify |Describe |Explain Impact |
|Major characters | | | |
| | | | |
|Hamlet |The protagonist of the play |He wants to revenge the death of his |Died at the end by a poison

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