...In Joy Kogawa’s Obasan, Japanese people are treated unjustly because of the attack on Pearl Harbor, which was a way to get America involved in World War II. Naomi Nakane and her family struggles to live a normal life in Canada due to the unjustly circumstances. Her family was separated, her and her brother were bullied by white Canadians, and her uncle’s farm was taken from them. Canada was in a state of fear because they believe all Japanese people are the same. So their cowardice act in sending them into camps made them feel safe, when there was no real threat in the first place. Naomi and Stephen experienced bullying by white Canadians when going to school in Slocan. White Canadian boys were provoking Stephen to fight them and they you...
Words: 617 - Pages: 3
...In the powerful novel, Obasan by Joy Kogawa, the main character of the novel explains her life as a Japanese-Canadian in Canada. From the few chapters that I have read I like the part where Naomi, the main character gives more details about her family that used to be intimate. From her mother side Dr.Kato is her grandfather and Mrs.Kato her grandmother. Her parental grandparents are Mr. and Mrs.Nakane . Naomi’s grandfather moved to Canada in 1893 as a boatbuilder. After he settled in, he managed to have his own shop and married his cousins widow, Uncle Isamu’s mother. Her Uncle married Ayyako, who had two miscarriages and was unable to have children. Other than Ayyako, Naomi has another aunt, Emily who lives in Vancouver. She is also a teacher...
Words: 662 - Pages: 3