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Napoleon In George Orwell's Animal Farm

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Napoleon is the antagonist of George Orwell’s Animal Farm. He hungers for power and he proves that he will do anything to get what he wants. He is as selfish as man, so every step he takes is for his personal gain. His oppressive behavior towards the animals becomes worse throughout the book. Napoleon evolves to be worse than Mr. Jones because of his comportment, his cruelty towards animals and his selfish deeds.
One of the most important changes that is observed is the alteration in Napoleon’s demeanor. He starts living in the farmhouse, away from the other animal, begins to drink alcohol with the other pigs, wears Mr. Jones clothes and crosses the limits when he commences walking on two legs (60-119). Napoleon wants power and he believes …show more content…
He forces them to work “[t]hroughout the spring and summer … [for] sixty-hour week[s], and in August Napoleon announce[s] that there [will] be work on Sunday afternoons as well” (54). He is cold-hearted towards the animals as he does not care if all the work they are doing is too laborious for them. He cares only about how he will be profited by this extra work they are doing. In chapter 7, Napoleon seems to force false confessions from innocent animals that pose a threat towards his leadership, and kill them for communicating with Snowball; therefore disappointing the animals who thought their community was free of slaughter (74-76). He does not want to lose his position, and for that he can kill innocent animals and denounce true heroes. He is self-centered and wants everything to be perfect for his leadership. These egocentric actions are similar to Mr. Jones’ actions, as he also killed animals for …show more content…
He abolishes Snowball from Animal Farm, denounces him and manipulates the memory of the animals (48-86). These actions help him in such a way that he is able to keep the animals under control using no one but Squealer and himself. He uses Squealer as his propagandist whenever any question arises about Snowball or any other issues, which also keeps them from rebelling against him. Napoleon sells the nearly dead, hardworking boxer to the knacker where he was going to be slaughtered only for whisky (108-111). Napoleon is so apathetic that he sells Boxer, the most hardworking animal on the farm, for the price of a bottle of whisky. He never once thinks about the feelings of the other animals closely attached to him, and simply sends him to the slaughter house to be chopped into

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