...when counseling blended families by focusing on the family dynamic system. Blended families or step-families are becoming more prevalent in the United States each year. The number of divorces has continued to rise in the United States, which has caused the rate of couples remarrying to increase as well. Blended families usually result from different life circumstances such, as past relationships, divorces, deaths, and separations. At times blended families are faced with many challenges, and these challenges can cause significant problems within the new relationships. Some of the problems are due to different parenting styles. Children are having to readjust to a new lifestyle and getting along with stepparents or siblings can put an obstacle into the new relationship. Family counseling provides blended families with an opportunity and a platform for voicing their feelings and learning ways to accommodate each other within the family. Keywords: Blended families, counseling, divorce, remarriage, children, separation, parenting style, step-siblings, and widowing. Blended Family Counseling Introduction Blended families are becoming accepted in today’s society, and many families are merging together as one. Gonzales (2009) defined blended family as two couples coming together into a new relationship with one or more children from a previous relationship. Customarily, the primary family structure consisted of a two-parent household. The head of the family was led by a husband...
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...Family refers to two or more individuals who identify themselves as family and manifest some degree of interdependence in interactions with each other and their environment in meeting basic human needs for affection and meaning. In today’s world there is a variation of single-parent, stepfamilies or blended families, dual-career families in which both parents work, married couples without children, cohabitating couples, and gay and lesbian families are more typical of the diverse family patterns today. For this assignment I chose a blended family, this is a family consisting of a couple and their children from this and all previous relationships. In this case, the father and also the step parent is thirty five years old and the mother is thirty two years old. They have an older male child who is the son of the mother from a previous marriage and is ten years old and the smallest child is a girl from this current marriage who is six years old. All four of them are white in race and Hispanic in ethnicity. In the family that...
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...Patrick Williams English 111 16 October 2014 Family Value and Truth Family in society is a social structure. Family plays a key role in human life because it can give people a sense of home, or a loving and supportive group. In most cases when people think of families they think of having a mom, dad, brother, sister. However, nothing in life is perfect. Today, we have separated , same sex, extended, and blended families. Society tries to explain these more contemporary families but has a harsh way of doing so. In the essay, Stone Soup, by Barbara Kingsolver, she discusses how society views families and in the essay, Family Values, by Richard Rodriguez, he talks about American family values. Both essays express the view that family should be valued regardless of differences. Kingsolver breaks down what it means to be a real family while Rodriguez emphasizes the value of family; both authors show the importance of having family. In the introduction of the Kingsolver essay, she talks about a young boy’s soccer game. She talks about how the young boy, whose name is Andy, has a blended family. Kingsolver writes, “He’s Andy, my best friend’s son. The cheering section includes his mother and her friends, his brother, his father, and stepmother, a stepbrother and stepsister, and a grandparent” (147). She uses her friend’s son as an real life example of what kind of family would be considered a broken family by society but is not. Andy’s family is supportive of him and loves him enough to come and cheer for him regardless of ...
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...Elizabeth Rodriguez Syg2010 March 11, 2015 The Changing American Family Unlike in the 1950s, there is no ‘typical’ American family today. Typically in the 1950s an American family consisted of a breadwinning father and a stay at home mother. Today that is not the case for most Americans. What purpose are families actually suppose to serve in contemporary societies? Is it families that create problems or solve them? In the twenty-first century how are we suppose to reduce family related social problem? I will examine Ch.11 The Changing Family and examine the functionalist, conflict, and symbolic interaction views. Meet Kristi and Michael Burns both have a lot in common. They both share a love for crossword puzzles, going to football games, museums and reading up too five or six books at a time. As for today, their blended family is extensive, sometimes uneasy with two sharp-eyed sons from two of Kristi’s previous husbands, a daughter and son from Michael’s second marriage, an ex-spouses unreliable degrees of involvement, the partners of ex-spouses, the puzzled in-laws and a kitten named Agnes that likes to sleep on computer keyboards. (Angier) If the Burns seem as an atypical American family how about we throw in the Schulte-Waysers a merry couple of two married dads, six kids and two dogs. The functionalist perspective emphasizes the importance of family. Functionalist perspective also stresses the ability of maintaining the stability of society and well being...
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...dating process in throughout the text. Although the text places a huge focus on dating and the single parent the author recognizes the challenges a single parents paramour may be facing during this transition. For a single parenting dating can be extremely nerve working and challenging at times as well. Making the decision to date as a single parent is a major decision. Single parents should take in account their readiness to their children before they start to date. The author also explains the vast difference between "coupleness" and "familyness" and that often blended families will fail because the two adults involved made a great couple, but with the kids involved they do not make a great family. This book helps you to look past the "coupleness" of your relationship and evaluate whether or not you and your love interest also have good "familyness" together with the children involved. Deal discusses the importance of patience. "Wise adults patiently let time be their friend as coupleness and familyness develop" (Deal, pg. 105). Deal encourages adults to make wide decision in regards to marriage and take their times in dating relationships. This book also stresses the faulty logic behind finding "the one", and that rather you should be focusing your efforts on being "the one". "Marry someone, not as a replacement parent, but because you love them and believe they will help you raise your kids in the Lord's way. The author takes an in-depth look on finding...
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...I) What is the family? To study the evolution of the family in the last century, we must first define what a family is and what forms it can take. The family is a fundamental building block of life in society in the sense that it allows a large part of social reproduction. It is often the first group in which individuals are socialized and learn to live in society: sociolisation primaire.On can define the family in different ways and different points of view . A family , for example, a community of people united by kinship . It has a legal personality, a name, a home and a common heritage and created among its members a duty of moral and material solidarity , intended to protect and promote their social, physical and emotional . The family can take many forms. There may be nuclear families , which are a form of family structure corresponding to a household comprising two or unmarried children and their parents, in contrast to the extended family may have several generations The parent families, which are families consisting of one parent living with her children and stepfamilies , household combining two families whose parents are either divorced or separated , and being remarried or is not living in the same household . II) Some definitions: Marriage : today , marriage can take two main forms : the civil marriage (which was doing the town hall) , and religious marriage (which is the church) often requires a prior civil marriage. The wedding is a ceremony aimed...
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...registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All other company and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Use of these marks is not intended to imply endorsement, sponsorship, or affiliation. Edited in accordance with University of Phoenix© editorial standards and practices. Facilitator Information Robert McBride robmcbride@email.phoenix.edu (University of Phoenix) mcbriro@gmail.com (Personal) 405-406-4359 (CST) Facilitator Availability I am available from 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Central Time on most days, but I attempt to reserve Sunday for my family. On Saturdays, I tend to be online in the morning only. If these times are not convenient for you, please let me know. I will be happy to accommodate your schedule, if possible. I provide you with these times to make it easier to communicate with me, and not to limit our contact. I want you to know that, should you need to contact me outside these time frames, you should not hesitate to do so. For emergencies, when you are not able to gain access to messages on the Online Learning System (OLS), please send a...
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...Adopting a family systems theory, which can be defined as understanding people not in isolation, but as part of their family can help shift the current systems theory, which fails to see the youth as part of a larger family entity and translates the youth in how they fit into the “system”. Currently, there is a model of intervention for youth with first episode psychosis called Early Psychosis Intervention (EPI) program in British Columbia that works to create a “care pathway” (Fraser EPI Program, 2017). In this program, youth and adolescents have an individualized plan created to provide “a practical "best practices" guide to care that fits within the system in which care is being offered, standardize care and reduce variation in practice...
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...Pub Review Chapter 3: Family Influences on Child Health Promotion MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. Which of the following family theories is described as a series of tasks for the family throughout its life span? a.|Interactional theory| b.|Developmental systems theory| c.|Structural-functional theory| d.|Duvall’s developmental theory| ANS: D d. Duvall’s developmental theory describes eight developmental tasks of the family throughout its life span. a and c. These are not family theories. b. Developmental systems theory is an outgrowth of Duvall’s theory. The family is described as a small group, a semiclosed system of personalities that interact with the larger cultural system. Changes do not occur in one part of the family without changes in others. DIF: Cognitive Level: Knowledge REF: Page 32 TOP: Integrated Process: Nursing Process: Assessment MSC: Area of Client Needs: Health Promotion and Maintenance: Family Systems 2. Which of the following family theories explains how families react to stressful events and suggests factors that promote adaptation to these events? a.|Interactional theory| b.|Developmental systems theory| c.|Family stress theory| d.|Duvall’s developmental theory| ANS: C c. Family stress theory explains the reaction of families to stressful events. In addition, the theory helps suggest factors that promote adaptation to the stress. Stressors, both positive and negative, are cumulative and affect the family. Adaptation requires a...
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...SO 141 - Introduction to Sociology SO 141 - Final Exam - Review Document [pic] Important Things to Keep In Mind! • You will have two (2) hours to complete the exam. This review includes all of the areas you need to study and review for the exam. • There are 100 multiple choice questions; each question is worth two (2) points, thus 200 points possible for the entire exam. • This is ALL you have to study for the Final Exam. The number of “bullet” points under each chapter is the number of questions for that chapter – and they are the topics for each question from that chapter. In essence this document IS the Final Exam – without specific answers and of course the answers ( • The exam will be "scaled" in the sense that your scores will be compared to others, so the normal “90% = A” will not be the hard fast rule at all. So don't be overwhelmed by the test, just do your best and let me worry about "the grade." • You will take the exam online, during Week 8, just like all of the quizzes you have taken. Below is the list of EACH chapter and the topics, theories, and theorists to study for the Final Exam. EVERYTHING that appears on this list WILL be on the exam and there will be NO surprises on the exam, study this and you should do just fine. |WEEK |CHAPTER |TOPICS TO STUDY | |Week 1 |Chapter. 1: The Sociological Perspective ...
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...Study Guide Chapter 2 1. What is a nuclear family? Male and female partners with their children living with them 2. What is an extended family? People outside the immediate family related by blood 3. What is a married-blended family? Formed as a divorce and remarriage, unrelated family members joined to create a new household 4. What is a cohabiting-parent family? Children live with two unmarried biological parents or two adoptive parents 5. What is a single-parent family? Unmarried biologic or adoptive parent who may or may not be living with other adults 6. What is a homosexual family? Lesbian or gay with or without children 7. What is a no-parent family? Children who live independently in foster or kinship care, living with a grandparent 8. What does culture have a direct effect on? Healthcare-seeking behavior and response to treatment 9. What is acculturation? Changes in one’s cultural pattern to those of the host society; may retain parts of their own culture while adopting cultural practices of the dominant society 10. What is assimilation? Becoming in all ways like the members of the dominant culture 11. Ethnocentrism refers to what? The view that one’s own culture’s way of doing things is best 12. What inconsistencies present a significant barrier to effective health care? Language of clients and the language of providers 13. According to Purnell and Paulanka (2008), cultural competence involves what? Cultural competence involves respecting...
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...Heritage Assessment Arielle N. Bakhiet, RN Grand Canyon University: NRS- 429V-0101 October 11, 2015 Introduction The goal of health care providers is to return patients to the optimal health so that the patient and patient’s family can achieve a positive result. Healthcare is individualized to the patient and is further personalized to meet the needs of families with specific cultural considerations. In the United States, we are a nation of many cultures that are able to co-exist with each other, but that does not mean that the traditions of the past are forgotten. On the contrary, the traditions are what make up the individual’s core. Heritage, by definition, are traditions, achievements, and beliefs that are part of a history of a group or nation (Merriam-Webster, 2015). The heritage assessment tool is used to have a better understanding of people and family members and how to better help them. The heritage assessment tool was used to assess three different people on their culture, traditions, religious affiliations and languages that are used in their family. The cultures that were featured in the interviews are Filipino-American, German American and Native-American. The heritage tool is used to gauge the needs of the family and develop plans for health maintenance, health protection, and health restoration. Filipino- American The Romero’s- native to the Philippine’s The Philippines is a country in Southeast Asia that is a made up of a conglomerate...
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...documentary encompasses themes such as love, war, family, and the meaning of life to uncover the true definition of a human being. The film includes a collection of powerful stories from over 2000 men and women from 60 countries, accumulated over the course of 3 years. Each of the three volumes not only tackles struggles pertinent to humans around the world, but also reveals stories unique to the individual. Subtitles with each speaker’s name and location as well as translations of their native tongues to English are blended with stunning aerial shots of landscapes across the globe to create this beautiful movie. In a nutshell, this documentary gives the viewer insights on the diversity of...
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...rare, having occurred infrequently in Tibetan society, among the Marquesas of Polynesia, and among certain hill tribes in India. Patterns Of Courtship Courting under Filipino tradition gives very big importance on the value of respecting the woman and her family and strictly adhering with proper rules set by society for pursuing a lady. When the approval is obtained, the suitor can then come to the house with the go-between who will initiate the introductions to the family. The parents in turn will introduce their daughter to the gentleman. In this stage, the suitor is expected to bring "pasalubong" or gifts to the family and a special one to the girl he likes. This he will have to do everytime he visits the girl's house. In the Philippines, when you court a lady, you have to court her whole family as well. In this first visit, the couple will not be left alone on their own to get to know each other. It will just be an informal chatting and introduction and getting-to-know stage between the suitor and the family and making clear of the suitor's intention to pursue the host's daughter. Challenges of family in the society Today’s families face a variety of challenges, specifically to marital stability. While divorce rates have decreased in the last 25 years, many family members, especially children, still experience the negative effects of divorce. Children are...
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...Blended Learning Lesson – Monday, 2 September What is an Effective Ad? This is an assignment to be done individually. You will each do an in-class, short (1 to 2 minutes), verbal presentation on Tuesday, 3 September. Find an example of what you consider to be an effective ad. It can be a print ad in a newspaper or magazine; an online ad; a TV ad; an ad from a website or YouTube; a radio ad; or a billboard ad. You must bring a copy of the ad to show it to the class. So if you want to use a TV ad or billboard, you must either find a copy of the ad somewhere online, or you must record it, or take a picture of the billboard. If the ad is on the radio, record it. You must explain why you consider the ad to be effective, using the following criteria: 1. Be noticed – or your message is going nowhere. * Does your ad grab the viewer’s attention? How? 2. Know your audience – understand the cage * Who is your audience – is the ad targeted towards a general audience, or a specific audience, based on age, race, social class, family style, gender, culture, or region? 3. Be real – understand how your product intersects with people’s lives * Does your ad appeal to the viewer’s emotions? * Does the ad establish a strong positive, negative, or mixed tone that clearly advances its argument and the effect of that argument? * Is it is clear how the ad wants viewers to feel? and does the ad achieve the desired emotional effect? 4. Be truthful – believability...
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