...story, Animal Farm, Orwell demonstrates that education is a powerful weapon and is a tool that can be used to one’s advantage. Living in a society where power is easy to gain, the pigs quickly use their education to take advantage of the other animals to rise to power. The pigs are the first to realize that education is very important and use their superior knowledge to manipulate the other animals in order to take control. The morning of the hay harvest, the pigs made an announcement that brings them to take control of the farm. Surprising the other animals, the pigs “revealed that during the last three months they had learned to read and write” (Orwell 9). Writing that the pigs had learned to read and write “during the past three months,” Orwell shows that the pigs know that education has value and kept it secret for a reason. Using this education, the pigs intend to gain power and therefore do not intend on teaching the other animals to their fullest...
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...Is Animal Farm showing a type of risk with their rebellion? Hello and I’m a news reporter telling you about this story for the people and for their questions. How will the rebellion go down? In the story, Animal Farm, the animals get tired and irritated with the humans and how they have treated them. The story takes place in farm and being told from a view of someone who’s seeing what’s happening like another farm animal that hasn’t yet been told the name of. This story describes a somewhat political situation in the form of animals portraying something called “Animalism”. The animals on this farm want to rebel against the human farmers for everything they did to them from not feeding them and even not treating them well in general. The story...
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...Animal Farm is George Orwell’s allegory in which every character and situation to make a point for real life characters and situations. Orwell being born in the twentieth-century created “some of the sharpest satirical fiction,” said by Biography. Addressing major political movements of his time such as imperialism, communism, and fascism all while including his personal. Opinion about each political movement was not necessarily allowed during the twentieth century. Living life as a son from a British civil servant, Orwell moved from India after birth to England when he went to boarding school. In 1911 Orwell experienced England’s class system while attending St. Cyprian a costal town of Eastbourne. While attending school Orwell noticed the...
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...Animal Farm Essay: Topic 9 The novel Animal Farm, by George Orwell, is an allegory that highlights the weaknesses of the human nature through the telling of a story about the rebellion of animals on Manor Farm. These weaknesses are the sources of all malignity throughout the novel, causing most of its major conflicts and poisoning the minds of its characters. Specifically, Orwell’s writing focuses on the greed of the pigs and the ignorance of the rest of the farm animals. Together, these traits establish the totalitarian society that the farm becomes. Orwell considers the traits of greed and gullibility to be the most detrimental human attributes to hopes of an equitable society. Orwell considers greed to be one of the most dangerous faults...
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...an authorauthur. It did not all come easy for him though, and he had many obstacles in his way, including some life threatening ones. By looking at Animal Farm, one can see that George Orwell included the themes of the corruption of sSocialist ideas and the danger of a naive working class because he was very opposed to the cCommunistic ways of the Soviet Union. George Orwell, who was born Eric ArthurAuthur Blair, was born on June 25, 1903, in Motihari, India. He was the son of, Richard WalmesleyWalmasley Blair, a British civil servant officer, and...
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...Propaganda Control Propaganda is active means to influence the opinions of the public. Propaganda is information especially of a bias nature used to promote a particular cause or point of view. Propaganda has been used for in major events such as world war l also World War II. The main purpose of propaganda is to persuade. A few examples that propaganda can influence the opinion of the public is in the book Animal Farm by George Orewell, on page 93 squealer was talking about how good napolean is as a leader. This type of propaganda is called “personality cult” basically this means that squealer was glorifying napoleon. “Napoleon makes sure everyone is eating and drinking, squealer said with rears running down his face.” People...
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...Nov. 2013. The article Free Range by Jennifer Chait explained the meaning of Free Range Farms and the differences between Organic and Free Range Farming. Free Range Farms are described as meat and produce from animals that were allowed to roam freely or had access to outdoor spaces. Organic Foods though the animal should be allowed to roam and graze freely like Free Range Farms, must be certified and meet a stringent criteria. Free Range Farms can also be referred to as Free-roaming, Cage-free or Pasture raised. Free Range Farms are often confused with Organic Farms, explain above they are similar but have differences. Free Range farming incorporates meats eggs and dairy farming. I hope to explain further in my paper the definitions of Free Range. What allows farmers to claim Free Range and what consumers should look for when wanting authentic Free Range Farming products? Pritchard, Forrest. "3 Secrets of Free-Range Farms." Smith Meadows. Smith Meadows, 24 May 2013. Web. 11 Nov. 2013. In this very informative article by Forrest Pritchard, 3 Secrets of Free-Range Farms the importance of Free Range Farms on the eco-system and our environment is thoroughly explained. Pritchard explained the cycle where earth worms burrows through the soil irrigating; this helps farmers get ready for planting. Worms become food for livestock such as chickens; it is the circle of life. Free Range Farms need to grow grass year round to feed livestock, growing grass requires limited or no human...
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...Bill Kiernan is discussing the breakdown of how cows digest the food that they eat so we in turn can digest them. He goes on to say that cows were never meant to eat consume corn to make them fatter at a faster rate. The cows become sick by eating corn which causes the farmers to inject the cows with antibiotics to fight the contamination of E-Coli in the beef. Kiernan also goes on to say that this genetically changes the way the meat is produced. Basically it changes the healthiness of the meat and causes it to be unhealthy for human consummation. Bill Kiernan is the director of GAI Research & Insight. His research into the production of agriculture and the consummation of beef is very well documented in his research. Kiernan discusses the key points of my paper. For example when I stated that I had to find out where the meat had come from and how and why was it altered. Later in my paper I discussed how speaking with a butcher I found out that the beef was not grass fed, but corn fed which Kiernan discussed in his search for why some of us become sick and others do not. We must always make sure to read labels on the beef that we purchase and consume if we want to be healthier. DiGiuseppe, G. D. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.americancattlemen.com/articles/corn-fed-vs-grass-fed This article discusses the prospective of the farmer. Many farmers believe that all the information out there is contracting itself. One article states that grass fed beef is the best beef...
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...Rozeboom (Animal Science) Prepared by: Victoria Campbell-Arvai Department of CARRS, Michigan State University August 17, 2009 Literature Review: A Comparison of Dairy Production Systems SUMMARY This literature review focused on studies comparing the effects of dairy production systems (pasture-based, conventional/confinement1, and mixed) on (i) environmental issues, (ii) social issues, (iii) economic issues, (iv) human health issues, and (v) animal welfare issues. The review was based on peer-reviewed research papers identified by experts at MSU, as well as (where specifically suggested) non peer-reviewed university and government reports. Additional studies were identified from the reference section of recommended papers, as well as via their citation index (primarily Google Scholar). A synopsis of each section is available below, as well as at the end of each section. There is a great deal of research –much of it based in the United States- on the environmental effects of all types of dairy farming, including intensive/confinement, mixed, pasture-based, and management-intensive rotational grazing (MIRG) operations. The vast majority of studies identified for this review focused on the fate and management of excess nitrogen and phosphorous, their effects on terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, and contributions to air quality and climate change. Many environmental mitigation efforts were suggested, including balancing nutrient inputs/outputs at the level of the farm, the watershed...
Words: 15922 - Pages: 64
...CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate CSEC AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE SYLLABUS Effective for examinations from May/June 2008 CXC 07/G/SYLL 06 Published by the Caribbean Examinations Council © 2010, Caribbean Examinations Council All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means electronic, photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior permission of the author or publisher. Correspondence related to the syllabus should be addressed to: The Pro-Registrar Caribbean Examinations Council Caenwood Centre 37 Arnold Road, Kingston 5, Jamaica, W.I. Telephone: (876) 630-5200 Facsimile Number: (876) 967-4972 E-mail address: cxcwzo@cxc.org Website: www.cxc.org Copyright © 2006, by Caribbean Examinations Council The Garrison, St Michael BB11158, Barbados CXC 07/G/SYLL 06 Content RATIONALE ........................................................................................................................................... 1 AIMS ........................................................................................................................................................ 1 CAREER CHOICES ............................................................................................................................... 2 SUGGESTED RESOURCES ...............................................................................................
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...In fact, in 2012, Americans consumed approximately 50 billion burgers and 627 million pounds of bacon. Contrary to popular belief, all this meat is not raised on Old McDonald's farm ("Factory-Farming.com", 2010-2015). As arable land has declined over the last 100 years along with farmers as a percentage of the U.S. population, factory farms have taken their place ("How is Land in The United States Used? A Focus on Agricultural Land", n.d.). However, while factory farms produce more food optimizing economies of scale, modern technologies, and genetic engineering, factory farming more often than not incorporate abusive treatment to the animals. Factory Farming is an inhumane way of producing meat and dairy products due to its common practices of confined living conditions, wide usage of antibiotics and genetic engineering, and slaughterhouse practices. One of the most common forms of animal cruelty in factory farms is the overcrowded and confined living areas of the animals. Chickens are the most confined animal in Factory Farming with up to 120,000 birds on one farm. (Madhani, 2015). Both egg-laying hens and fryer chickens are housed in “battery cages”. Battery cages hold between five and ten hens with each hen allotted between 67 - 76 sq. inches (less than the size of a standard sheet of letter paper). Being confined to such a small area creates multiple physical and mental problems for the chickens. Among the more common noted problems is the inability to spread their wings...
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...Argument for Animal Rights Ever since the society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in England in 1824 was formed, there have been long running debates on the topic of animal rights. The first societies were formed to protect and maintain humane treatment of work animals, such as horses, cattle, and house hold pets. Towards the end of the nineteenth century more organizations were formed, this time to protest the use of animals in scientific experimentation. Today groups such as People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) have continued these traditional fights as well as adding new agendas. "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; The Declaration of Independence holds these rights to be self evident and unalienable. In the eighteenth century when these words were written they were called natural rights, today we call them human rights" (McShea, 34). The issue of whether or not to grant animals rights such as those humans retain, is a greatly disputed issue. Animal right is an extremely intricate issue that involves the question of animal farming, animal experimentation, and animal activists. There are not many happy farmers milking their cows on the farm anymore; this is the food industry; it is dirty; it is unsafe, and it is a massacre of innocent animals. Cows, chickens, pigs, and other animals processed into food are not kept on a farm; they are crowded into pens and cages that are too small to even allow the animal to turn around (Krizmanic,...
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...Research Paper: Animal Operations and Residential Property Values Animal operations are more concentrated than ever before with the facilities handling much larger numbers than traditional farms. This research paper was for the analysis of attempting to find a relation between animal feeding and processing operations and the impact this has on the value of the houses in these communities. It is found that a larger concentration of animals impacts the quality of surrounding air and water. These facilities also impact the economic conditions of communities in which they are located. This article formulated together current literature on the topic, which will be useful to appraisers who have to conduct valuations where these facilities are located. This paper was put together since research capabilities have been expanded to get more accurate results; the first research on the topic analyzed 300 sales transactions, followed by another one at 8,090 sales transactions. Also, GIS by local governments has increased which allow researchers to be able to conduct more thorough data. Animal operations (AO) are broadly defined as facilities where animals are raised or brought for slaughter. The takeaway is that AO impact on valuations is related to proximity and size; many other internal factors are also taken into consideration. The study confirms valuations impact from an earlier study at a range of 3.1% to 26% depending on multiple factors. This is crucial for appraisals to be aware...
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...far as North America. During this period of piracy and expansion many settlements were established. It is the farmers of these settlements that we will examine. Vikings settled in Britain, Ireland, France, Iceland, and Greenland. In Iceland farms were isolated from one another and the farmer needed have the respect and support of his family and hired men in order to prosper. The farmer usually had not only his family but extended family, hired men, and slaves as well. All of these individuals lived in the longhouse. Originally the livestock lived in the longhouse also, but later outbuilding housed the more valuable animals. Framers in Iceland needed to grow and harvest a large amount of hay in order to feed the livestock throughout the winter. Farmers usually had two areas to grow hay. Most hay was grown on uncultivated land, but some was grown near the longhouse. The field by the longhouse was heavily fertilized with manure as they did not practice crop rotation. Rocks and sod made a fence around this field to keep out animals and humans. Hay was harvested with a scythe. Before winter the amount of hay harvested was compared to the amount of livestock. If the amount of hay was not sufficient for the number of animals, the weakest animals were slaughtered. So important was the growing of hay that there were laws concerning the height on the fences that protected the hay, and about hiring enough men to ensure that all the fields were properly tended. Icelandic farmers raised...
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...PHI 2010: Final Draft. Miami Dade College Philosophy Reduce Animal Cruelty by increasing vegan products I will demonstrate my argument on this research paper mainly about animal’s cruelty in factory farms, which is raising concerns about our environment and health. Many people are becoming vegetarian; some of them because of maintaining a healthy diet but others are against bad treatment and suffering of animals before they are killed. Today’s human society has become less sensitive to animals’ rights and their welfare by producing millions of factory farms to increase meat production as well as poultry and dairy based products. Factory farmers only care about their wealth and high numbers of sales, no matter the quality of our food or health issues while consuming meat full of antibiotics and hormones. [http://realtruth.org/articles/070601-004-ff.html] Some researches have shown; 47 billion animals are killed in food production, plus many more died during transport in overcrowded trucks. Moreover, these animal’s rights are slaughter when they are not longer productive, being thrown into plastic bags to slowly suffocate or to feed other animal while they are still alive. It is said, that during food production piglet, cows or chicken suffer needless mutations. Producing discomfort, stress and pain to these animals [http://www.bornfreeusa.org/facts.php?p=454&mora=1] Then, scientists have linked these issues to problems with our food quality and safety. An increased...
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