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Napoleon's Empire Research Paper

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The three disasters that caused Napoleon’s empire to collapse were the gorilla warfare, the continental system, and the battle in Russia. The gorilla warfare tactic was a very hard for Napoleon to stop in the peninsular war because it gave a foothold on a continent. Gorilla warfare was a lethal thing for napoleon because he was not used to it, usually a group of people stood on one side and another on the other they would shoot. But gorilla warfare was much different, it was a constant source of harassment for Napoleons army because people came out of nowhere and shot you. “The undoubted importance of the guerrilla struggle to the operations of the Duke of Wellington has led many British historians to emphasize this aspect of the Spanish war against the French at the expense of other forms of resistance. Yet the …show more content…
Russia. Russia has conquered many parts of Europe so they became allies with Prussia and Austria. One of the good defenses that the Russian army used to defeat Napoleons great and unstoppable army was that every time Napoleon came to attack the Russian army would retreat every time Napoleon’s Army tried to attack. The Russian war affected the rest of Europe because now that Russia has defeated an army so great they took most parts of russia. Also Europe lost one of the most powerful military in the world at the time. Frances economy was terrible after they lost the war. Napoleon was a different person after the war because he was in big shock. “The king was unwilling and unable to reform the system which heavily taxed the poor majority, while ensuring privilege for the aristocrats. As a result of this limited tax base, the government became bankrupt, and could no longer secure loans, as it had defaulted several times in recent decades. A colder weather pattern struck during the economic melt down, causing food to become even more scarce.”

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