...Research Institute for Gastroenterology and Liver Diseases CASE PRESENTATION Depression in patients with chronic hepatitis B: an experience on individual solution- focused therapy Jinous Arvand1, Abdollah Shafiabadi2, Mohammad Reza Falsafinejad3, Nosratollah Naderi4 1 Faculty of Human Sciences, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran 2 Faculty of Human Sciences, Allameh Tabatabaei University, Tehran, Iran 3 Faculty of Human Sciences, Allameh Tabatabaei University, Tehran, Iran 4 Gastroenterology and Liver Diseases Research Center, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran ABSTRACT Hepatitis B, as a chronic disorder that may be associated with several psychiatric disorders, such as depression, and decrease quality of life of affected patients. One of the most important consequences of psychiatric problems is reduced patient compliance with prolonged therapeutic regimens. Psychotherapy, such as solution– focused therapy, may help these patients to resolve psychiatric problems, increase quality of life and completion of therapeutic regimens. Solutionfocused therapy is effective for patients when developing effective coping responses to the stressors associated with chronic diseases. In this study, the process and effects of solution-focused therapy on depression of 2 patients with chronic hepatitis B have been described. They received solution focused therapy for 5 sessions, each session 1 hour once a week. This technique...
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...Post modern approach Some of the key concepts and techniques common to both Solution-Focused Brief Therapy and Narrative Therapy are: - Collaborative relationship between therapist and client - Client considered expert on own life - Focus on solutions (alternative stories) rather than problems - Positive (or optimistic) orientation - Emphasise client’s strengths rather than weaknesses - Clients set their own goals (take an active role) - Focus on the future - Use of questions - Belief that small steps lead to bigger changes - Postmodern idea that there are multiple realities and truths (they are not objective facts) - Importance of language An advantage of using both Solution-Focused Brief Therapy and Narrative Therapy together is that the therapist has more techniques or strategies to draw on as they see fit for the each individual client. Due to the many similarities between the two combining seems very appropriate. Many of the basic concepts and techniques of these Postmodern approaches could be quite easily be integrated into other therapeutic perspectives. For instance, the Feminist Perspective with its focus on how gender-roles and how they affect present behaviour could benefit from the use of exception questions, the miracle question, deconstruction and the creation of alternative stories. Or the Reality Perspective with its focus on each individual being responsible for what they choose to do could benefit from the use of exception questions and identifying...
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...Solution Focused Family Therapy for Families Coping With Suicide The Relevance of Applying This Technique to the Population Solution focused family therapy refers to a therapy model that helps clients work out on family problems by taking into considerations the resources they already have and the effective solutions they applied previously (Castro & Guterman, 2008). The therapeutic technique is based on the supposition that the clients already know the solution to their problems. The technique is a comprehensive counseling model that integrates most of the contents that fall in line with the client’s observation. The solution focused family therapy is relevant to populations contemplating suicide because of a number of reasons. For instance, the nature of solution focused therapy technique to dwell on the strengths of the client has been as a result of studies that hint that families dealing with suicide cases have natural resiliency. This implies that solution focused therapy technique works on proven strengths of families dealing with suicide issues. Therefore, the probability of failure is very minimal considering that the outcomes are already premeditated. Similarly, this family therapy model is relevant for families tackling suicide issues because it enables therapists and counselors to personalize treatment to their clients by using a series of techniques thus nurturing a more supportive approach (Castro & Guterman, 2008). These two features...
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...& Hull, 2015). In this paper the case of Charo, 34 year-old Hispanic women are discussed. Detailed are the issues faced by the client, and suggestions from the social worker on the types of interventions needed. In addition, identifying which type of services would best be delivered through...
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...Comprehensive assessment Parent teacher Situational variability, and Important tio have different views of the situation for diagnosis Equally important is the need for gathering information about the child's parents and siblings, which provides a context for understanding how problem behaviors manifest. This information also often serves as a basis for determining how well parents and other caretakers will be able to implement treatment strategies. The clinical evaluations of ADHD must be comprehensive and multidimensional in nature, so as to capture its situational variability, its associated features, and its impact on home, school, and social functioning. This multi-method assessment approach should include: parent and child interviews parent- and teacher-completed child behavior rating scales parent self-report measures clinic-based psychological tests review of prior school and medical records individually administered intelligence testing, educational achievement testing, or screening for learning disabilities (only necessary if not completed within the past year a standard pediatric examination or neurodevelopmental screening to rule out any unusual medical conditions that might produce ADHD-like symptoms additional assessment procedures may be recommended, including vision and hearing screening, as well as formal speech and language assessment. The Key Components of a Comprehensive Assessment of AD/HD," by Arthur Anastopoulos, Ph.D., E. Paige Temple, M...
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...Case Study: Are Fathers Essential for Children's Well-Being Mosi Russell University of Phoenix Abstract The case study was conducted to help patient Becky White with her drug and alcohol abuse that stemmed from growing up in an unstable home during childhood development. After extensive research Becky was diagnosed and offered psychoanalysis and humanistic therapy to understand and help Becky work through her problems and come up with reasonable solutions. The therapy session are not complete but off to a good start. The number one problem of growing up without a father in her life led to no structure has been established. Therefore, this statement from a young lady who grew up without a father confirms that fathers are essential in a child’s well- being. Are Fathers Essential for Children's Well-Being Case Study Research on the psychological consequences for children of growing up in a fatherless family has gone both ways. The studies conducted will show that a fathers’ absence can have a negative outcome with respect to the child’s cognitive, social, and emotional development. Many will disagree but the aim of the present case study is to observe the value of parent- child relations and the socio-emotional growth of children without a father. Becky White was the patient in the case study; her father was in and out of jail throughout her childhood years. One in four American children grows up without a father in the home. Statistics about single parent households...
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...Liberty University Abstract As the world looks at the reality of communal exchange, thumbing back to historical debates of empirical and rational schools of thought, delineations from dualism to social interchange and collaboration refine hypothesis’ of undisputable truth. Reminiscent of the psychoanalytic movement with greats such as Freud, Jung and Adler, therapy, more of an art than science, and current day philosophies drive which models influence today’s truth. Reality is fashioned by language, how we feel, act and think, revealing “stories” we tell the self as contextual meanings. These beliefs now evolve one’s creation and truth. The therapist, joining in recognition of new perspectives, empowers and helps the client see that forward progress is strength within oneself. In a social constructivist point of view, the therapist detaches from the expert status of defining the problem. From family therapy and the multicultural lens, therapists now challenge cultural factors that, in turn, shape the client’s perceptions in the format of brief therapies. Keywords: brief therapies, collaborative, family therapy, social constructionism Postmodern Approach to Social Constructivism In the 21st century a paradigm shift motivated the field of psychology to unlock a fresh world view revealing the objet d'art of collective exchange. Referring to the modernistic creation of self, it is said that the anthropological essence and the search for truth is being reworked...
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... his work led to the development of behavior modification and behavior therapy which is a model that psychologist continue to apply and modify today. In the beginning with the social need for efficient psychotherapy soon developed a solid theoretical body of behavioral laws, Skinner indicated that in order to develop the appropriate path towards efficient intervention for unadaptive behavior new theories regarding about abnormal behavior and as well as procedural model for evaluations (Labrador, F. (2004). Behavior therapy continued to nourished by developments through experimental psychology, Skinner’s treatments offered many opportunities not just clients but as well researchers/psychologist to explore the newly lens developed. However, behavior modification and therapy had its limitation yet today it continues to have some modification still needed to be implement, it said that in order to acknowledge and pay a tribute to Skinner’s work is to overcome these limitation and further develop behavior therapy into an effective model (Wilson, G., & Agras, W. (1992). Rise of behavior modification & therapy The development of behavior modification and therapy was backed up by the work of Skinner, his techniques and experiments were based in operant conditioning and specifically practical developments that were all Skinner’s work (Labrador, F. (2004). The development of both behavior modification and therapy techniques came even before these two models were developed through Skinner’s...
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...this can be therapies that are used for treating different behaviours. Social 1. Understanding Prejudice · Social approach helps us to understand why prejudice occurs. · SIT explains that prejudice occurs by simply belonging to a group– we belong to an in group and those not part of this are considered the out group. We categorise into these groups and identify with in group members by the beliefs we have and what we wear. In order to make our in group look good we display in group favouritism and show a preference for our in group and seeing their behaviours in a positive light. The behaviour of the out group we put down, and this boosts the in group self-esteem. · Realistic conflict theory suggests prejudice between groups occurs when there is competition for resources, and that it is not simply belonging to a group. This can explain why many groups can live alongside each other in harmony, which SIT cannot explain. · An example of SIT in action is football fans as they categorise themselves into teams e.g. either Man U or Chelsea and wear team colours e.g. red or blue. When these teams play they will call the fans of the rival team names to raise their own teams self-esteem. · Prejudice can account for a number of conflicts that have occurred in society and it is important that we understand why it occurs and how to reduce it to benefit society and its functioning, as well as for economic reasons. Supporting evidence is Sherif’s study which found...
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...Describe a Case The school to prison pipeline is a societal issue. The school to prison pipeline is also an issue in the field of social work as well. My case is based from Wilson article, (2014), Turning off the School-to-Prison Pipeline. As a social worker I will encounter many situations regarding adolescents having difficulties staying in school. The alarming factor of the school to prison pipeline is the disparity between racial groups, specifically black students. Wilson article discuss many issues with the school to prison pipeline and solutions. Research suggest that community interventions are the best solution to the school to prison pipeline (Wilson, 2014). For example, training teachers on different cultures and back grounds,...
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...Dependent Personality Disorder in Women Kimberly L. Johnson Abstract This paper will examine the DSM disorder of Dependent Personality Disorder in Women. The focus of this paper will be to highlight the differentiation, diagnosis and treatment of this specific pathological personality disorder. According to the DSM, Dependent Personality Disorder (DPD) is characterized by a pervasive and excessive need to be cared for by others that usually lead to clingy and fears of separation. In professional counseling it is critical that clinicians understand the root causes of DPD and how this disorder can manifest in women. This disorder can be found in both men and women, but research seems to suggest that women are more likely to suffer from this disorder. Therefore, understanding the pathology of DPD and its diagnosis and treatment will be critical to professionals working with women. This paper will also discuss how clinicians should be cautious when making diagnosis in women who present with DPD and knowing what gender and culture factors that exists. Dependent Personality Disorder in Women Clinical Definition of Dependent Personality Disorder According to the DSM-IV-TR (2000), Dependent Personality Disorder (DPD) is characterized by a pervasive and excessive need to be cared for by another person that usually lead to clingy and fears of separation. DPD as outlined in the DSM-IV-TR is considered the formal diagnosis of DPD needed for insurance, research, and communication...
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...mental equipment. Mark Wertheimer wrote a paper on phi motion in 1912, which was known to start Gestalt Psychology. Throughout this paper I will review the main contributing events in Gestalt Psychology and its influences in America. Contributions Gestalt contributed to therapy known as Gestalt therapy which focuses on raising individuals boundaries, needs, and sensory. This therapy helps contribute to one’s own self-worth. Gestalt has always focused on whole rather than individuals. Gestalt psychology focuses on human experiencing psychological events as a whole. Wertheimer shifted his interest from law to philosophy and psychology. He had an influence on other things besides the school of thought such as sensation and perception. Kurt Koffka main interest of study was colors such as the difference of color with short and long wave lengths. As a professor at Smith College where he studied the principles of Gestalt, concentrating on focusing and memory. Wolfgang Kohler worked side by side with Werheimer and Koffka at the University of Frankfurt where he studied perceptual ideas through the study of chimpanzees. Principles Gestalt is a psychology word that means “unified whole” focused on theories of visual perception. Similarity which is when two objects favor each other. When similarity occurs, an object can be emphasized if it is dissimilar to the others. This is called anomaly ("The Gestalt Principles", n.d.). Continuation is when the eye moves...
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...reports results from research conducted in counseling sessions involving bullies, the bullied, and others affected by bullying. Reality Therapy (RT), Choice Theory (CT) and Bullying Prevention Programs (BPP) are examined to see their effect on clients becoming autonomous in directing their actions. School shootings have brought to light the effects of bullying and bullying seems to be occurring at epidemic proportions. Studies are needed on how to effectively counsel those involved in bullying so that they can reassess and learn methods to choose better actions to prevent bullying. This paper compares the research along with Glasser’s RT/CT to have counselors and clients examine their own struggles and how specific procedures can lead to changes in behavior. The process allows the clients to move in a direction of getting what they want while stepping away from the world of bullying. It also allows the counselor to teach clients how to make substantial connections with others and how to determine if better choices are possible. Keywords: bullying, RT/CT, BPP A School Counselor’s Approach to Combating Bullying Using the Choice Theory and Reality Therapy Katy Perry once said, “People talk about bullying, but you can be your own bully in some ways. You can be the person who is standing in the way of your success, and that was the case for me.” (Perry, n.d.). RT and CT used in conjunction can be effective tools to help not only the bully but also the bullied. RT was first...
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...Abstract Marital conflicts arise when two people wish to passionately express their individuality within their bonded union. Conflict of any kind is a healthy exercise in patience and understanding. There are positional boundaries’ that should be respected and valued in marital relationships. Marital satisfaction and longevity can be achieved if the two partners adhere to the rules of engagement in their attempt to express their needs and desires while valuing each other’s difference and individuality. However, when there is a sense of love loss within the dyadic relationship, conflicts can become detrimental to marital bliss. Achieving marital satisfaction and longevity can be challenging when passions are high and couples are in a constant state of flux due to verbal confrontation, or gender-role conflict. Keywords: marital conflict, marital longevity, conflict resolution and marital Satisfaction. Effects of Unresolved Conflict on Marital Satisfaction and Longevity Within the binding bonds of marital bliss, there is a dynamic that occasionally rears its ugly head; conflict. There have been married couples throughout time in memoriam who have declared that conflict does not reside within the confines of their marriages. (These are “the avoiders,” they will be discussed later in this composition.) If this is true, then how does a marital relationship survive if each partner impedes the value of differentiation while still remaining true too, and loving...
Words: 4073 - Pages: 17
...Quiz 4 Study Guide 1. A broad view of Skinner’s view of the nature of people is that: a. Children change because people love them b. Children change because of their experiences c. Children change because they can identify their emotions d. Children change because their self-talk is modified 2. Reductionism refers to: e. telescoping actions to the smallest, final source f. telescoping people to their evolutionary continuity g. telescoping people to their primary emotions h. telescoping people to their automatic thoughts 3. Behavioral counseling is an: i. Dream interpretive therapy j. Script analysis therapy k. Active, directive therapy l. Evolutionary interpretive therapy 4. In behavioral therapy knowing the origins of psychological problems is: m. Dependent on the DSM description n. Necessary for second order change o. Not necessary for change p. Creates motivation for change 5. Currently behavioral counseling uses: q. Only covert processes r. Only overt behaviors s. Neither covert processes or overt behaviors t. Both covert process and overt behaviors 6. A behavioral chain is: u. the arrangement of individual responses in a particular sequence v. the arrangement of a group of individuals working toward a specific goal w. the arrangement of a classroom by ability level ...
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