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John Steinbeck's 'I Am A Man'

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“I am a man” (59). Although this statement is only four words long, it carries the weight of a thousand words. This quote that Kino, the main character, directed towards his wife Juana shows the gender inequality this story faced. Saying something as simple as “I am a man” seems to not be a big deal. Stating your gender is not a crime, but the meaning is much more significant. This a statement of power, entitlement, and privilege. These characteristics are given to men through the culture they are a part of and community they live in. Although based off The Pearl, gender inequality has been a problem throughout time and continues to be today. It is important to understand the difference that gender makes to understand the story being told, …show more content…
Men were granted all power within the society and were worshiped by women and children. Men were the privileged gender and were well respected by all. This respect was not by choice, but by command. The main figures such as jewel dealers, doctors, priest, hunters, and town officials were all men. They were believed to be the only ones capable of such important jobs. Within families, men were also the main figure. Most men were married. The women in the relationship were seen more as servants to the men then they were actual people. Women's opinions were worth very little, and it was proved when Kino and Juana were discussing the pearl. Juana voiced her opinion as she did rarely saying “Kino, this pearl is evil. Let us destroy it before it destroys us. Let us crush it between stones. Let us - let us throw it back in the sea where it belongs” (56). Even though Juana felt strongly about this, it affected Kino little as he replied fiercely saying “No” without giving it a second thought as if her opinion is …show more content…
Although the treatment of women seemed normal at in the story because they knew nothing different, women were not even treated like humans more like servants lacking any rights. Although there were many women based throughout the story the main women heard about was Juana. She was faced with the difficult decision every other woman was faced with. This decision was whether to get married and be subject to their husband for the rest of their lives or whether to try and make it on their own. The almost unanimous choice by women was to be married. Many would wonder why such a decision would be made if they were seemingly signing up for a servant's life. This is because women were nothing without a man by their side. The man gives them many opportunities that are impossible to have as women and to them, it is worth it. Juana was not a slave, but she was not treated with the respect she deserved. Juana was more, practical seeing the pearl as a burden, rather than a gift. She lacked any voice within the relationship with Kino even when her life was on the line. The graphic beating was described as “He struck her in the face with his clenched fist and she fell among the boulders, and he kicked her in the side” (59). In today's society, this is completely illegal and Kino would surely but put in jail, but this was not the case in the story. After this brutal beating Juana apologized

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