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Mock Interview Research Paper

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Reflection paper Interviews something, we all must go through in life. The mock interview is a practice interview where we can experience a real interview and with the purpose that we will gain experience from it and learn our own experience and have the chance to become better. Before the interview all I did was relaxed and not get tense. Mock interviews there great for experience and knowledge, to know what we did well on, also what we should improve on and do differently next time. Everything didn’t go as I planned but at the end of the interview I was to be hired so there is so reason to dwell on it because I was able to gain experience and knowledge. The experience put me in high alert because during the interview I felt so much adrenaline in my body. My body gave me …show more content…
The first was my vocabulary and talking there was times where I couldn’t keep talking and stuttered and was able to find words to explain to her what why I love this or how I feel. So, I ended up doing gesture that show I couldn’t find the words and I even told her. Another thing I wish I could have done was told her I have a history of being shy and not very sociable and it may sound a little ignorant of me of telling her one of my flaws but that doesn’t matter because no one is perfect and it would have been a great way to show her my honesty. If I could go back in time this what I will say and turn my flaw into something great “Yeah I may have a history of being shy and not very sociable but I have courage to overcome this every step of the way just like how someone had the courage to build every building you see outside they had a dream a goal a vision they had the courage to overcome every single little obstacle they faced. My flaws don’t determine who I am or if I can achieve my goals. It’s how strong my courage to not give up is what determines who I will not if but I will be in the future and my

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