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Being An Italian-American Culture

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America. Probably the world's biggest melting pot when it comes to diversity among cultures. Within those cultures exists a endless list of different foods that have unique meanings and representations. Personally, I strongly identify as being an Italian-American. And being an Italian-American, I feel that I have some right to speak on behalf of the food that the Italians have shared with the rest of the world. Much like in American culture today, holidays like Christmas, Easter, or Thanksgiving, or any family get-together, is normally a family reunion, or at least a small scaled version of one. And at these mini-family reunions, normally the host/hosts take care of all the food that will be consumed throughout the day. For as long as I can …show more content…
If Nonna’s tiramisu cake was an MMA fighter, it’d be Conor McGregor, it’s that good. From the creamy, sweet, mascarpone cheese filling, to the espresso soaked lady fingers, it is plate licking good. It’s half the reason my cousins come up from Virginia every few months. I find it comedic that, if not for having such a strong Italian influence in my life, I probably would think that Italians were just about pizza and that’s it. The food of Italians, combined with my heritage, put my foot in the door to learn about the culture, and begin learning Italian during my high school career, so I could have a conversation with my Nonna and Nonno who spoke very little English. I learned Italian so I could ask about how Italy was from a primary source. What life during the war was like, what being a baker and running a farm was like, learning about their struggles of coming to America for a better life for them and their children. Their choices to do exactly so is why I take so much pride in myself to spend time with my Nonna, now that my Nonno has passed, and learn more about the life style in Italy, holidays, and the culture that has endlessly fascinated me. And it all started with some

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