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Safety Net Specialty Care Program Essay

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Safety Net primary care providers are the primary source of care for uninsured and the underinsured patients. When specialty care is needed these services are often unavailable to them. Very few communities have addressed the lack of specialty care issue outside of simply calling on specialist to voluntarily provide direct care to safety net patients.
In March of 2013 KPCO implemented the Safety Net Specialty Care Program to help address the significant community need for access to specialty care. The program’s vision is to provide specialty care services that will have positive health outcomes for low-income safety net patients. This program is one of many that are fundamental to the mission of KPCO to provide high-quality, affordable health care services to improve the health of our members and the communities we serve.
Allergy/Immunology, Cardiology, Dermatology, Endocrinology, Gastroenterology, Ophthalmology, Pulmonology, and Rheumatology and are participating in the program. In general, inclusion criteria was based on the results of safety net specialty care needs assessments, department capacity, provider willingness, and if the specialty lent …show more content…
For almost three years, we have maintained our ability to provide specialty care services that have had a meaningful impact on safety net patients without significantly affecting member care and specialty care department capacity. Currently, three Safety Net clinics participate in the program; Clinica Family Health Services, Metro Community Provider Network, and Salud Family Health Centers. Each cares for a patient population of 40,901; 39,420; and 69,898 respectively; a total of 150,219

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