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Suction Curettage Research Paper

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pregnancy ended before birth is not just asimple medical procedure. For manywomen, it is a life changing event withsignificant physical, emotional, and related to religion or the soul results. Most women who say that they wish they hadbeen told all of the facts about abortion, its risks and thehit/effect it may have had on their lives before they made their decision.

Manuel vacuum breathing with a Suction Curettage are the two most common surgical abortion procedure.
Manuel Vacuum Breathing is a surgical abortion and is done early in the pregnancy up until 7 weeks after the woman's last menstrualperiod. A long, thin tube is inserted into theuterus. A large syringe is attached to thetube and the fetus in a very early life stage is suctioned …show more content…
This Procedure is not as commonly used as inthe past because of the availability of mifepristone. Methotrexate is given orallyor by injection during the first office visit. Misoprostol tablets are given orally orinserted vaginally about 3 to 7 days later. This can be done at home.This procedurewill usually trigger contractions and expelthe unborn baby. The process may take afew hours or as long as a few days. Aphysical exam is given a week later to make sure that the abortion procedure is complete and to checkfor …show more content…
You are not able to be picked/able to participate if you have anyof the following: being or happening in the wrong place pregnancy, ovarian mass, IUD, drug use, adrenal failure, blood disorder that causes weakness, bleeding sicknesses/problems or use of blood thinners, breathing disease, liver or organ that creates urine problems, heart disease, or jig blood pressure. You will be givengerm-killing drugs to prevent infection. Mifepristone is given orally during your firstoffice visit. Mifepristone blocks progesterone from the uterus-based lining, causing the lining to break down, preventing the ability to continue apregnancy. Misoprostol tablets are takenorally or inserted vaginally about 36 to 72 hours after taking the mifepristone. Thetablets will cause contractions and expelthe unborn baby. This process may take afew hours or as long as a few days. Aphysical exam is given two weeks later tosecure/make sure of the pregnancy ended before birth was complete and to checkfor

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