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Submitted By lyra123
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Pages 13
Agoo Technical & Vocational Education Training Center
Sta. Barbara Agoo, La Union


Submitted by:
Michelle Manzano
Alvin Viduya
Jane Foronda
Rhodora Gagaoin
Arlene Heruela
Jo-ann Eballar
Marlon Catalan

Submitted to:
Mr. Jose Eric Rivera

What is Thromboangiitis Obliterans? * Also known as Buerger’s Disease * A rare disease of the arteries and veins in the arms and legs. In buerger’s disease your blood vessels become inflamed, swell and can become blocked with blood clots. This eventually damages or destroy skin tissues and lead to infection usually first shows in the hands and feet and may eventually affect larger areas of your arms and legs

SYMPTOMS * Pain in your lower legs or feet when walking * Pain in your hands or forearms * Blood clots * Ulcers on your toes and fingers * Raynaud’s syndrome, a narrowing of blood vessels in your hands and sometimes your toes
* Stopping all smoking and other forms of tobacco use * Having surgery to bring blood to the affected tissues (people who have smoked for more than 20 years are more likely to need surgery
* Changes in the way you walk or move due to pain * Ulcers * Tissue damage or tissue death * Gangrene * Amputation
What is Asthma? * Asthma existed in ancient egyptian times and there’s some evidence that asthma has been around even before that. The Georg Ebers papyrus – found in egypt in 1970’s – contains prescription written in hieroglyphics for over 700 remedies * Asthma is a condition that causes long term inflammation of the air ways. The inflammation makes the airways over react to certain triggers. During an asthma flare-up the muscle sorrounding the tubes that carry air into the lungs ( bronchial tubes ) go into spasm; the muscous lining of the lungs swells and secretions build up in the lungs, suddenly making breathing difficult
COMMON ALLERGENS * Pet hair * Pollen * Mold * Dust
ASTHMATIC BRONCHITIS TRIGGER INCLUDE: * Tobacco * Pollution * Chemical * CERTAIN MEDICATION ( aspirin, beta – blockers ) * Exercise * Weather change (for example cold weather) * Viral or bacterial infections * Strong emotions (laughing or crying)

PREVENTION * There is no way to prevent asthma however, you may be able to limit the length and severity of asthma flare-up if you can avoid or control your exposure to things that trigger asthma symptoms

THERE ARE NAMES OF SOME QUICK RELIEF ASTHMA DRUGS * Albuterol (proventil, ventolin) * Metaproterenol * Pirbuterol (maxair) * Terbutaline (brethine, brethare and bricanyl) * Bitolterol (tornalate) * Levalbuterol (xopenex)

These drugs help to relax muscles of your airways they are called

QUICK RELIEF ASTHMA DRUGS MAY CAUSE THESE SIDE EFFECTS * Anxiety * Tremor (your hand or another part of your body is shaking) * Restlessness * Headache * Fast and irregular heart beats

What is Rheumatoid Arthritis? * Causes premature mortality, disability and compromised quality of life in the industrialized and developing world * Systemic inflammatory disease which manifest itself in multiple joints of the body * It can begin at any age and is associated with fatigue and prolonged stiffness after rest

SYMPTOMS * Stiffness- the joint is harder to use and might have a limited range of motion. “Morning stiffness” is one of the hallmark symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis * Swelling- fluids enters into the joint and it becomes puffy, this also contributes to stiffness * Pain- inflammation inside a joint makes it sensitive and tender * Redness and warmth- joints may be somewhat warmer and more pink or red than neighboring skin TREATMENT * Today, a much more aggressive treatment approach is advocated for people with RA, with prescription of non-biologic DMARDS within months of diagnosis to reduce disease activity and prevent joint deformity * The 2008 guidelines also recommend that treatment with non biologic and biologic therapics should be accompanied by non medical interventions including physical and occupational therapy and anti-inflammatory pharmacologic interventions

ASCARIASIS What is Ascariasis? * Is a disease of human cause by the parasitic roundworms Ascraris Lumbricoides * Ascariasis is the most common form of soil transmitted by Helminthiasis * It is prevalent in tropical and sub – tropical regions where hygiene is poor

CAUSES * Ascaris Suum – can cause disease in domestic animals like pigs * Eating food that containing human feces that contaminated eggs of Ascaris * Transmission also comes through municipal recycling of waste water into crop fields (Industrial Economies) * Transmission from human to human by direct contact
* Cause visceral damage , peritoritis and inflammation * Enlargement of the liver or spleen * Verminous pneumonitis * Malabsorption and anorexia * Malnutrition
* Use of toilet facilities * Safe excreta disposal protection of food from dirt and soil * Through proper hand washing * Fruits and vegetables should always be washed thoroughly before consumption

TREATMENT * Ascaricides- is a pharmaceutical drugs use to kill roundworms * Mebendazole- causes slow immobilization and death of the worms * Piperazine- a flaccid paralyzing agent that cause a blocking response of ascaris muscle to acetyclioline * Dyrantel pamoate- depolarize ganglionic block of nicotinic neuromuscular transmission resulting in spastic paralysis of the worm * Albendazole- a broad spectrum antihelminthic agent * Thiabendazole- cause migration of the worm into the esophagus

What is Avian Influenza A (H7N9) Virus? * Avian influenza viruses are group of influenza viruses that normally circulate among birds. The avian influenza virus is one subgroup among the larger group of h7 viruses
* First reported in china * Have been found in poultry and wild birds * Contaminated environments
* Severe pneumonia * Fever * Cough * Shortness of breath * Blood poisoning * Organ failure
How are people becoming infected with the Avian Influenza A(H7N9) Virus? * Some of the confirmed cases had contact with animals * The virus has now been found in chickens, ducks and captive-bred pigeons at live bird market near locations where cases have been reported * Person to person transmission

How can infection with Avian Influenza A(H7N9) Virus be prevented? * Hand hygiene- wash your hands before, during and after you prepare food, before you eat, after you use toilet, after handling animals or animal waste. Wash your hands with soap and running water when hands are visibly dirty, if hands are not visibly dirty, wash them with soap and water or use an alcohol based hand cleanser * Respiratory hygiene- cover your mouth and nose with a medical mask, tissue, or flexed elbow when coughing or sneezing. Throw the used tissue into closed bin immediately after use; perform hand hygiene after contact with respiratory secretions
What is Atopic Dermatitis? * Also known as eczema or atopic eczema. Atopic eczema mainly affects children, but it can continue into adulthood or start later in life. The word eczema comes from the greek word ekzein meaning "to boil out"; the greek word ek means "out", while the greek word zema means “boiling”. * A chronic skin condition in which the skin becomes itchy, reddened, cracked and dry

What are the symptoms of eczema? * The skin may be broken in places * Some areas of the skin are cracked * The skin usually feels dry * Many areas of skin are itchy, and sometimes raw if scratched a lot * Itching usually worse at night * Scratching may also result in areas of thickened skin * Some areas of skin become red and inflamed * Some inflamed areas develop blisters and weep (ooze liquid) * The skin has red to brownish-gray colored patches * Areas of skin may have small, raised bumps

When there is a flare-up the previous symptoms still exist, plus some of the ones below: * The skin will be much more itchy * Itchiness and scratching will make the skin redder, raw and very sensitive * Many of the affected areas will feel hot * The skin will be much more scaly and drier * The raised bumps will be more pronounced and may leak fluid * Blisters will appear * The affected areas may be infected with bacteria
The following may worsen the symptoms of atopic eczema: * Prolonged hot showers or baths * Allowing the skin to stay dry * Mental Stress * Sweating * Rapid temperature changes * Dry air * Certain fabrics for clothing, such as wool * Cigarette smoke * Dust * Sand * Some soaps, solvents, or detergents - a swedish study found that linalool, the most common fragrance ingredient used in shampoos, conditioners and soap is a powerful allergen for a significant number of people
What are the causes of atopic eczema? * Experts say that people with eczema are born with it - it is a genetically inherited condition. It can be worsened with exposure to external or environmental factors such as pollen or pet fur, and internal factors such as hormone levels and stress * The oily (lipid) barrier of skin is usually reduced in people with atopic eczema, compared to other people. The lipid barrier helps prevent water loss. If your barrier is reduced you will lose water faster and your skin will be drier * The immune system cells of people with atopic eczema release chemicals under the skin's surface which may cause inflammation. Experts are not 100% sure why this happens. They just know that it is an immune system overreaction

Foods that may make atopic eczema symptoms worse * Milk (cow's) * Eggs * Nuts * Soya * Wheat
What is the treatment for atopic eczema? * Self-care - what the patient can do avoid scratching itchiness is a common part of eczema, and scratching is a natural reaction to deal with itching. Unfortunately, scratching will invariably further aggravate the skin and make symptoms worse. Scratching also raises the risk of infection.

Getting an adult to control his/her scratching is hard enough - it is even harder for children. Children will often not be able to control the urge to scratch. It is important that nails are kept short and clean. Babies may benefit from anti-scratch mittens. * Avoid trigger factors a good doctor will have established a list of factors that trigger eczema flares. The patient should try to avoid them as much as possible. Parents/guardians need to remind children of triggers and help them devise strategies to avoid them - younger children may need to be reminded frequently.
People with atopic eczema usually avoid clothes made of synthetic fibers and opt for natural materials, such as cotton.
We know that dust mites are likely triggers for many people. However, most studies have shown that trying to eradicate them from your home is very time consuming and does not seem to be very effective in reducing the frequency and severity of flare-ups. Several patients have written into medical news today saying that when they get up in the morning they pull their sheets right back and do not make their beds for several hours, allowing the bed to be ventilated - this has helped them (bear in mind this information is not a study, and must be taken as anecdotal). * Nutrition it is important to check with your doctor before undergoing any large change in diet, especially if the patient is a child. Breastfeeding mothers whose babies have atopic eczema should check with their GP before embarking on any significant diet change. Milk, eggs, and nuts are common triggers. Researchers from king's college London found no evidence that exclusive breastfeeding reduces the risk of a baby eventually developing eczema.
COMPLICATIONS OF ATOPIC ECZEMA * Infection * Psychological effects * Sleep problems

What is Aneurysm? * An aneurysm occurs when part of a blood vessel (artery) or cardiac chamber swells, - either the blood vessel is damaged or there is a weakness in the wall of the blood vessel * As blood pressure builds up it balloons out at its weakest point. The swelling can be quite small or very large - when large it tends to extend along the blood vessel * As the aneurysm grows there is a greater risk of rupture - this can lead to severe hemorrhage, and other complications, including sudden death * An aneurysm can occur in any part of the body. They tend to most commonly occur on the wall of the aorta - the large trunk artery that carries blood from the left ventricle of the heart to branch arteries. The aorta goes down through the chest and into the abdomen, where it divides into the iliac arteries (two branches)
AORTIC ANEURYSM- occurs in the aorta. Can be abdominal or thoracic (higher up)

CEREBRAL ANEURYSM - occurs in an artery in the brain

What are the symptoms of an aneurysm? * Symptoms are linked to how big the aneurysm is, how fast it is growing and its location. Very small aneurysms which do not grow may go completely unnoticed. A large cerebral aneurysm (in the brain) may press on nerve tissue and trigger numbness in the face, or problems with the eyes
CEREBRAL (BRAIN) ANEURYSM SYMPTOMS * Very severe headache that occurs suddenly * Nausea * Vomiting * Eyesight problems * Seizures (fits) * Loss of consciousness * Confusion * A drooping eyelid * Stiff neck * Light sensitivity
AORTIC ANEURYSM SYMPTOMS * A throbbing sensation in the abdomen * Back pain * Abdominal pain
If the aneurysm continues to grow and presses on the spine or chest organs the patient may experience: * Coughing * Loss of voice * Breathing difficulties * Problems swallowing
What causes an aneurysm?
Brain (cerebral) aneurysm causes: * Weakness in the artery wall (usually present since birth) * Hypertension (high blood pressure) * Arteriosclerosis (plaques of cholesterol, platelets, fibrin, and other substance form on the arterial wall) * Age at menopause influences cerebral aneurysm risk

Abdominal aortic aneurysm causes: * Atherosclerosis * Smoking * Hypertension * Vasculitis (infection in the aorta) * Cocaine use * Genetic link - a gene that is associated with cancer and cardiovascular development is also linked to abdominal aortic aneurysm risk, researchers from the Center for Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Research at Nationwide Children's Hospital reported in Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology (October 2012 issue). They added that their discovery could pave the way for new therapies
Thoracic aortic aneurysm causes: * Marfan syndrome * Previous aorta injury * Traumatic injury
TREATMENT FOR AN ANEURYSM * The aim is to prevent the aneurysm from bursting. There are usually two choices - 1. Watch and wait. 2. Surgery. How big the aneurysm is, how fast it's growing, and sometimes its location are vital factors in determining what treatment to use * If the aneurysm is small - if the patient's aneurysm is no bigger than 1.6 inches (about 4cm) in diameter, and there are no symptoms, it may be best to tack the approach of watching-and-waiting, instead of surgery. This is also known as "watchful waiting". In most cases the risks caused by surgery are greater than the likely risks caused by a small aneurysm. Watchful waiting usually involves an ultrasound scan every 6 to 12 months. The patient will be asked to be alert for any signs or symptoms of dissection or rupture * If the aneurysm is medium-sized - a medium-sized aneurysm is no bigger than 2.2 inches (5.5 cm) in diameter and bigger than 1.6 inches (4 cm). It is more difficult now to weigh up the risks of surgery against the risks of a medium-sized aneurysm. The chances of both patient and doctor deciding on one or the other are pretty even * Large-sized or rapidly-growing aneurysm - a large aneurysm is larger than 2.2 inches (5.5 cm) in diameter, while a rapidly growing one is expanding at more than 0.5 cm every six months. In most cases the patient will require surgery. The damaged section of the aorta will be removed and replaced with a graft (synthetic tube) which is sewn into place. This is major surgery - open-abdominal or open-chest surgery. The patient will take several months to recover completely * Endovascular surgery - this is a less invasive procedure to repair an aneurysm. A graft is attached to the end of the catheter which is inserted through an artery and threaded up into the aorta. The graft - consisting of a woven tube covered by a metal mesh support - is placed at the site of the aneurysm and stuck there will pins or small hooks. This graft strengthens the weakened section of the aorta and prevents the aneurysm from rupturing. Patients recover much faster with this procedure, and seem to have fewer complications

Surgery is usually required as soon as the aneurysm reaches a diameter of 2.2 inches (5.5 cm). Patients with Marfan syndrome, as well as those with close relative who had an aortic dissection may undergo surgery if the aneurysm is smaller. Beta blockers have been shown to slow down the growth of thoracic aortic aneurysms for patients with Marfan syndrome.
CEREBRAL (BRAIN) ANEURYSM TREATMENT: * Surgical clipping - the aneurysm is closed off. The surgeon removes a section of the skull to get to the aneurysm and finds the blood vessel that feeds it. A tiny metal clip is placed on the neck of the aneurysm to block off the blood flow to it. * Endovascular coiling - a catheter is inserted, usually in the groin, and is threaded through the body to the brain where the aneurysm is located. A guide wire is used to push a soft platinum wire through the catheter and into the aneurysm. The wire coils up inside the aneurysm and disrupts the blood flow, making it clot. The clotting of the blood effectively seals off the aneurysm from the artery.
The following cerebral aneurysm treatments help relieve symptoms as well as managing complications: * Painkillers * Calcium channel blockers * A vasopressor * Anti-seizure drugs * A ventricular catheter * Rehabilitation therapy
* Quit smoking * Keep your blood pressure under control * Keep your blood cholesterol levels under control * Eat a healthy, well balanced diet, rich in fruit and vegetables, unrefined carbohydrates, dietary fiber, good quality fats, and lean protein. Researchers from the Karolinska Institute, Sweden, reported in the journal Circulation that eating more fruit and veggies lowers the risk of aortic aneurysm * Keep your bodyweight within the ideal limits for your height * Get at least 7 hours of good quality sleep each night * Keep yourself physically active (check with your doctor that this is OK for you)
* A ruptured aneurysm is a major problem. An abdominal aneurysm rupture will cause mass bleeding leading to shock, and even death.

A cerebral aneurysm rupture causes serious bleeding into the fluid surrounding the brain. The patient will have an extremely painful headache, which is usually followed by loss of consciousness. A cerebral aneurysm rupture is a life threatening emergency.

Occasionally, a piece from inside an aneurysm may become dislodged and travel into the artery - the clot is known as a thrombosis. If it lodges into a small artery it will block blood flow. The blocked blood flow can be very serious, especially if it happens in an artery to a major organ, such as the heart, lungs or brain.

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Food Narrative Essay

...ENC 1102 Paper One Assignment Narrative Essay A narrative essay is the story of a significant or memorable event in your life. A narrative should include specific details, descriptions, and perhaps even dialogue. A narrative is a story told from your perspective that includes not only a narration of the event, but also an evaluation of this event. For this essay, I want you to focus on food as the guiding theme behind your narrative. In order to write this essay, please consider some of the following questions: 1) What is your food story? 2) What role does food play in your gatherings with family and friends? 3) How much does your culture influence what/how you eat? 4) Are there recipes that are particularly significant to you? Why? Where did you get them? 5) What is your most significant memory involving food? 6) How does food affect other aspects of your life? The essay will be graded on the following criteria:  1. ASSIGNMENT FULFILLMENT (Basic Elements): Is the essay 2-4 typed, double-spaced pages? Does the title introduce the subject of the narrative? Is this work a clear-cut narrative with a proper timeline? Is it formatted properly (page numbers, MLA manuscript form)? 2. CONTENT (Hook, pacing, conclusion): Does the introduction have a good hook, one that captures the reader's interest? Is the essay's narrative pacing o.k.- neither too fast nor excessively slow? Does the conclusion wrap-up the essay effectively, providing...

Words: 688 - Pages: 3

Premium Essay

Narrative Check List

...(making a decision, perhaps), conflict between a person and society, or a person and nature. • Simple and personal ideas work well • Start from what you know and build/ elaborate on this. • Avoid fantasy fiction, ghost stories and complicated adventure stories. • Avoid a plot which ends with : ‘I woke up and it was all a dream/nightmare’ (although a dream might happen inside the story, in a paragraph, perhaps). • Decide whether to use a linear (chronological) structure- • Or a structure using temporal shifts/ time changes such as flashbacks. • Choose third or first person according to task and STICK WITH IT (although there might be an opportunity for selective use of embedded narrative- another voice telling the story). • Try to use narrative hooks- intrigue your readers, perhaps keep them in suspense or keep them guessing! • Plan a definite opening and ending. Task : plan a story using this classic five part structure- • Exposition (opening- it sets the scene and kick off the action) • Encounter – a meeting or key event involving two or more characters. • Complication or conflict- the difficulty. • Climax- the most intense moment of the story. • Resolution- the ending- sad, happy, mixed, open ending, surprise ending or ‘twist in the tail of the tale. [pic] CHARACTERISATION AND POINT OF VIEW. • Focus on two or three main characters only. • Try to make them realistic and ‘rounded’...

Words: 551 - Pages: 3

Free Essay

Narratives Essay

...A powerful story that retells events in history and that’s purpose is to give meaning and direction to a certain people in the present time are called narratives .All narratives have three basic parts characters, plot and plot resolution. These stories begin with a conflict or problem and end with the problem or conflict being resolved. The leading character is the protagonist, the character who causes the conflict is the antagonist and the additional characters who get involved in the conflict are the agonists. In biblical narratives GOD is always the protagonist, the devil or evil power is always the antagonist and the additional characters the agonists are God’s followers. The plot of a biblical narrative is the struggle that GOD made Christians in his image and then Satan or evil enters in and tries to persuade GOD’s people to allow evil and sin to transform them. The conclusion of the biblical narrative happens when GOD saves his people from the hold of evil and transforms them back into his image. As Christians we have to very careful when reading biblical narratives not to make some common mistakes. Understanding that these words of GOD are not necessarily direct words to us individually but a resource to guide us in daily living. Readers should not look beyond the immediate meaning of the text “allegorize” but instead focus on the clear meaning. Ignoring “decontextualizing” the history and literal text can allow the reader to make the scripture say what they want it...

Words: 433 - Pages: 2