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Native American Wwii Case Study

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Throughout the history of the United States, the Native American community as a whole has always been nothing but a resource to use according the needs of the U.S. government. From Jefferson’s executive order to stop the extermination, in order to have cheap manpower to work the crops , to now president Donald Trump’s constant conflict with Native American nations, in pursuance of creating a political tool to demonstrate power , the case of the Native American’s role in World War II has been greatly overlooked. Still, this case illustrates the government’s use of the Native American community as a material resource in a contrastive and detailed manner.

The U.S campaign to dominate the Asian Pacific coast, during World War II would have taken …show more content…
history, their contribution along with the contribution of other Native American nations was ignored, devalued, and almost forgotten. A further example will be the relocation of nations ranging from the U.S. sierra to California and eastern states, around forty thousand Native Americans left the reservations in order to work for the U.S. defense system. From 1942 to 1945 the number of employed Native Americans raised up to 85,200, from which the majority worked in industrial skills for the Civilian Conservation Corps Naturally, this employment conditions helped overcome many of the obstacles that the Great Depression presented for the Native American since the reservations improved, the leadership was taken into account, health and education systems were reformed as well. On the other hand, the hesitant mindsets in relation to Native Americans during World War II contrasted between the manpower needs of the government and the persecution and alienation based on prejudice were the most confronted problems by the nation’s members. The fact that a great portion of Native Americans demonstrated their functionality out of the reservation, and voluntarily helped with the lack of manpower in certain sectors of the U.S. war industry during World War II, remains unnoticed in present day and has been omitted in the development of U.S. …show more content…
military during World War II was recognized more than 50 years later, when the code was obsolete and it was not going to be used again in military intelligence. Not only the voluntary enrollment of young Navajo men involved with the desire of protecting the land and country they were living in, but the fact that their language was used to create a code that was never broken although that same language was almost destroyed in the Native American boarding schools, presents evidence that the Native American mattered when they were useful to the U.S. The portrait of the Code-talkers experience in the movie Windtalkers, is a visual depreciation of the importance of the Navajo involvement in the war underestimated by the American white heroic cliché; in other words, the movie instead of focusing on the Native American experience, it emphasizes on the life improvements of a white soldier fallen in disgrace changed by the “indian ways”. Still another striking fact, in July 7th, 2001, President George W. Bush commemorated the Navajo Code-talkers, a similar move inspired in Nixon’s Indian policy to gain popularity and the sympathy of the American

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