Premium Essay

Nature of Though


Submitted By Vickie789
Words 728
Pages 3
Nature of Thought A tree lined street with trimmed lawns and homes nicely kept set in a quiet cul de sac offers the perception all in well in the neighborhood. In this instance, perception gives a sense of security and normalcy. What tools, as individuals, are employed to arrive at this perception? Perception is the process humans use to gain insight of the reality of circumstances using the information the senses provide. The combination of perception, cognition and understanding separates humans from the animal kingdom allowing either collectively or individually the ability to learn and to know a certain reality. An individual one can perceive a situation far from the facts. One’s sensing and memory processes can block logic and influence perception. Teaching oneself the art of critical thinking one can recognize that quiet, tree lined streets may give an illusion of security and normally. Individuals begin at an early age the process of thought and perception, thus, setting the stage for the sensing process and memory. Senses allow humans to experience the world using the entire collective of human sensory perceptions: hearing, seeing, feeling, tasting, and touching. When the senses work in unison with each other delivering information to the brain, in a millisecond the brain attaches implication to the information based on socialization and experience. The sensing process adds to recognition of the stimuli from the external world, and we to react or take an action; at times aiding our survival (Kirby & Goodpaster, 2007). In our childhood, perceptual blockades arise from the way one learns to recognize data from the surrounding environment. One acquires preferences for viewing the world that, under some circumstances, block our judgment and decision-making process. Culture, views, family life, government, laws, religion are ones perceptual

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