...The Navajo Indian Cultural Anthropology The Navajo Indians of the Southwestern United states have a distinct social organization, kinship, and a both traditional and biomedical way that they approach sickness and healing. Their social organization revolves around their community and the Earth. Kinship for the Navajo is matriarchal and they are a pastoral society. The traditional Navajo have medicine men that the tribe goes to for any sickness and healing that needs to be done. The modern Navajo has established the Indian Health Service as their standard medical facility and agency. I will go into more detail on all three areas of the tribe’s society of the Navajo people throughout this paper. The tribes of the Navajo Indians are located in Southwest region of the United States. They range from Southwestern Colorado, Northwestern New Mexico, and Northeastern Arizona. Most of the Navajo Indians live on reservations in northeastern Arizona and northwestern New Mexico. The Navajo are the second largest of the Native American tribes and have a population of 7.2% of the Native Americans. They are second to Native Alaskans ((U.S. Census Bureau, 2008).. The marriage rate in the Navajo nation is forty five percent. Only seven percent have a college degree. They have the lowest income level out of all of the Native American tribes. They have a large poverty rate at thirty seven percent. The La Plata Mountain of Southwest Colorado are considered a sacred place for the Navajo...
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...Enhancing the Awareness of Navajo Indians Michele Amoroso, Holly Bulian, and Tara Smallidge Loyola University Enhancing the Awareness of Navajo Indians Native Americans are composed of numerous, distant tribes, bands and ethnic groups, many of which survive as intact, sovereign nations. Once a self-governing, self-sufficient people, America Indians were forced to give up their homes and their land, and to subordinate themselves to an alien culture. From the origin of their tribes in the 1500’s to the early nineteenth century, American Indians have experienced oppression. Today, American Indians are more numerous than they have been for several centuries (Andersen & Collins, 2012). Today, Native Americans have a unique relationship with the United States. Since the late 1960’s, political participation has led to an expansion of efforts to teach and preserve Indigenous languages for younger generations and to establish a greater cultural infrastructure. This paper will discuss the specific tribe of the Navajo Indians to create awareness of their history, oppression, and current state in today’s world. The word Navajo comes from the phrase “Tewa Navahu”, meaning highly cultivated lands. The Indians largely reside in New Mexico and Arizona. The Navajo Indians originally began their tribes in the 1500’s. They traded maize, or corn crops, and woven cotton items such as blankets for things such as bison meat, and various materials, which were made for tools and weapons. Homes...
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...Navajos is a valued tradition in cultural Anthropology in the Western United States that dates back and has drastically changed throughout the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. This is a critical subject and has grown through the diversities that it once martyred through this free country. I accept and will be expressing a few points throughout my paper that is of importance in my eyes to see the changes it has bestowed upon us who is not a part of their everyday cultural life and with the Natives who live this lifestyle everyday. Many of the cultured ways of living for the Navajo is geared towards families. They have for many years had ceremonies and rituals in forms of healing. They have ceremonies that can last up to nine days and some that are as little as two. Most of the more severe illnesses take the latter length of the rituals. In some of the ceremonies they have paintings or alters. Also there are many rituals that contain the head dress of the chanter. A chanter is the one who studies to do the rituals and there may be up to 58 chants and prayers that they need to learn. They may not have to always learn that many chants because if they can't they can choose to specialize in particular ones. For example there is a celebrating of maturity among the navajo. This is evidence that they are entering womanhood. ...
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...This article was downloaded by: [University of Texas El Paso] On: 09 August 2011, At: 13:50 Publisher: Routledge Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK Bilingual Research Journal Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/ubrj20 Language Learning in the American Southwestern Borderlands: Navajo Speakers and Their Transition to Academic English Literacy Gloria Dyc a a University of New Mexico-Gallup Available online: 22 Nov 2010 To cite this article: Gloria Dyc (2002): Language Learning in the American Southwestern Borderlands: Navajo Speakers and Their Transition to Academic English Literacy, Bilingual Research Journal, 26:3, 611-630 To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15235882.2002.10162581 PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Full terms and conditions of use: http://www.tandfonline.com/page/termsand-conditions This article may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, re-distribution, re-selling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents will be complete or accurate or up to date. The accuracy of any instructions, formulae and drug doses should be independently...
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...Culture Summary for Nabajo As described by Adams, William Yewdale (2004), the Nabajo are an American Indian culture located in Arizona and New Mexico. They were often referred to as “Apaches” in sixteenth-century Spanish documents. Although they were referred to as this, so were many other Athapaskan-speaking groups of the New Mexico Province. After the sixteenth-century, they were always referred to as “Navajo” (or “Nabajo” in the Spanish language). No one is absolutely sure of the origin of the name but it has been speculated to be derived from the Tewa Pueblo Indian word for “cultivated fields”. This name was most likely given to the Navajo people because of their dependency on agriculture. The traditional home of the Navajo people has...
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...Draft on Navajo Culture David Cable ANT 101 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology Prof. Justine Lemos July 19, 2012 I) Introduction: The Navajo Nation is the largest Native American group in America today, and is the biggest Indian reservation in the United States. Situated in the northeastern part of Arizona and in the northwestern part of New Mexico, it is comprised of nearly ten million acres, or roughly fifteen thousand square miles. In this research paper the author will discuss at least three aspects of the Navajo culture that will include the kinship that the Navajo have with each other, the social structure within Navajo society, the economic organization that sustains the culture and their beliefs and values that these people share, including some of their rituals and ceremonies. In addition, the author will conclude with some facts about life on the reservation today and how tourism has become part of the Navajo culture. II) Body: The Navajo (or Dine People) as they prefer to be called, are a pastoral, semi-nomadic people who live in one of the most arid and barren lands of the Great American Deserts in the Southwest. A) Kinship: The Navajo people have a kinship that follows the lineage of women, and unlike most Pastoral societies which are patrilineal / patrilocal, the Navajo are one of a handful of societies that are matrilineal / matrilocal. This is because the central symbol of their social organization is motherhood, in which the Navajo find a...
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...Immigration Country. The country constitutes people from different parts of the world. The process of people moving into the new world that is the Americas where the United State lies began centuries ago and has been an ongoing process to the current day. This paper examines the origins of their Native Americans. This paper also explores their journey into the Americas as the first Immigrants. Their settlement patterns and ways of life will also be examined. The paper also explores how the Native Americans in the Americas fared during the European conquest of the region that is currently identified as the America. Euro-Indian relations, conflicts and their aftermath is also a focus point of the paper, which culminates into the current state of affairs of the Native American community in the Americas. Origins of the Native Americans There are diverse sources of information on the origins and history of the Native Americans. They include oral history passed down through generations. This oral history is as diverse as the Indian Nations. Different tribes have different folklore to explain their origins. For instance, the Haida who reside in British Columbia say that man was shaken out of a clam shell by a raven. The Navajo of Arizona say they sprung out of the ground after which there was a time of great wandering and searching for a home. Almost all Indian nations have...
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...backgrounds, each with their own habits, traditions, preferences, and of these includes health. Different needs of the whole person should be evaluated in detail. This paper will discuss results from three different cultures through the interviewing of them using the Heritage Assessment Tool. It will also review, compare, and address health traditions between the cultures as well as identify common health traditions based on cultural heritage. The purpose is to evaluate and discuss how families subscribe to these traditions/practices, address health maintenance, health protection, and health restoration according to the assessment. Why Heritage Assessment? One method for determining an individuals or groups needs is to use some type of tool in order to complete the assessment. Over 20 years ago an assessment tool was used in order to promote public health and awareness ("Heritage Assessment Tool | Researchomatic," n.d.). The name later became known as “Healthy People 2000 and 2010” and 2020 is soon to come ("Heritage Assessment Tool | Researchomatic," n.d.). The tool contains twenty-nine different and varying questions to obtain detail of birth, siblings, immigration, religion, school, ethnic activities/cuisine and other topics. The usefulness of applying a heritage assessment is because it enables the research to identify how “Different people have different beliefs regarding health, sickness, infection, virus, birth as well as death. All these different beliefs regarding...
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...Abstract This paper will explore three published articles that report the results from research conducted on Native American reservations, specifically their relationship with the criminal justice system. The topics that will be discussed include rape, structural disadvantages and Native American violence, and finally how society views these issues through the context of difference, inequality, and division. Native Americans have been the victims of oppression since Europeans came to North America. Europeans considered themselves to be an advanced civilization, who created social constructions of young America. Europeans introduced the term race to already existing societies in America, by differentiating Native Americans by the color of their skin. Through time, these Native American societies accepted the constructs of race and were referred to as “us” versus “them” to distinguish which race they represented. As Europeans settlers began to expand their civilization over Native American territories, their hierarchical power grew as well. The way Europeans inherited this hierarchical power was due to their technology (e.g. guns, education, medicine, etc.) leaving many Native Americans powerless. The textbook, “Investigation Difference” by Vernon Anthony states, "…use difference as a resource as we have done so ably in the past, or we can use power, coercion, and hate to try to eradicate diversity from our country as many fundamentalist, militant, and radically conservation...
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... Prepared for Jeff Berlinger Technical Department Manager Prepared by Kevin Simons Technical Department Intern October 6, 2013 MEMORANDUM OF TRANSMITTAL TO: Jeff Berlinger, Technical Department Manager FROM: Justin Testa, Technical Department Intern DATE: October 6, 2013 RE: Donation of Technical Equipment to Native Americans on Reservations Thank you for approving my request to research donating our technical equipment to Native Americans on reservations. Kroger has a wonderful and unique opportunity to aid Native Americans with this one time donation of technical equipment, without forfeiting any donations to their local charities. The technical equipment would consist of six large color copiers, 55 laptops, and 75 desk top computers. All of the equipment is from the Corporate Offices in Cincinnati and at the present time is not ear marked for any destination. My research shows there is a need for this type of donation. This one time donation will bring national attention to the needs of Native Americans and continue to confirm Kroger as the leading contributor to those in need. Attached you will find an executive summary and a detailed report with my conclusion and recommendations. If you have any questions on this report please email me at testaj27@yahoo.com. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page EXECUTIVE SUMMARY……………………………………………………………………….3 INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………………………………...
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...------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- <Faculty Name> <Grade Earned> <Date Graded> What are the Business practices in retail and wholesale firework sales for the State of Washington Tribes? Writing up your Topical Research and Doctoral Learning Plan Marjoree Corless Northcentral University The Business Practices in Retail and Wholesale Firework Sales for the State of Washington Tribes This paper examines the legal rights that American Indians/Tribes have on their tribal lands when they are attempting to promote and develop economic developments in their communities, with a particular emphasis on the sale of fireworks. The paper will examine the hierarchy and relationship of agencies involved in the economic development practices for Tribes, and how the small entrepreneurial businesses, such as fireworks is Indian Country can be achieved. This paper attempts to demonstrate and support the hypothesis that economic developments for tribes are essential for American Indian people to become self-sufficient. Background Tribes that are federally recognized and are exercising their governmental authority over their Tribal lands inside the states they reside in. Also, according to the 2010 Census, the American Indian population was at 5.2 million people which were a total 1.7 percent of the entire population, in the...
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...Rites of Passage Your Name ANT 101 Instructor's Name Date In times we see many different cultures that evolved around the earth and throughout time as well. This paper will examine Native Americans, Greek and the Japanese rites of passage. Ceremonies that mark important transitional periods in a person's life, such as birth, puberty, marriage, having children, and death. Rites of passage usually involve ritual activities and teachings designed to strip individuals of their original roles and prepare them for new roles. The traditional American wedding ceremony is such a rite of passage. In many so-called primitive societies, some of the most complex rites of passage occur at puberty, when boys and girls are initiated into the adult world. In some ceremonies, the initiates are removed from their village and may undergo physical mutilation before returning as adults (Rites of passage,(n.d.). Rites of Passage have been a path of life throughout time and space. Anthropologists have found many differences between cultures but also many similatries. Rites of passage from boy to man or girl to woman are different in some and strange in others. The Native Americans and the Greeks were not the same as the Japanese, but yet believed in some of the same old blood ways. Rites are not taught but learned throughout one’s lifetime. Native Americans had a volatile version of passage. In the earlier years, the Native American boys would play as boys. They would follow fathers and...
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...United States is the melting pot of many different ethnicities and indigenous tribes attempting to harmoniously coexist. One of the major ethnic groups is the Indigenous Peoples of America. Who are they? Jose R. Martinez Cobo was a diplomat and politician who elaborated a definition for Indigenous Peoples, although the UN officially never adopted his definition, which is the commonly accepted understanding of the concept of Indigenous Peoples, stating: “Indigenous communities, peoples and nations are those which, having a historical continuity with pre-invasion and pre-colonial societies that developed on their territories, consider themselves distinct from other sectors of the societies now prevailing on those territories, or parts of them. They form at present non-dominant sectors of society and are determined to preserve, develop and transmit to future generations their ancestral territories, and their ethnic identity, as the basis of their continued existence as peoples, in accordance with their own cultural patterns, social institutions and legal system” (NCIV). Currently, there are 4.1 million indigenous peoples living in the US, which contributes to 1.5 of the US population (Nelson 1-19). The majority of these individuals are members of one of the five greatest tribes that forms the Confederacy of the Five Nations: Navajo, Hopi, Apache, Iroquois, and Lakota. The main objective of this paper is to analyse the political, social, and economic issues that characterized the...
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...Native American Medicines Axia College University of Phoenix Native medicine has always excelled in the treatment of wounds and surgery, such as mending broken bones etc, a branch of medicine that during the pioneer era was a most barbaric torture in western medicine. Hygiene was poor and anaesthetics unknown. Barbers doubled up as surgeons. Even today Western medicine is indebted to indigenous medicine for the most commonly used anaesthetic derived from Coca .A plant that South American Indian doctors have used for this purpose since pre-Colombian times. Indeed there are numerous plants of both south and North American Native origin that have enriched modern western herbalist and medicine. However, in Native traditions it is not just the plant that makes the medicine, but foremost the power of the spirit that governs the plant. A plant as such would be considered useless unless it were gathered and prepared with due respect, prayer and rituals with which the healer seeks the support of the plant spirit to help him affect a cure. Native American Medicines: Even though, Native American Medicines have no real threat to our bodies. Are Native American Medicines better for us than Traditional medicines with no side affects because Native American Medicines have been around for years and are still being used today and Native American Medicines have no real side affects like traditional medicines do. The most important...
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...IHS Affirmative Observation One: Inherency 2 Advantage One: Health 5 Advantage Two: Indigenous Economy 9 Observation Two: Solvency 14 Only federal action can solve the case- denying Indian health care furthers an ongoing policy of American Indian genocide 17 Inherency – Lack of Funding 18 Inherency – Lack of Funding 19 Inherency – Lack of Funding 20 Inherency – Lack of Funding 21 Health Impacts – Disease/Death 22 Health Impacts – Disease/Death 23 Health Impacts – Disease/Death 24 IMPACT: Mental Health and Suicide 25 IMPACT: Mental Health and Suicide 26 Extensions to Genocide/Racism Impact 27 Extensions to Genocide/Racism Impact 28 IMPACT: Moral Obligation/Human Rights 29 Solvency Extension - IHCIA/IHS Solves 30 Solvency Extension - IHCIA/IHS Solves 31 Solvency Extension - IHCIA/IHS Solves 32 Solvency Extension - IHCIA/IHS Solves 33 Solvency Extension - IHCIA/IHS Solves for cultural sensitive health 34 Solvency Extension – Congress Key 35 Solvency Extension – Federal Government Key 36 A2: I.H.S. is Racist 37 A2: Transportation 38 A2: “Structural/Distribution Barriers” 39 A2: No Qualified Professionals 40 A2: Bureaucrats 41 A2: IHS has arbitrary eligibility standards 42 A2: Blood Quantum 43 A2: Medicaid Solves 44 AT: Medicaid Solves 45 AT: Medicaid Solves 46 A2: IHS doesn’t use traditional medicine 47 Tribal...
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