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Ncqa 5 Standards Analysis

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The NCQA established 5 standards that must be met by behavioral healthcare organizations (NCQA, n. d.). This writer examined the questions listed for the 5 standards under the 2017 NCQA MBHO Accreditation Requirements (NCQA, n. d.). The first standard, Quality Management and Improvement (QI) have a total of 12 different categories of questions, which are further broken down into other questions (NCQA, n. d.). QI 4: Availability of Practitioners and Providers is the areas that interested me the most, particularly, the part that inquires whether if an organization has considered cultural needs of its members when the practitioner network was created? Are there multilingual practitioners? (NCQA, n. d.). This writer feels this question is important …show more content…
d.). This writer feels this step is important as both medical professionals such as primary care physicians, specialists, and behavioral healthcare professionals should work together. The best care for any patient would be if all the professionals communicate. This writer has encountered situations where medications have been conflicting with one another or not as effective as they could be if only all the medical team communicated for the sake of the patient. Unfortunately, this writer has encountered, the “we are too busy” response, to communicate with one another. Perhaps another area of need that could prevent medication error or further damage to other organs based on medications that should not be taken if there were better oversight and …show more content…
d.). Particularly, the part that inquires whether if in between recredentialing cycles, does the organization conduct ongoing monitoring of practitioner sanctions, complaints, and quality issues and what actions are taken to address the issues identified? (NCQA, n. d.). This writer feels this step is important as there must be an oversight that can assure that the complaints, issues, or problems identified have and will be addressed to provide a better quality of care that meets the patient’s expectations. Again, in any business, there is always room for

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