...WHO NEEDS CULTURAL RESEARCH? The massive lack of public understanding of what contemporary humanities scholarship entails becomes painfully clear to me when I am asked by, say, the hairdresser, what I do. As part of my ongoing fieldwork, I generally decide to tell the truth. “I am a university teacher,” I say. “Oh,” would be the answer, “what do you teach?” I take a deep breath and say: “Cultural Studies.” What follows is usually a big silence. Conversation closed. And the hairdresser is not the only one who is embarrassed. She (or he) probably feels very ignorant because she doesn’t know what I’m talking about, while I feel bad about making her feel that way and feel hopelessly cut off from what she stands for: the general public. Part of the silence is related to a general unawareness of the complex meanings of the term “culture” itself. For most people, “culture” is extraordinary, set apart from daily life. It is either synonymous to art, something elevated and lofty, or refers to “other people” such as migrants or Aborigines. In other words, culture is either aesthetics or anthropology, and has nothing to do with their own lives. In the academic world, what is now called “cultural studies” has revolutionised the study of culture in contemporary society, by doing away with the separation between aesthetics and anthropology. “Culture” in cultural studies relates to the production and negotiation of meaning and value, and this is an ongoing, plural, often conflictive process...
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...NEEDS FOR ACTION RESEARCH IN AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION ABSTRACT Agricultural extension professionals lag behind their counterparts in research and training institutions with regard to conducting research and generating new knowledge. This is mainly because conventional research methods are not appropriate for field practitioners whose main preoccupation is improving livelihoods of farming communities. However the success of field extensionists depends on their ability to identify and exploit opportunities for improvement. Therefore, they need research methods and approaches that enable them to generate reliable data and information which they can use to solve farmers' problems. Given that the role of extension is basically to ensure that farmers have appropriate knowledge and skills, there is need to continuously find out whether farmers indeed have appropriate knowledge and skills. There is need to find out whether farmers apply appropriate knowledge and skills and reasons why they may not be applying appropriate knowledge and skills. Based on the findings, the extensionists will be able to identify the action required to improve upon the existing situation. This calls for knowledge and skills in action oriented research. This paper provides simple, easy to follow, step-by-step guidelines which should be suitable for many situations in extension research - whether one is researching adoption of an enterprise, an extension approach or the functioning of a farmer organization. ...
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...Special Needs Inmates As stated in the Merriam-Webster dictionary special needs is the individual requirements of a person with a disadvantaged background or a mental, emotional, or physical disability or a high risk of developing one. Most serious crimes are created by mentally ill people, we just call them criminals. We do not recognize the attention or special needs they are needing until they are incarcerated after committing the crime. I am not saying all criminals are mentally ill. There are some criminals that require special needs because of their health issues. It is a law that prison should abide by attending to special needs inmates, it will be heartless to mistreat or not tend to an inmate because of something he/she cannot control....
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...Integrating Theory and Research: Needs Assessment for the Patton - Fuller Community Hospital’s Compliance to Safe Medical Devices Act of 1990 (and its Amendments in 1992) Cliff Musimenta University of Phoenix Integrating Theory and Research: Needs Assessment for the Patton - Fuller Community Hospital’s Compliance to Safe Medical Devices Act of 1990 (and its Amendments in 1992) The Safe Medical Devices Act of 1990 (P.L. 101-629, Section 12, 104 Stat. 4523, 1990) was signed by President Bush on 28 November 1990. According to Samuel (1990), the law entailed seventeen timetabled sets of new regulations that can be grouped into the following four categories: premarket approval; post-market surveillance; penalties; and miscellaneous. According to Merrill (1994, p. 47), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) “agency was given power to prescribe good manufacturing practices (GMP) requirements for devices, to ban worthless or dangerous products administratively, and to require notification, replacement, and/or refund by makers of defective products.” According to Swayze & Rich (2012) “a medical device is, simply defined, any item used to diagnose, treat, or prevent disease, injury, or any other condition that is not a drug, biologic, or food” (para. 1). In any health organizational set up, creating patient safety requires that the organization establishes a safe health environment that eliminates/minimizes all unintentional injury to ensure patient wellbeing. This set...
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...i need research paper for a good help in my m.phil degree . x. .x x svdf sdvi need research paper for a good help in my m.phil degree . x. .x x svdf sdvi need research paper for a good help in my m.phil degree . x. .x x svdf sdvi need research paper for a good help in my m.phil degree . x. .x x svdf sdvi need research paper for a good help in my m.phil degree . x. .x x svdf sdvi need research paper for a good help in my m.phil degree . x. .x x svdf sdvi need research paper for a good help in my m.phil degree . x. .x x svdf sdvi need research paper for a good help in my m.phil degree . x. .x x svdf sdvi need research paper for a good help in my m.phil degree . x. .x x svdf sdvi need research paper for a good help in my m.phil degree . x. .x x svdf sdvi need research paper for a good help in my m.phil degree . x. .x x svdf sdvi need research paper for a good help in my m.phil degree . x.i need research paper for a good help in my m.phil degree . x. .x x svdf sdvi need research paper for a good help in my m.phil degree . x. .x x svdf sdvi need research paper for a good help in my m.phil degree . x. .x x svdf sdvi need research paper for a good help in my m.phil degree . x. .x x svdf sdvi need research paper for a good help in my m.phil degree . x. .x x svdf sdvi need research paper for a good help in my m.phil degree . x. .x x svdf sdvi need research paper for a good help in my...
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...UNIVERSITY OF WEST LONDON UNIVERSITY OF WEST LONDON LONDON SCHOOL OF HOSPITALITY AND TOURISM LONDON SCHOOL OF HOSPITALITY AND TOURISM MODULE TITLE: SALES AND MARKETING FOR TOURISM, HOSPITALITY & LEISURE MODULE CODE TH50040E SUBMITTED TO: ERIC OHALLERAN SUBMITTED BY: RUPANDEEP KAUR STUDENT ID 21093387 Under the marketing research, customers and their needs and wants are main foci because marketing is all about individuals involving in it and is exchange process. It is social phenomenon that creates awareness among the customers about the products and services according to the needs and wants of customers (Kotler, 1995). The main motive of marketing research is to approach large number of customers and this can be achieved by satisfying their needs and wants. Marketing- an exchange process SALES AND PRODUCTS Seller Manufacturer Producer Seller Manufacturer Producer Customer Buyer Consumer Customer Buyer Consumer PAYMENTS Customer is that individual who has ability to buy and consume the goods and services. A customer is someone who gives something valuable to the company in the monetary form in return for something he gets from the company in form of goods (Blythe, 2008). Customers can be of two types; internal as well as external. An internal customer is someone who gets value from the company (Salary, payment etc.) and gives valuable service in return...
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...therefore, for a human service organization there has to be different measures of research. The needs of the community will need to be met and for a human service organization to meet them the target population and the problems happening with the target population is essential to for the organization to become successful. A research method will need to think of to help with arriving at a final solution. One method is the scientific method, and this method can help to satisfy the needs for a human service organization. Scientific method is the basic method, guide, and system by which a person originates, retire, extend, and apply knowledge in many fields. The scientific method is the method that search for the cause and effect relationship in the environment. People will design an experiment in hopes that changes to one particular issue will cause another to vary in a certain action. When suing the scientific method one must identify the problem. A clear understanding of the problem that need to set a plan of action. The second thing one must do is form a hypothesis of what may resolve the problem. Then one must gather the necessary data that will help to prove the prediction to be true or not. Last, analyzing, and deciphering the data will help to show if the prediction is accurate. Those who need this information can progress. Any human service field will require research to determine the needs of their target population. The way the economy has been recently a surplus of...
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...Ads by Google This hub discusses some of the common elements in a research proposal. Whether you are doing quantitative or qualitative research, it is important that you outline the reasons why you propose doing the study and what process or procedures you will follow to complete the proposed study. Some of the important parts of a good quantitative or qualitative research proposal include: 1. Determining the general topic; 2. Performing a Literature review on the topic; 3. Identifying a gap in the literature; 4. Identifying a problem highlighted by the gap in the literature and framing a purpose for the study; 5. Writing an Introduction to the study; 6. Framing research hypotheses and or research questions to investigate or guide the study; 7. Determine the method of investigation 8. Outline the research design 9. Define the Sample size and the characteristics of the proposed sample; 10. Describe the procedures to follow for data collection and data analyses. Determine a General Topic The first step in writing an academic research proposal is to idenitfy a general topic or subject area to investigate. Usually this first point is the easiest because the research proposal will be tied to the overall theme of a course. In such a case, the the general subject for investigation is normally determined by a professor who is leading the class, the school's department chair, or academic advisory committee. Perform a Literature Review ...
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...Animals be used for Scientific Research? Kari Lundquist Composition II Susan Cochran February 11th, 2012 Abstract Animal research is needed for many uses for our scientists. Should animals be used for scientific research? We do need to make sure that their rights are accepted, that they are not in pain for the experiment, and that they are cared for prior and after the research. There are many advantages to why animals should be used for scientific research. The evidence and their rights show that when animals are used for research they are cared for scientifically. While in the same time animals have their own way of showing when they are in pain during a research project. Animal research provides educational research for our scientists and for what is needed to be accomplished. With the knowledge that humans have in today’s century, if they know that the research will cause pain to the animals it should need further approvals in order to move forward with the research project. Keywords: animal rights, animal pain, animal care Should Animals be used for Scientific Research? Today scientific research is always needed for educational purposes such as how to eliminate/reduce killing diseases and to see if the tested research is worth the act of scientists to move forward. Many people agree that using animals to do such research is beneficial to humans and non-humans. The evidence shows that when animals are used for research they are cared for scientifically...
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...Market Research and Product Development By Kevin Ofor Abugu PhD Student – Cardiff Metropolitan University Introduction Organisations invest in new product development to ensure their future success in the market. Nevertheless most of the new products introduce into the market are more likely to fail than succeed (Viaene, 1999). Hoban (2002) posits that only one-third of the new products launched survive. Young (Ibid) states that the rate of new product failure is as high as 90 to 95 percent. The failures of the new products in mobile industry, automobile industry, beverage industry, etc. are few examples. Hence a thorough market research should be employed to precede new product development (Cooper & Klienschmidts, 2000). This elucidates the importance of market research in new product development (NPD). Companies must continuously acquire market information to be able to adapt a new product into the market (Cooper & Klienschmidts, Ibid). Such effort is expected to bring the customers’ need, wants and perception into the new product development process. For example, Cisco introduced a system through which her B2B customers share their ideas, design and order products online. Similarly, IBM introduced a forum through which her customers exchange information concerning the development of a new product. The information gathered through the various means is transmitted to the R&D through the communication with marketing. Marketing research acquires customer information...
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...Marketing Research Paper MKT/421 Marketing Research Paper Kudler Fine Foods is a local upscale food store in San Diego metropolitan area and has three locations in LaJolla, Del Mar, and Encinitas. Kathy Kudler was the founder of Kudler Fine Foods and started the first location in June 1998. Each store is approximately 8,000 square feet and offers products ranging in bakery and pastry products, fresh produce, fresh meat and seafood, condiments and packaged foods, cheese and specialty dairy products, and wine. The company mission is to offer each customer a delightful and pleasing shopping outing. The staff is helpful and knowledgeable and will go to extensive lengths to ensure that Kudler Fine Foods is the purveyor of choice for customers aspiring to purchase the finest delights. Kudler Fine Foods shops around the world to offer fines foods with reasonable budgets for consumers. Kudler Fine Foods will continue to be successful by understanding the importance of market research, identifying areas where additional market research is needed, and analyzing the importance of competitive intelligence and analysis regarding the development of the company’s marketing strategy and tactics. Importance of Marketing Research The importance of marketing research is a process to define a marketing problem and opportunity to resolve the issue. Marketing research systematically collects and analyzes data, and recommends actions to the organization. The purpose for marketers is to help...
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...submitted on July 19, 2015, for Susan Zappia course Business Research Analysis GEB 3124. Starting a business can a time be a very difficult task to undertake since it involves full commitment and researching on the consumer needs. For a business to succeed, it should have taken into consideration the market needs of individuals. A business research is a vital requirement that should never be left out when considering a business project. The success of a business is mostly determined by the depth or research you conducted before establishing the business. When a business research is shallow, it is expected that the business will fail in the long run if different strategic measures are not used to keep it in the market. There are several types of research that should be undertaken for a business project to be successful. First, conducting a field research is crucial to in enabling the investors establish the needs of the community. This type of research will be a success if done in collaboration with the cultural anthropologist. These anthropologists will help you in identifying the needs of people in that community. Additionally, the field research can be achieved by taking a step of interacting with the consumers of your target market. It would be a challenging task to innovate a product for the consumers without first identifying what they require. Similarly, you can engage third party who understands the needs of people in the society. With the assistance of a third part...
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...1 Kolb-01.indd 1 Introduction to Uses and Methods of Marketing Research 2/7/2008 6:10:15 PM Kolb-01.indd 2 2/7/2008 6:10:16 PM 1 1 2 3 4 5 Introduction to Marketing Research Learning Objectives Recognize that research is an integral component of marketing strategy Define marketing research Describe the development of marketing research as a profession Explain how marketing research is incorporated into the marketing plan Discuss the importance of conducting ethical research WHAT MOTIVATES YOUNG PEOPLE TO BUY? AUTOMAKERS NEED TO KNOW! Surprisingly 6 per cent of all US car sales are made to people 16 to 24 years old. Because this is a sizeable target market segment, automobile companies have spent millions on design and advertising trying to win this segment’s brand loyalty. However, the distinctive stylish designs created for the Pontiac Aztek, Chrysler PT Cruiser and Toyota Echo failed to interest young potential auto buyers. Why did the cars fail to attract buyers? CNW Marketing Research studied young auto buyers to learn what really motivates them to purchase. They found that the average price of autos purchased by this group was only $15,000. The research found that young people were interested in style, but first wanted low price, good value and long warranties. Was the research correct? The South Korean company Hyundai Motors produced two cars that offered these benefits. When the automaker introduced the Accent (priced at $10,000) and the Elantra...
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...It produce very affordable products to suit the market. It currently has a work force of 35, producing for both the local market and international market. It has trucks and van used for deliveries to the major wholesalers in town. Reasons for Conducting Marketing Research for ATQ Cosmetics There is the need for market research to be conducted by every business and this should not be a onetime activity. Most businesses that do succeed conduct research on continual basis to know the market trends and to maintain a competitive edge. This is necessary regardless of whether the business is now starting or an existing business. This enables the business to understand its target market. Firstly the research is being conducted to know the people using the products. This will enable the company know the demographic characteristics of the people using the product. If the products are used mainly by children or within a certain age bracket, this will enable the company to better strategies for the market. It will also help to know the location of the buyers to know whether to provide delivery channels. The educational level of the customers will also help to know the kind of advertisement to go into. Secondly the research will help understand the existing customers. The questions to be answered at this level will include: what they value, is it service, product quality or the prestige associated with the products. What...
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...Development Planning For Postgraduate Research Students Postgraduate Personal Development Planning 1 INTRODUCTION Personal Development Planning (PDP) is a process already present in most PhD supervision and study practices. PDP is ‘a structured and supported process undertaken by an individual to reflect upon their own learning, performance and/or achievement and to plan for their personal, educational and career development’ (QAA 2001). This handbook provides guidelines for Postgraduate Research students at Queen’s on what PDP involves and to help you to get the most out of the process. Please note that there may be slight variations or specific requirements for you in your School or subject area. Key features of PDP: • PDP is an ongoing process, not a single document, nor is it carried out at a single point in time. • It provides you with the opportunity to plan, reflect on and record your progress, development and achievements. • PDP formalises good practice in working for and supervising a research degree. • PDP is a structured and supported process. The structure and support is provided by: - The Skills Analysis Questionnaire - The Postgraduate Skills Training Programme (PSTP) - Records of meetings with your supervisor(s) - Training plans - Formal reviews – 3 month, differentiation, and annual monitoring - Records and evidence of your achievement - Your evaluation and reflection of your progress, achievements and skills - Your research diary or log book or project management...
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