Premium Essay

Negative Stereotypes Of Butonese Women

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Words 273
Pages 2
During my fieldwork, I often heard negative stereotypes about Kailolo men specifically come from Butonese women traders. Through their daily interactions, many women said “katong ini sudah hapal karakter orang Kailolo” (We already recognized the character of Kailolo people). Unlike people from different clan in the same island (Pelaw, Rohmony and Kabaw), people from Kailolo are rude and like to fight. One Butonese woman trader told me, “Once the Kailolo man becoming rich, his hobby is kawin lagi (married more than one woman). Another Butonese woman trader state her racist stereotypical “Kailolo is different from people of Pelaw who are more halus (refined) and have a lighter skin. The Pelaw tend to prioritize to pursue higher education and

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