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First Adequate Period: The First Intermediate Period

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It is difficult to truly understand the First Intermediate Period because only a few findings are known. Little is known about this period, yet the discoveries that are acknowledged indicate a turbulent era with struggle and conflict everywhere. Although this period had a thriving culture among the poorer levels of society, especially in provincial areas, it was a time where noble shrined were set aside in order to deal with internal troubles the plagued the state. From the end of the Old Kingdom to the beginnings of the Middle kingdom, there were no royal monuments made by the Egyptians, the First Intermediate Period was a glaring gap in the traditions monument making and it clearly suggests that the social system had become fractured, both …show more content…
Although there is no information on their origins, they originate from Naga-ed-Deir, due to their style and their palaeographic and epigraphic characteristics, which resemble Naga-ed-Deir stelae (Hassan 2006, 295). The second stelae are a fragment of an unknown man is made of limestone (Hassan 2006, 300). It has been broken into several fragments, which were later restored, but unfortunately, the left side is lost (Hassan 2006, 300). The remains of the stela measure 53 cm. by 29 cm. There are remains of two horizontal lines of a hieroglyphic inscription at the top (Hassan 2006, 300). On the right side, there is a scene showing the owner of the stela and his wife in standing posture (Hassan 2006, 300). He holds the fingers of the left hand of his wife in the palm of his right hand, while in his left hand he holds a staff (Hassan 2006, 300). This fragment of stela of an unknown man in the Cairo Museum represents one of the clearest examples of the, Polychrome Stelae', which date to the First Intermediate Period (Hassan 2006, 302). The, Polychrome Group Stelae' comprise the largest group of Naga-ed-Deir and contain at least twenty-six stelae including fragmentary stelae (Hassan 2006, 302). Most of the stelae are greater in height than they are in width, and generally, the reliefs and inscriptions are carefully carved (Hassan 2006,

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