Premium Essay

Personal Narrative: Hulu's Life

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Pages 2
Life is a box of chocolates, not all good things last but appreciate them while it lasts. Like for me, my fame is slowly but surely fading away from me. This is all because of Hulu. We used to be buds, but that was before I became famous, I had all of the popular shows, Family Guy, Ozark, and much more. Hulu also became popular over time like me, probably learned it from me too while other shows like BlockBuster slowing being forgotten! Recently Hulu’s popularity has been going up! Even so, I blame her for stealing my fans! I mean it’s not my fault I don’t have some of Hulu’s shows. I should have seen this coming, Hulu betraying me. Even with all of the fame over the past years I recently been dying. Hulu must have …show more content…
“Why didn’t you help me when I needed help?” said BlockBuster.
“I’m sorry I was just… busy.” I replied.
“Well I can’t help you since I’m not popular anymore because of someone.” said BlockBuster

I tried Crunchyroll next for help.
“Crunch?” I said.
“Yea Flix?” said CrunchyRoll,
“I’m in trouble,” I replied.
“I’m not going to help someone who made me out of business,” said Crunch.
“I mean it’s not my fault that you have to watch 3 ads per video,” I said furious.

Nothing was working.
I think it’s finally time for the Netflix era too be over and Hulu era starts. (1 MONTH LATER)

You’re probably wondering what happened to poor old Hulu or Netflix? I’ll tell you what happened. I’ve been thinking and thinking for a way for me too become popular again while Hulu is enjoying the fame. Then it hit me, I should have a hit show only on Netflix! Even so what show do I need to add, an original show, or maybe a show someone’s willing add for Netflix. I’ve been searching and searching for a spectacular t.v. show that people can only watch on Netflix. Suddenly I got a email saying that, a t.v. show named Stranger Things, says they can be only and Netflix and not on Hulu. I was a little hesitant for a bit but I decided to give it a try! It couldn’t have been any better, people all hearing about the hit show Stranger Things only on Netflix. I’ve become a hit again! Stranger

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